Claris FileMaker CRM

FM Starting Point 2024 (FMSP) is a highly adaptable solution designed to take advantage of the Claris FileMaker 2024 platform’s features. The latest version of FMSP offers seamless support across various devices and operating systems, including iPad, Windows, macOS, and WebDirect. This cross-platform flexibility makes it ideal for businesses looking to streamline their processes, no matter where they are working from.

FMSP can be hosted on Claris FileMaker Server or Claris FileMaker Cloud, giving businesses the option to select the most suitable hosting environment for their needs. This added flexibility allows businesses to choose between on-premise or cloud-based hosting, depending on factors like scalability, security, and accessibility.

If you’re considering using FM Starting Point for your business or non-profit, this update means it’s more powerful than ever before. It offers enhanced compatibility with Claris FileMaker's ecosystem, providing a robust platform for managing databases, automating workflows, and improving overall efficiency.

Latest FileMaker Updates

Our CRM in 30 Days livestream series will now start on Wednesday - May 18th (we’re moving the date back 2 days).


Monday the 16th we will have a recap session on all the latest Claris announcements from the past two weeks, including FileMaker 19.5, 19.6, Claris Pro 20, and Claris Studio.

Tuesday the 17th we will have Andy Lecates from Claris on our livestream! He will be doing an open Q&A with our viewers. Bring your questions on the Problem Solvers Circle and FileMaker 20.

Register for Claris Open Q&A

As always, if you need professional assistance, you can contract with RCC to provide the support you need. Email us at:

FileMaker 19.5, 19.6, Claris Pro 20 & Claris . Studio ... It’s a lot


 You're watching the FileMaker news network. Bringing you the latest in critical FileMaker news as well as trivial gossip Miles Devski with internet weather and our field reporter Jacob Taylor. Anchored by our award-winning team of Margaret, Haley, Jeremy, and David. You're watching FileMaker TV. We're blowing stuff up today. Everyone, welcome to an awesome day. Hey, there's Miles Devski with our hot action weather. How's it going Miles Devski? We are here all right. So, how's the weather in Portland? Weather in Portland's good. Yeah, it's good today. It's been, it's like those board game spinners where you spin it and you're going to land on any spot. Yeah, it's been kind of wild weather. Yep yep yep Miles is here, Jacob's here. So, we'll leave you alone. You don't have to be here too much unless you want to have anything to chime in to talk about. Today is kind of an exciting day. We're going to be talking about FileMaker 19. 5 in a slightly more serious way loosely about 1906. And we're going to actually as db as this is we're going to be showing you FileMaker 20. I talked to Claris about this but they said oh, Richard just explain to everyone what we're doing, don't bother trying to expl to us to change what we're doing. We're just explaining what we're doing. It's like okay, Roger that. So, welcome to FMTrain. TV. I'm going to hide him briefly. Let's talk about the upcoming broadcast schedule. If you want to know what's going on. Every day we're broadcasting at one o'clock. And we have today a very exciting day on FMTrain.TV. Slide down to the live tab on the left side. You can see live data out of our FileMaker database. So, we actually use FileMaker and Claris Pro to run our business right. We eat our own dog food unlike some companies. So,  anyway. So, today we're talking about 19. 5, 19.6 and FileMaker 20.   

 It's truly one of the bizarrest live streams  I've ever done tomorrow. So, the idea today is if you have questions I will answer them. If I have questions that I say save for Andy. So,   I'm gonna just have a rubber stamp. Say, for Andy, you're gonna come in tomorrow and ask him those questions he'll be. Mostly I want to talk about how you can spend more money on Claris. I think they want to talk about that but at the end of the day it's open season on him. It's like the first day of duck hunting season. You're going to shoot the ducks and white rank. So, if you see Andy go flying by shooting questions at them. It'll be lots of fun. The CRM training, the beginning training. We pushed back two days because Claris wanted to come tomorrow. And So, we kind of adjust our schedule to facilitate their schedule. So, that's pretty awesome. So, tomorrow our question Wednesday tomorrow is Andy with Claris. So,  Claris representatives will be here to answer your questions. And then, Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, for like the next month is a beginning CRM. And every day is a new beginning topic and basically learning. The basics about FileMaker Pro and customizing the new CRM which is out and it's available. So,  if you have a question for tomorrow's Reuben  I'm going to not look at it, just put it like a big tomorrow. And then, colon and then save it if you want me to take a swing at it today. I can do some of this I know right. I do have a little bit of other action news.  

