You may not promote or discuss ways to break the terms of service. This includes buying/selling/trading (BST) accounts or clans, use of private servers or other ways to cheat/manipulate the game. BST violations will face harsh bans, other violations at mod discretion.

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Clash Of Clans 3d


One of the most interesting features of Atrasis - Private Clash of Clans Server includes the possibility of challenging other clans in customized battles. You can join a clan and participate in wars against other clans. There are also customized tournaments organized by the community.

As the name of the game suggests, Clash of Clans is all about forming clans, which is the official in-game system for players that band together in order to make their bases and units stronger. They share resources as well as units, benefitting everyone in the clan.

There are two ways clans compete against each other: by pooling members' trophies in a battle to see which clan has the most number of trophies, and in Clan Wars. The latter is a 48-hour event where a clan faces off with another, causing their members to launch raids on the different members of the opposing clan.

Another element of the game is the Clan system. Although this is a completely optional feature, it is a highly recommended one. A clan is a group of players that band together to form clans in order to challenge other clans. There are two ways clans compete against each other: by pooling members' trophies in a battle to see which clan has the most number of trophies, or competition in Clan Wars. The latter is a 48-hour event where a clan faces off with another, causing their members to launch raids on the different members of the opposing clan.

One thing that can be very enticing in CoC account sales, is the fact that some of these accounts are actually in control of large clans themselves, and therefore have a source of support and prestige already existing in the structure of those clan groups. ff782bc1db

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