5th Grade

With: Mr. Martino, Mrs. Al Qadi, Ms. Knobel, Mr. Hawkins, and Mr. Martin

Welcome the 5th Grade page for the 2020/2021 school year. This page has been created to provide easy access for any classwork, news/updates, community/learning resources, and more for you and your students.

Scroll down to find links to important pages on this site.

weekly Assignments:

Use this calendar to see your students assignments in all four of their courses. This is the same schedule that your students will see through their Google Classroom.

virtual Schedule

We can't wait to learn with your scholar! Students use Zoom to attend these courses using the link in their Google Classrooms. They can use the same link for all classes!

webPage Links

Find any news/updates for schools and the state here.

Find information for your students classes including: office hours and links to google classroom and collaborate.
Find all classwork created for 6th Grade Social Studies here. Past and Present.
Find updates and announcements specific to 6th Grade classes.

Online Learning Support

Click Here for support in online learning for your students.

Laptop FAQ for Students and Families

Click Here for information on getting and using a city schools laptop.

If you have any questions or comments, you can find my contact information here.