 So, for those of you who have gone over here and you want to support the channel.  I'm not asking for free money to come over here and purchase one of our training bundles. If you purchase the complete training bundle over here you get our FileMaker certification training. You get this stuff over here right. And if you pass, if you buy, then if you buy our bundle and you go and pass your certification training you get your FileMaker certified patch. It's kind of backwards. Let me flip my camera to normal right. There we go. So, the FileMaker certified 2022 patch is pretty cool, right. So, you get that you can stick it on your shirt. You can stick it on your backpack. Most people put on a backpack or something kind of neat or hang it on the wall as a memento of the pain and agony you went through to get certified.  I'm sending these out now to the people who've passed the test and the first two people who passed weren't even in the United States. So,  I got to figure out what international shipping is going to be to send them their patch right. So, if it gets too extravagant we'll have to figure out the difference or do something. So, we got patches here and a bag. That's awesome. For those of you that is great. So, that covers the basic news. Miles is still there. That's awesome. Whenever I say something I do it sometimes the schedule takes a little bit longer. But I always do what I say and I say what I do okay. So, let's talk a little bit about the upcoming schedule. This is my keynote presentation and Jacob Taylor will be around here a little bit today to help us with that quite a bit reminder. This is yep Jacob's there. You are there right, Jacob? you're I am all right. So, Wednesday is the CRM training that picks up on that day. Now let's talk about today. A little bit we're going to start off with a low hanging fruit and the low hanging fruit largely is 19. 5. 19. 5 should have been out in April.  I'm not entirely sure what happened and there's been. So, many big explosive fires are going on at Claris that I haven't had time to ask like little tactical questions. Like how come 195 is late and where or is it even late or it comes out when it comes out but it's got a lot of stuff in fact. So, this was a slide that was put together.v

 This is not under non-disclosure. Clairis can say it's under non-disclosure but Brad Freitag, your chief executive officer at Claris who's essentially kind of an apple level vice president. It's kind of his pecking order. Basically we came out and disclosed all this. So,  it's not a secret. So, 195 we're going to talk about Jacob Taylor a little bit. It's pretty impressive, Jacob. Do we want to kind of like loosely? We don't want to show it because we're not cleared to show it. But basically it's coming soon, soon in weeks I guess. So, yeah weeks not months. Yeah, it's the time, the kind of time projection. We don't have a date but yeah no no. It's not I don't think Claris has a date all right. So, let's talk loosely based upon this. Let's amplify these bullet points or these five bullet points. Let's talk about what people who are coming in nineteen five nineteen five were planned and already all planned out long before any of this other twenties. Claris studio stuff was really you know. So, let's just talk about 19. 5. We'll leave that. We'll get to 20 in a little bit right. So, okay go ahead. So, how do we prove performance and scalability? Do you have anything to validate that or does that just a bullet, a random bullet point that they threw in there. Yeah we there's a couple things that go into that actually So, one of the useful things that they're doing scalability wise So, if you all and I don't know. I know we have a pretty mixed skill level on stream today. But some people have dealt with things like working with large data sets on the server. I don't mean you have a massive database but you have a scheduled script that reprocesses a bunch of your data. For example, a big dashboarding setup where maybe you blow out a table. And regenerate it each night to have a live and up-to-date kind of you know picture where the business is at a picture of where some process is at they are going to be increasing with 19. 5.  

 The script engine cache size on the server helps a couple different things. One of them is just massive record processing and stuff they had. There was a note I found somewhere in there. it was actually also targeted for people who are doing a lot of file movement inside scheduled scripts on the server. So, for example pulling data down I don't know from ftp or http downloads and like pulling or pushing that stuff into or out of FileMaker. It's going to help a lot with what was a kind of a specific thing that they wanted to tell us about. Let's see scalability related I say one of the other. Yeah, oh, oh, I know the big one here. This the big splashy one. So,  this is coming and there are a couple of constraints on when it happens that you all might expect. Actually you could probably guess some of them. I think the big performance related feature is actually other than and we'll get to the parallel backups in a second. But the other big performance related features are smart fields. So, sorry, one step back summary fields are on the server. That's the short version. The longer explanation is: So, if you remember, I think it was 1903 or 1904. They added that Pro and server were the same version under certain circumstances. A portal of related data that had a sort on it the server would do that work under a lot of. Actually let me clarify that even it was the sort. Even forget the portal. The portal sorting has been addressed for a while. This is just sort of like a listview right a list view. And So, if the server was under 25 in performance utilization like the little processor is less than 25. The server would do the sort for the client. So, it doesn't ship the date down, it's much faster right. So,  that's like the record list in sorted order. And then, your Pro goes oh  I'm going to display the first 25 of those and yeah that's all you actually fetch yeah yeah. So, they kind of did the same thing here that's right. So, it's basically the idea that if the server is not too busy which is kind of a loosey-goosey thing.  I'm going to have a chat with Clay and see if I get more data about that.   

