On a whim, I decided to bring my much-loved Dwarf army. Their Orc opponents were kitted out as an army of Isengard from the Third Age, so our clash would not be strictly canonical, but quite suitable for a game of toy soldiers with a nod to Tolkien.

Weapons clashed up and down the line; Dwarf Lord Drifir took down a goblin captain with a single blow of his hammer; and the Orcs on the flanks started to draw in, finally responding to the whips of their masters.

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Well sure, but this portrayal just demonizes those who don't conform to the dominant neurological standard.

Seriously though, you should (if you haven't already) check out Harn's Gargun, a version of orcs that I wish I'd thought of myself.

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans takes players back to the original battle for Azeroth, challenging players to pick a side and raise an army of humans or orcs capable of bringing ruin to their enemies. Warcraft II and its expansion take the battle to the high seas with a host of naval units, and introduces more of the races that make up the Alliance and the Horde, bolstering the human and orc forces with elves, trolls, dwarves, and more.

The great war of the orcs is beginning! The different orc nations send their forces to the battlefield to conquer other orc nations' lands. The only rule of the battle is the one who loses his/her castle, loses the battle. You can play the game with anyone around the world online. You can upgrade your soldiers' features by the coins you earn from the battlefields and you can fight against more powerful opponents.

Clash of Warlord Orcs is a fun battle game in which you have to save up enough energy to send out the right units and cast the right spells. Your objective is to destroy your enemy's towers before each timed round is over. You can try to destroy all three towers, but you'll already have won each battle if you simply cause more destruction than your opponent does. Defend your own towers with your orcs and imps, and send them across the bridge into enemy territory. Try to get your orcs to move in close enough to attack the towers, and back up your orc offensive with long-range magic spells.

If we're talking about an open field engagement (no fortifications for either side), I'd think the best thing to try against an opponent that significantly outweighs your basic trooper, would be to harass them with horse archers, hoping their mobility would keep your own casualties low, trying to lure the enemy into charging a grounded pike formation, backed by archers. Then try to sweep the field with heavy cavalry to give your infantry a chance to regroup. Your basic footmen would have side swords to back their main weapon (pikes or bows). Shields and heavy armor probably would hurt your forces a bit, depending on how nimble the orcs were. (I think against such a large opponent, you would want your forces to have a significant mobility advantage). Basically, this is a fighting withdrawal -- frustrate the enemy, encouraging them to expend energy to engage you, while your forces keep backing away, engage only when absolutely necessary using your cavalry to give your infantry time to retreat, regroup and reorganize.

I too thought that would be usefull in open field,, but problem is that horse archers are poor choice if enemy has it's own foot archers. Imagine 210cm tall and 275kg heavy Orc and his large bow, he would suerly have range advantige over my horse archer if they were on even ground. IRL foot archers were not that much effective coz your light horse archers were able to simply charge them instead of exchanging fire, waht is not case here do to the fact orcs are so strong physicaly.

I'd suggest the best way of combating that kind of force is with phalanx infantry armed with heavy shields and spears (back up short swords) with long spears in two rows behind with enough reach to hit the front line of orcs. Once in the press of a melee the large weapons of the orcs will be ineffective against a short stabbing weapon coming from beneath the shield into the groin of the orcs. Infantry also armed with javelins and slingshots (with lead balls). Cavalry use light skirmishers armed with bows like the Mongols picking off the enemy flanks.

