Classical Indian Philosophy


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Classical Indian Philosophy   from

AND ...

MY Introduction to Philosophy in India - 62 videos – Indexed from HPI 01 to HPI 62


Episodes 1 - 17: Origins

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1. Begin at the End: Introduction to Indian Philosophy

2. Sages, Schools and Systems: a Historical Overview

3. Kingdom for a Horse: India in the Vedic Period

4. Hide and Seek: The Upanisads

5. Do it Yourself: Indra’s Search for the Self in the Upaniṣads

6. You Are What You Do: Karma

7. Brian Black on the Upanisads


8. Case Worker: Panini's Grammar

9. Suffering and Smiling: the Buddha

10. Crossover Appeal: The Nature of the Buddha’s Teaching

11. Carry a Big Stick: Ancient Indian Political Thought

12. Rupert Gethin on Buddhism and the Self


13. Grand Illusion: Dharma and Deception in the Mahabharata

14. World on a String: The Bhagavad-Gita

15. Mostly Harmless: Non-Violence

16. Better Half: Women in Ancient India

17. Jessica Frazier on Hinduism and Philosophy


Episodes 18 - 42: Age of the Sutra

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18. A Tangled Web: the Age of the Sutra

19. When in Doubt: the Rise of Skepticism

20. Master of Ceremonies: Jaimini’s Mimamsa-Sutra

21. Innocent Until Proven Guilty: Mimamsa on Knowledge and Language

22. Elisa Freschi on Mimamsa


23. Source Code: Badarayana’s Vedanta-Sutra

24. No Two Ways About It: Śaṅkara and Advaita Vedānta

25. Communication Breakdown: Bhartrihari on Language

26. Francis Clooney on Vedanta


27. The Theory of Evolution: Īśvarakṛṣṇa’s Sāṃkhya-kārikā

28. Who Wants to Live Forever? Early Ayurvedic Medicine

29. Practice Makes Perfect: Patañjali’s Yoga-Sūtra

30. Philipp Maas on Yoga


31. Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire: Gautama’s Nyāya-Sūtra

32. What You See Is What You Get: Nyāya on Perception

33. Standard Deductions: Nyāya on Reasoning

34. The Truth Shall Set You Free: Nyāya on the Mind

35. Ujjwala Jha and V.N. Jha on Nyāya


36. Fine Grained Analysis: Kaṇāda’s Vaiśeṣika-sūtra

37. The Whole Story: Vaiśeṣika on Complexity and Causation

38. A Day in the Life: Theories of Time

39. The Wolf’s Footprint: Indian Naturalism

40. Mind out of Matter: Materialist Theories of the Self

41. Monima Chadha on Indian Philosophy of Mind

42. In Good Taste: The Aesthetics of Rasa

Episodes 43 - 62: Buddhists and Jains

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43. We Beg to Differ: the Buddhists and Jains

44. It All Depends: Nagarjuna on Emptiness

45. Motion Denied: Nāgārjuna on Change

46. No Four Ways About It: Nāgārjuna’s Tetralemma

47. Jan Westerhoff on Nāgārjuna


48. Taking Perspective: the Jain Theory of Standpoints

49. Well Qualified: the Jains on Truth

50. Marie-Hélène Gorisse on Jain Epistemology

51. Change of Mind: Vasubandhu and Yogācāra Buddhism

52. Under Construction: Dignāga on Perception and Language

53. Follow the Evidence: Dignāga's Logic

54. Graham Priest on Logic and Buddhism


55. Doors of Perception: Dignāga on Consciousness

56. Who’s Pulling Your Strings? Buddhaghosa

57. Learn by Doing: Tantra

58. Amber Carpenter on Animals in Indian Philosophy


59. Looking East: Indian Influence on Greek Thought

60. The Buddha and I: Indian Influence on Islamic and European Thought

61. What Happened Next: Indian Philosophy After Dignaga

62. Kit Patrick on Philosophy and Indian History