 But if the server's not too busy then you display a summary field like you have a list view with a bunch of invoices at the bottom. And it kind of starts grinding a progress bar as it calculates the server will do it for you if the server isn't too busy. So, it's like it will make your life better if it's not you already stressed about something else right yeah. And I can send you the list of kind of prerequisites or qualifications on when that happens actually. Okay not for the sorting but for the smart field that I mean you know the difference whatever but it's mostly docented basically okay. So, we know what the constraints on that are. Well the constraints were kind of a moving target at one point. So, if they lock them in  I'll ask clay. See, if they're really locked that would be good. Yeah, and that's a separate thing I don't know about that but we have a list okay a list of constraints exists. One of the other big ones is and this will be really exciting. It's a combo between Pro and server. So, if you'll remember , we have our performance script on server script step. That now works in the server context. So, when you post it, it used to be within. So, we're we've we're from Pro we've launched out we're on server we're running inside the server we usually call that sassy or or pcos we are within that script right now right. So, there will be that used to be that you could fire subscript So, you do within that we're already we're already on the server and we are doing perform script right not perform script on server. But perform script as those subscripts.   

 You have little parts of your process that run perform script on server within a perform script on server will now function. There's kind of an on a kind of an on toggle that has to happen for that to actually take place but it's possible now. And what that means is you can kind of push a script up to the server and that be your like meta script that runs all the other little ones. So,  if there's certain parts of the process that need to happen in defined order and stuff like that. And the ones that exist will continue to work as if there's no change there. Yeah, we'll be able to fire and forget from the server. So,  it behaves the way that you'd probably guess every time you're inside of performing a script on the server. And you do another script on the server, it is a fresh launch. So, it's a parallel session. The server has a virtual session text yeah yeah virtu yeah yeah. The FileMaker server essentially the easiest way to think about it as a developer is that there's an invisible copy of FileMaker Pro running on the server and it kind of almost is and you tell it to run a script on the server. Imagine a copy of FileMaker Pro on the server running headless with no interface. And it's running well. Normally you tell the client to tell the server to run a script and it runs it within that file. Make a single spin up a FileMaker Pro with some little memory space its own process. Well if you do it again and again and again then you're spinning up extra copies of FileMaker Pro that are running in parallel. Now if you have a crap up the crap I don't say crappy server but a server that doesn't have a lot of processors then you do 10 of those. Then you're going to clog your own plumbing with that right. It'll be too much in parallel but it allows you to do parallel script processing which is interesting. So,  that's pretty neat. So, moving forward I don't want to spend too terribly much time here. I was talking about parallel backups briefly. And then,  I'll cover kind of loosely the stuff over here.  

 So, parallel backups are one of the other kinds of splashy features with 19. 5. You can guess from the name. What is it? FileMaker server for many many many years slash decades has backed up sequentially. It goes down, you know. If you have one database then it doesn't matter and nobody cares because this isn't even a relevant conversation. But as soon as you have more than one file open on the server you start thinking about all right. How do backups happen? And So, historically it's essentially gone down the list all right. Database one, database two, database 3, but through its little list of those with 19. 5 that changes. So, with this they call the feature parallel backups. What happens is the server gets intelligence from a couple different places and tries to group files together based on which ones relate to each other. The idea being if you have you know cross file relationships cross file kind of script interactions and stuff like that. Where the data ideally would be consistent between the different databases like if you're going to run a backup. They all pause simultaneously to type like that kind of consideration. It will do that. And So,  it creates these groups of files and then it pauses, backs up and unpauses those groups at the same time rather than an individual database. Yeah ,So,  if you had two multi-files two or three multi-file solutions right. So, marketing has a five-file solution and sales has a five-file solution. Engineering team has a 12-file solution instead of randomly grabbing files from each one and disrupting all the groups in parallel. What does it do? It grabs one group, kind of pauses that group, backs that group up. Then it moves on and restores functionality to that group and moves on to the next group.  

 So, it does them kind of in groups not necessarily in alphabetical order which is kind of the idea, okay? Cool. So, briefly because I want to leave most of the time to talk about 20. So, 196 is planned. I don't get the idea of when this will be but it's in the future and Claris seems to release software on a quarterly basis. So, I would assess if we get a release the next couple weeks and whatever plus three months from that would be when we get 19. 6 number two and three are interesting. I don't want to really get into those because we've talked about single sign-on things like that. I want to see those amplified. The fourth one is interesting because apparently they figured out how to take unicorn blood and process it and put it in the FileMaker. I don't know how they're doing that last one. So, we'll have to wait and see. The first one has been something that's within the developers who are the senior folks in the community has been something that's been rored Claris's have been batting around for more than a year. And the idea is that transactions are real quick.  I'll spend a moment on this. There's like some people out in the family community who are like transactions. I just, it's kind of a slang term but that's all they want is transactions and the idea with transaction and it makes sense from a financial standpoint. If you're going to log a write a log entry an accounting entry into the system and you put in the check number. And So, or this person's order was paid to this person at this time and  I'm going through the fields right. And then you hit the dollar amount but say FileMaker crashes as you're tabbing through. And say you exit out. So, it saves part of the data but that entire transaction should be kind of all or nothing. You want all the information including all the financials and all the processing to happen on it.  