Nothing in war is greater than that of discipline. Yeah sure, bring up Stalingrad, but even then German discipline wasn't great. Any conquering force that was outnumbered, always won due to tactics. I don't know how these orcs work, do they work like a well oiled fighting machine? Or do they fight like a bunch of barbarians who use their brute strength to win? If it's the first, you have the fighters flank and flank. These things are big, so they aren't the most maneuverable beasts. So speed is key, have whoever is attacking the orcs to always want to be on the defensive, being able to pick the battlefield. Look up Sun Tzu's Art of War, great book on strategies and how much smaller forces can easily take out and win against much larger forces. They still teach those tactics at almost any military academy. If they're more of the barbaric type, look at the Romans to the Britains. The Britains easily weighed more and were giants to the Romans. One battle is of an open field battle and it was like, 100,000+ Britains against 15,000+ Romans. The thing is the Romans fought as one, while the Britains fought as many. The Romans sustained heavy losses, but managed to kill every single last one of the Britains. The way they did it was, they formed multiple circle on the field and as the Britains ran and bashed against the shield walls the Romans mowed them down with spears from the inside. When the numbers dwindled, they opened up portions of circles letting the Britains in to be slaughtered. A well oiled machine almost always wins, but if two well oiled machines are fighting, well then you have a massacre in your hands. You could do a very simple tactic, Genghis Khan did this. You use nature against the enemy, spoilers if you haven't read the art of war. The orcs projectiles will be slow due to there size, if you can see a cannonball flying through the air (yes it's going pretty fast, but you can still see it) you will definitely see a huge arrow come soaring as well. An open field is very simple if there's grass around, take archers with flaming arrows and trap them in or simply do preemptive strikes. Hope that helps.

YEa,,,I am focusing on idea that humans were forced to intruduce iron discipline in order to fight orcs. Their enemy is barbarian like,,(but armored)... Last time orcs invaded they did not had such technology and where thus easly deafited with ranged weapons, what isn't option any more.

Ok,, Azidano ,so this is the thing. Your idea about arrows was how humans fought them two hundred years before it all started. But now orcs learned how to cast iron so they have tick armor which human steel arrows are not able to penetrate easly, making such tactic unefective. (plus orcs too can use bows).

Long story short, humans have steel, orcs have iron. Neither side is able to efectivly use those kind of ranged weapons efectivly due to the fact Orcs wear very thick armor no human could possibly carry while their iron arrows are not hard enough to penetrate thin steel armor which human solders carry.

I see you noted that the orcs don't have any mounts. Could you utilize some sort of different mount (not horses) which is faster and could either speed up or slow down to avoid a hail of arrows and deliver one themselves? (This feels a bit Deus Ex Machina, though. If the creature aren't entwined into your world building then you may as well have a wizard appear and call down a meteor)

Not sure what the terrain is like that you are setting this battle on. If your humans can manage to keep the high ground they could utilize the range advantage (even though Orcs are stronger, as long as Human height > Orc power). Perhaps a strike, retreat, and organized turn at the top of the next hill and repeat? Are they defending a location or intercepting the army? could they set up a string of Geurilla hit-and-run attacks to dwindle their numbers before they're forced to meet the full force head-on? Are they in a forest? Could guerilla warfare be more effective? Could the terrain offer some sort of advantage that humans can take advantage of and large orcs cannot?

Since most armor still makes you fairly susceptible to crushing blows, I would presume that the best way to fight orcs would be light infantry, being able to outmaneuver the opponent is paramount. I would actually look at how early and prehistoric humans fought large game like mammoths or bears. Animals probably have far less strategic cunning than even your run of the mill orc grunt though, so some adaptation is necessary, but the major hope would be in being faster than the enemy, and able to outdistance and outmaneuver them, as well as surround them when possible from multiple angles.

I would definitely not put infantry in tight formations. Tight formation means that the orcs can wade in with wide sweeping blows of axes and hit 2-10 men at a time, depending on the size of the orc/axe and the tightness of the formation. It would be like going up against elephants with tightly packed men, or marching into battle against artillery with exploding shells in tight formation. Crazy.

Another scenario that could be interesting is if your humans attempt to fight the orcs with similar tactics they would use on other humans. Then when they basically get their behinds kicked on a regular basis they realize they need to update their tactics. This would be interesting to watch them try new tactics to defeat the orcs. ff782bc1db

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