Nam Ngo Thanh is a 5th grade teacher at Vietnam Australia International School at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He loves working with his students and is inspired by them every day. He is passionate about technology and enjoys helping teachers incorporate technology into their classrooms. You can follow him on Twitter at @mrnamvas.

I have been using Dojo in my classroom for two years and absolutely adore it! Dojo is a free (!) online tool that allows teachers to set up classes and keep track of positive and negative behaviors in class. When I first learned about Dojo, I was not sure if it my students would find it too babyish or silly. I had nothing to worry about- middle school students LOVE Dojo!!

Class Dojo Student Download


Class Dojo is easy to set-up and use (which is always a plus). Simply create an account using your school email and you are ready to go. Once you are into Dojo, you can choose icons for each class and begin setting up your classes. The program automatically assigns fun avatars for each student, but you can change them. Next, you can use the pre-set positive and negative behaviors or personalize them. Very quick and easy!

After attendance and the initial awarding of points, I take over the Dojo duties. I can keep Dojo minimized and continue on with my lesson for the day. Keeping it minimized gives me instant access if I need to award or take away a point.

I also have consequences for those who end up with negative points at the end of the week. These students have to sign the discipline log. Signing the discipline log multiple times leads to parental phones calls/conferences and eventually referrals to administration. At the end of the month, students have not signed the discipline log get to attend the pod party in which our entire pod goes outside and plays for a couple of hours.

ClassDojo is another great tool to add to your toolbox to help manage behavior. It has helped me to recognize positive behaviors instead of always focusing on the negative ones. I have also found that it encourages teamwork and self-regulation among my students.

Please share with Amanda that she should probably switch to Chrome from IE. At the very least she should shrink the immensity of her task bar. Somewhere between 20 and 25% of her SmartBoard is Internet Explorer taskbar.

When I taught in classroom, I loved using Class Dojo! It is a completely free classroom management system that can be used with an interactive whiteboard and/or the app on a tablet or phone. Class Dojo was designed for classroom teachers to track points for individual students. I set up my classes as individual students and awarded points to the class as a whole.

I leave my iPad sitting on the piano so I can give feedback (positive or negative) as the lesson progresses. At the end of the month, I run my report and reset the points. I can use the report to know which of my students are not progressing and/or do not meet their practice goal on a regular basis. It has been a huge motivator for my students because they like to compete with one another. I love Class Dojo! It is a great FREE management tool! Check it out and let me know what you think! Musically,

LOVE ClassDojo! I use it for my most difficult classes, helps keep track of their many negative behaviors, so that I can look for patterns or have back up for conferences with parents. I am considering putting ALL my students in next year I love it so much! Also, if homeroom teacher uses it, he/she can grant you access to their class so you can award point, great tool for supporting each other!

Ah. Classroom management tracker. Usually by the time students arrive in high school buildings, it is the understanding that students should know how to behave in a classroom. Teachers are no longer concerned the teaching of good, positive behaviors as elementary or middle school teachers may be.

I have been using ClassDojo for three years. My first teaching position was in a 6-12 building. I taught 7th, 10th, and 12th grade English that year. Teaching students with a wide range of skills, I needed a tool to keep track of how students were participating and behaving in my classroom. ClassDojo was the game changer for this need.

This year I went cold turkey, as I moved to a new teaching position in a new district. I did not use ClassDojo for the first quarter. I was a little discouraged over the summer when I logged on and switched schools on my profile because no other teacher had a profile. I had also been noticing a negative outlook on classroom management apps in my PLN in articles and podcasts. Discouraged and unsure of what to do for keeping track of participation for discussions, it was back to the drawing board.

I burned through legal pads by feverishly taking notes about the different contributions students were making when talking about Of Mice and Men. When assessing discussions, I had to sift through my chicken scratch to figure out what was said when, which turned out to be WAY more time consuming than I had anticipated.

I would love to use this with my high school students, but I wish we had another more mature option for the monsters. I feel the interface is too primary school. I appreciate the way you are using it with high school students.

This is extremely informative. Thank you for this post. I love how you have broken it down to make it easy for the readers to take these best practices and put it into their day-to-day life right away!

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I always do my daily high scorer gets to pick form the treasure chest! Then I used the data features to track and make sure everyone got a chance at experiencing that! I heart Class Dojo and love what you have done with it to make it more meaningful for your kids!

How did you award the points? Did the students give themselves the points and Dojo was on the smartboard all day or did you do the points yourself? Trying to work the bugs out as to how to give points. I'm desperately trying to get away from my clip chart. I use Dojo when I'm out of the room and I record +/- on my iPad and transfer it to my clip chart. I'm just wondering how others award the points as to not disrupt class too very much but allow the students the joy of giving themselves points. Thanks!!!

I have just started using Class Dojo and was wanting to make it work with a class economy. I am loving how you make it work for your class, but I have a question about your 500 points class movie reward. Do the 500 points come from one student or can multiple students chip in on this rewards?

Can you tell me how the students know how many points to record each day? If I remember correctly Class Dojo displays the total cumulative number of points for each student. To get a daily report you would have to go into a separate report for each child. Please share if there is an easier way as I would really like my students to keep a daily record. Thank you for your help =)

I used this exactly the same with my students! How do you get the dojo points to disappear once they spend their points? Do you individually delete out 75 points? Or did you figure out a way to keep track of it? That is what I struggle with most on Dojo.

I am not one to write a whole bunch of referrals because I like to solve my own problems unless it is absolutely necessary to involve other people. These 2 students were really challenging me with my consequences, so I decided that I had to come up with a plan that was tailored for them. Both of the students were being difficult, however one of students was going to require a behavior contract and parental involvement and the other student needed to be redirected. I already had things for my positive behaviors such as, following directions, good ancillary behavior, and quietly in line but these were not working for these 2 students. The week before all of this madness began to unfold, I had a conference with my principal to set my professional goals for the year and one of my goals was to create a positive environment by implementing character education lessons. I had already begun the character education lessons with my class on kindness, honest, and responsibility. So after the lesson on responsibility I added making good choices to my positive behaviors. The students were excited about this because they could earn 2 points if they made a good choice. On the flip side the 2 students that I was targeting hated this new behavior when I used it with them, because they now had to be accountable for their actions in front of the entire class. I must admit the first couple of weeks after implementing this

I work at a Title 1 school and behavior management is a constant barrier that I have to overcome each year because every year each class is different. This year Class Dojo has really helped not just with management but with staying in contact with parents because I tell all of my parents to download load the app so they can see what kinds of behaviors the students are exhibiting at school. If you are looking for a classroom management tool for next school give Class Dojo a try!

Does anyone use Class Dojo? I know we have several teachers that use the app, but I was wondering if any school nurses had set this up for their school, and how it was received for nursing? ? Is there a nursing app one that people use?

I use dojo and it is very helpful. All of our teachers have dojo accounts. They set up their classroom (meaning they add the students and invite the parents to join) and then they "share" the classroom with me and the principals so we can message the parents as well. The teachers send a lot of info via dojo messages so parents are usually quick to open them. Other than the initial set up of an account for me to get started, there is no work for me. I use it when I haven't been able to reach a parent for pick-up or when I just need to get a non-urgent message to them. What is really nice is that dojo shows you that the message has been read and what time - no more "sorry I didn't get the message". Also, my student population has a lot of parents who do not speak english. So I can message them in dojo and it will translate into their primary language. They can then respond in their language and dojo can translate it into english for me. I would definitely recommend it. 152ee80cbc

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