CLCL is a clipboard caching utility that supports all clipboard formats, including bitmaps. It comes with a built-in viewer for examining clipboard contents and additional features via plugins, a number of which can be downloaded from the website.


Great news! I thought that this great tiny clipboard manager had been abandoned for good. I could not find any change log but the major change seems to be that now CLCL supports Unicode natively (no need for Unicode plug-in).

Clcl Clipboard Download


This is the best freeware clipboard and this is cause it grabs some non stadard file formats and not only text or bitmaps. (this is way more some shareware do).

A little complex to use, but surely anyone can handle it.

So my work requires me to copy and paste from several sources and a clipboard manager would be a godsend to me, but I'm worried that the clipboard manager may be sending sensitive information to some place -- are any of the clipboard managers out there safe to use?

CLCL is clipboard caching utility. All clipboard formats are supported. Template can be registered. Pop-up menu is displayed by 'Alt+C'. Menu can be customized. Items are pasted automatically. Picture is displayed on a menu. Tool tip is displayed on a menu. The format to leave and the format to save can be set up. The ignored window can be set up. The paste key for every window can be set up. Function is extensible with plug-in.

Left-clicking the program's system tray icon displays a menu of your most recent clipboard items. Text is displayed in its original form, images have a tiny thumbnail included in the menu to help you recognise them, and clicking any item copies it to the current clipboard for use elsewhere.

I've read that most people only stay focused on a task for an average of six minutes while using a PC. Personally, I get distracted even more than that! And this is especially true whenever I'm cutting and pasting things from the web. Often times I copy a graphic into the clipboard, get distracted for awhile, and then overwrite the clipboard with something else. Fortunately, I've managed to find a solution to this dilemma.

CLCL is a clipboard manager, or more aptly put: a clipboard extender. It keeps a history of the most recent items copied into the Windows clipboard, and makes it easy to review the items for later use.

Last month when Microsoft released Windows 10, users found many new features in this new version of Windows. These were the features like virtual desktops for which Windows users had to depend on third party tools in the older versions of Windows. But as far as clipboard contents are concerned, we still have to use some of the third party clipboard managers. We have posted about such clipboard manager apps like Ditto before on TrishTech. CLCL is also a similar software that packs all the essential clipboard manager features in a small portable program.

In the settings for the CLCL, you can choose the maximum number of clipboard items to keep in the history, whether history should be saved when you exit the program, whether to avoid duplicate history etc. You can also assign hotkeys and notification area menu settings from here.

CLCL is a tiny clipboard manager for Windows and does its job very well. It can be used to maintain a history of your clipboard items, copy them back and forth to the clipboard, delete the history items if not needed and more.

The only improvement since then, sadly, is in the PC specifications. Three years later, we're stuck with the same old single-item clipboard model. The clipboard isn't some obscure operating system feature, either. People use it all the time. There's actually hard data to back this up, at least for Word 2003:

Granted, we're talking about a word processing program here, but we live in a copypasta culture. I find that even when I'm not writing, per se, I rely on my clipboard throughout the day. The clipboard is so important that Walter Mossberg specifically mentioned it as a negative in his iPhone review:

This is on a phone, mind you. I'm totally with Walt on this one; it applies to all smartphones. I was surprised how quickly I ran into situations where I wanted to copy and paste something on my Windows Mobile phone, but I couldn't figure out how to. It's not a crippling limitation, but it does illustrate how fundamental the clipboard is, even for the smallest of computers.

It always seemed strange to me that applications had to implement their own oddball per-app clipboard queues to spackle over deficiencies in the operating system's braindead "I can only remember one thing at a time" clipboard implementation. We've long since left the days of applications writing their own quirky little file open dialog behind, but it's somehow OK to implement your own wacky clipboard behaviors in Visual Studio, or Office?

If, like me, you'd prefer operating system level improvements in the clipboard, there are quite a few options out there. I've been quite happy with ClipX. After installing this lightweight little app, instead of pressing

Your clipboard history is dynamically saved to disk and will survive a reboot, so you can begin to rely on your clipboard as a sort of quick and dirty digital scrapbook. Isn't that how it should have been all along?

I've become terribly reliant on this improved clipboard behavior, so I always install ClipX on any machine I'm working on. It has some additional default clipboard functions that I've also found quite useful:

It's a mystery to me why none of the major operating systems have bothered improving the clipboard. It seems entirely possible to add these enhancements without breaking the simple clipboard paradigms that have been around since the days of Xerox PARC.

ArsClip is a very effective clipboard manager and will give users access to all of the features necessary to be as efficient as possible at their specific tasks which require the use of a clipoard manager.

Like Ditto, ArsClip can handle any type of clip copied to the clipboard as well as files from within Windows Explorer. The options menu of ArsClip allows users to customize every aspect of the program from the hotkeys that activate pasting to the clipboard, to the sound played when a clip is copied and the enabling/disabling of clipboard monitoring as well as allowing the triggering of the popup menu by right clicking.

Ditto handles any type of clip you throw at it and is compatible with files from within Windows Explorer. Ditto offers a variety of options for choosing keyboard shortcuts for pasting clips into the required body of text. There is a shortcut that can be assigned with a desired combination, which most users will probably use, that brings up a popup menu and allows users to manually select which clip they want to paste. Alternatively, Ditto allows for the assignment of shortcuts which allow for the last ten copied clips to be pasted quickly. Perhaps one of the most interesting and potentially useful features is the ability to sync a single clipboard across several computers. An example where I am sure this would come in handy is in the coding of programs. A team working on an application could easily share important code snippets using this function. Ditto allows users to assign clips to groups as well as to edit them. The text editor included is quite advanced and has several features that you would expect to find in a standalone word processor. Users can change font type, font size, color of text and carry out various levels of formatting on text clips such as aligning text to various positions on the screen, adding bullets, indentation as well as the well known bold, italic and underlining options.

Upon review of all the features and functionality offered by Ditto it is an effective clipboard manager offering users from basic to advanced function and should prove quite useful for a large selection of users.

There are 2 application files which come with the CLCL archive file. One file contains options for setting up the program and the other is the actual program. The set up file contains options such as the number of items to save to the history and the ability to set the default copy and paste keys. The main window displays the history of items copied, templates as well as the current item saved to the default Windows clipboard. CLCL handles copied text and images easily and also has the powerful feature of being able to manage files within Windows Explorer. CLCL also allows for the installations of plugins which would bring added functionality to an already capable program.

Clipboard Help and Spell possesses a wide variety of features which aim to cover all aspects of clipboard management and will prove an asset to anyone in need of such a program in order to improve their efficiency.

For the average user of a clipboard manager Clipboard Help and Spell will get the job done easily as many persons may not seek out the Windows explorer functionality present in the other offerings and in the final analysis this excellently laid out program should undoubtedly save users lots of time.

CLCL is a free and lightweight clipboard caching utility for Windows PC that allows users to store and manage multiple items in the clipboard. It offers a range of features, including the ability to save frequently used items for quick access, edit clipboard contents, and synchronize clipboard contents across multiple computers. 2351a5e196

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