Google Classroom 

Google Classroom is a streamlined way to manage your classroom, engage your students and promote communication. It's a platform for teachers and students to collaborate. Organize virtual classrooms and take advantage of this powerful tool.

A teacher grades assignments from home on her laptop computer
A teacher supervises her students use of devices in the class

Drive engagement by sharing in Google Classroom

Classroom is a hub for everything students might need to access in order to succeed. When information is shared freely in one central location, students have a clear idea of requirements and expectation. Here are some of the common items you might share in Google Classroom:

Teachers around the world are using Google Classroom

Classroom is designed to save everyone time. The intuitive interface is designed to allows teachers to create a class in minutes. Moreover, the efficiencies built into this tool foster learning in the modern school environment. Google Classroom supports live updates, promotes a paperless environment and provides easy access via an intuitive interface.

An example of a Google Classroom roster, including teachers and students from the People tab

4 simple steps to creating a brand new classroom

Tips & tricks from teachers

How to get your students become familiar with your online classroom

One teacher had the creative idea of starting the semester with a scavenger hunt, encouraging students to find course documents and completing a basic assignment.

Take full advantage of announcements

Select the stream section and review how to make announcements. These can be selectively posts to some or all students. You can attach Google Drive files, Google Vids, upload docs, add links and embed YouTube videos. When going to post, decide if you want to post immediately, schedule a future post or save a draft.

Analytics data for teachers based on student performance and enhanced with AI
Grades panel and a dashboard for homework and quizzes.

All about managing your assignments in classwork

Google Classroom login

Classroom is designed to save everyone time. The intuitive interface is designed to allows teachers to create a class in minutes. Moreover, the efficiencies built into this tool foster learning in the modern school environment. 

Creating assignments that are imported into Google Classroom

Read about new and upcoming features for 2025

Google Classroom by role


Review and submit homework

Get teacher input on grades

Share your thoughts and interact on the class stream.


Use Google Meet to start video meetings or give real-time guidance.

Engage students in discussion

Set up guardians who receive email digest reports

Parents & Guardians

Parents can see an email summary to stay informed about progress in Google Classroom.

Read announcements and make sure assignments are completed even when absent.


Ensure classroom data is protected

Make your own class rosters

Get Google Workspace Edu support or work with certified trainers


What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is a service that allows you to share files, create assignments, grade assignments and communicate with your students. It's among the best LMS tools available for teachers and students. Google Classroom allows teachers to create classes, distribute assignments, send feedback and find everything via web based software as a service.

What can I do with this app?

Tips and tricks to use it with your teaching

View more suggestions

Official Google Classroom news and announcements

New features, development notes on the updates blog

Do I need a Google Workspace for Edu account?

The school or district will need to enable this app to work with domain accounts.

What advice is there for remote learning, home school and online learning with Google Classroom?

Remote and online learning. Even if your students are usually physically in the school, those who are out sick or on vacation can access all the same assignments.

How much does Google Classroom cost?

Is Google Classroom free? It's free with every Google account. However the free version lacks many wonderful enhancements. For more advanced features, Google sells licenses per student in three Classroom editions. For more information and a tier comparison, refer to Google for Education pricing.

What are the dimensions to design a custom class banner for the header?

Create a new banner header, Canva for templates and size, dimensions 1920 x 480 PNG (4:1)

How do you share a classroom with not only students, but parents, other teachers or administrators?

What types of information are shared with guardians?

What are your options for the front end stream?

There are three streaming options for students posting and commenting

Best ways to use the announcements feature

Making announcements why use it, features of them, who can see, 

What do parents think about it?

There has been a lot of positive feedback from the parent community over the years. Some appreciate being able to see the classwork, homework and grades of their student online. Overall the platform makes it easier for parents and students to work together. Parents can point out areas for improvement or opportunities for engagement. At the very least, knowledgeable parents can prompt their kids to double check their class tasks on the site.

What are the differences between editions of Google Classroom?

Extra features

How do students login?

The student login is actually the same as for teachers. First, go to and then navigate to the teacher's class. Only classes the student has been invited or have already joined will be displayed here.

I have the class code, so why can't I join the class?

There are two reasons why you might not be able to join a class despite having a code. First, make sure you are logged out of all other personal Google accounts. Multiple accounts can create issues to access to Google Classroom. Second, verify with the teacher that the classroom code has not been changed or updated. If you received a expired code then you won't be correctly connected to the class.

Does Google provide a mobile app for Classroom?

Yes! Download from the Google Play Store or a version is available for iOS. The app is responsive and works great on all form factors and devices, including iPad. Keep in mind that not all functions are available in the app version of Google Classroom, so you'll need to actually manage a lot via a desktop computer for a full workflow management system.

How do I archive a class?

Select "Archive" from the three dot menu for your classroom in the classes dashboard. This makes your class unavailable and inactive. Please note, archiving a class causes it to be archived for all participants. Archived classes can't be modified by teachers or students unless they are restored (done via "Archived Classes" menu option ). And class files will still be available in Google Drive.

How can I remove a class as a student?

Ask the class creator teacher to remove you from the class. If the class has been archived already, request that it be deleted. Only teachers and admins can delete classes. You can also hide classes from the front page.

Can I delete a class?

Yes. Here's how to delete a class. First you need to archive the class. In archived classes, each class has a menu with move, copy, restore and delete options. Select delete. Then you will no longer have access to any posts or comments that have been added to this class. Class files will remain in Google Drive. And you can't undo this action. Confirm your deletion there.

How to make a copy of a Google Drive file in an assignment for every student?

First select your assignment and view attachments. There you will see a dropdown menu which defaults as "students can view file." You can change this to "make a copy for each student." Here's a quick explanation of the options.

After you choose an option and save your assignment you can't change this setting. You'll have to recreate the assignment.

Why do teachers love Google Classroom?

Here are the top reasons teachers appreciate Google Classroom:

Why is Google Classroom good for students? Is it user-friendly for kids?

How do I enable AI features?

AI features for Google Classroom are currently only available for districts who have signed up for the AI pilot program with Google Gemini AI.

How much storage does Google Classroom have?

Google Classroom generally uses pooled storage space from Google Workspace for Education, which is 100 TB for all users and accounts. Teachers can manage their classroom storage via Google Drive. Attachments such as documents, videos and images made in Google Classroom count from the teacher's personal account storage. Therefore, if you want to clean up space or get more storage, consider doing so from your Google Drive because even archived and deleted classes back up to it. If storage space is full, then errors can occur when posting assignments, attachments, comments to the stream and more. If you can't upload or save Google Classroom, this may be the reason.