Clash Royale Hack Chests

The different types of chests in clash royale

Your arena level will influence the type of cards you can get in the Clash Royale Chests. The more trophies you have, the more different chests you will unlock!

You can only have four different chests in your queue. Besides, you can only unlock one chest at a time with varying waiting times.

The scarcity of a chest will play on the number of cards you can earn but also on the time it takes to open it.

Clash Royale Hack Chests Link:

Clash Royale Hack Chests Link:

Understanding the chests cycle in clash royale

  1. The cycle for chests obtained in combat 1vs1. You have to picture that on the next 240 chests you will win, you will get 180 silver chests, 52 gold chests as well as 4 giant chests and 4 magic chests. It takes on average a month and a half to obtain the 240 chests without using gems.

  2. The cycle for chests obtained in the quests. In order to unlock these chests, you must obtain a certain number of points by completing various challenges such as giving away cards to your clan mates or winning with an electro wizard deck! Once you have obtained the required points, you unlock the chest and move on to the next one. Each rotation includes 12 chests (5 gold, 2 magical, 2 giant, 1 mega lightning and 1 legendary).

  3. Special chest cycle. This rotation starts when you reach the 400 trophies with the mega lightning chests: you will get 1 every 500 chests! From 1,100 trophies, you get an epic chest and above 2,000 trophies a legendary chest. So if you have followed among the 500 unlocked chests you will get a mega lightning chest, an epic chest and a legendary chest above 2K trophies!

If you already have 4 chests waiting to be unlocked, you can’t win new ones. Your cycle is then blocked: you won’t move on to the next chest by winning a fight.

You can consult the chests that you are going to unlock by going to statsroyale with your player tag!

Other practical information on clash royale chests

In general, it is better to unlock silver chests during the day and other chests at night while you sleep! However, if you buy a Royal Pass you can now put a second safe on hold. This function is useful if you take long breaks!

If you want to speed up the opening of your chests in clash royale, you can use 1 gem to gain 10 minutes of waiting time.

You can farm a free chest every 4 hours in the clash royale quests section.

World tournaments allow you to unlock several chests (depending on your number of wins) by paying 500 gems. You can wait until the end of the tournament to unlock the chests: you don’t have to reach 5 defeats!

You can buy royal chests in the shop for gems at any time (250 for a lightning chest, 750 for a fortune chest and 2,500 for a legendary king’s chest) but special offers are often better!