 You don't want it half baked because if you have to go back to the last backup the backup might have happened in between. You know when someone did this right say someone does half the record they go to lunch they come back they finish filling out this purchase order or something. And they hit complete and save when there's this process. Well, they've half entered it right and it might be in the database as half half half baked. The problem is that you don't have a complete transaction. So, there's this really mickey mouse method. There's been dev con sessions on this probably books white papers certainly webinars put together on how to do transactions the FileMaker. And  I'm thinking Todd guys and John Sindelarians and people like that and they're brilliant people to figure this out. How do you have the data loaded into the children of your parents? You're in the parent record and then you lock the parent and then you lock the children and then by you locking the one it locks it locks all them together. It's kind of this hack to create transactions. Well they're working on an idea. I think it revolves around a window. I haven't played with it but I can just tell you it's a big deal and we're really excited about it. And that. So, you do all this work in a window and you save this date and get it all done. But it's not saved back to the server or committed to the drive until you say whatever commit it saves it. Like really commit it and save it. So, there's probably a new script step. I would imagine that but that's pretty exciting. So, that is coming out. So, now what's interesting about 19. 5 and 196 is that people are like well you know FileMaker you know they really still committed to FileMaker Pro. They're clearly I mean what's what this is an example of there's nothing really super secret about what  I'm talking about here. This was all publicly. This is all a public slide but their commitment continues to commit heavy resources into enhancing and engineering FileMaker Pro. And I want to kind of talk about that. So, today is the Claris studio conversation as a reminder for those of you who are kind of new. Maybe this webinar you're brand new FileMaker person Claris's person or you're an apple employee. And you don't even know these people work for you.   

 There you go. Claris is a department division subsidiary of apple right? The people that make iPhones and iPads and Cacs right? So, there you go. So, real real quick. I want to just briefly mention that Claris has identified some kind of guidelines and mission critical guidelines. I consider this worth repeating. Once again, we're not really talking about the free version of Pro because it's sometime in the future and I don't have any details on it besides. Yeah, Claris said yes we want to do this. So, the idea though is that overall the part that I want to point out is that they don't want to break what we already have. This is really a big one right. And this is like making our lives easier. This is you know single sign-on. So, you get all the data you want and then lower the friction for new adopters to get into the community. So, this is really a big deal here. So,  at some point in the future that you're going to see free single copies of FileMaker Pro there's no peer-to-peer sharing in it. That's been totally removed peer-to-peer is gone. If you still use that then I mean I was talking to some gentleman the other day yesterday actually. And he was like alright FileMaker 17.  I'm not going to upgrade until they fix the charting or something right. And  I'm like they're not going to fix that starting anytime soon. And So,  you know it's kind of almost a belligerent conversation. But you want to stay up to date with FileMaker, please stay up to date because there's a lot of great things coming. And you won't be able to take advantage of those. If you don't stay up to date, FileMaker 17 is like six years old kind of stuff. It's kind of like a 40 year old dog. It's an old dog. So, yeah. So, this is an important concept here of lowering the friction and not breaking the stuff we already have.  

 So, let's talk about kind of. This is kind of an important slide here. Most of you have not seen this slide. This is well,  I'll just say I created this for you for the moment. So, the Claris's platform is this kind of a terminology definition page. So, Claris's platform is going to be what they call Claris's Pro which Claris is trying to get rid of the word FileMaker. Good luck with that. They got Claris studio which is the stuff we're going to be talking about today, Claris connect. So, Pro, let's just leave off the words in front of it. We're just going to call it Pro. Pro is the professional authoring solution. This is where the professionals go, that's you and me and the folks in the live stream. To build great solutions eventually the Claris studio is going to have quite a number of capabilities. Today we're talking about its first capabilities, pretty limited so far and you're going to see that today. And basically it's about web authoring and mostly right now public fors. Now there is the Claris studio ID for those of you familiar with Claris ID, Claris studio ID and Claris ID are going to be combined together at some point. But they're not quite there yet. And So, you're going to see some things today that you could tell us like it's in progress. It's not done. It's not fully baked and so there's a little bit of weirdness right. And then, tomorrow once again open Q and A with Andy le cates but they'll also be having a conversation about problem solver circle. I covered this a week ago. Friday I guess right. I covered the problem solver circle and the idea was that this is about expanding for customers who are using FileMaker in an organization. Basically getting them a very inexpensive site license. And that way the rest of the organization can essentially try FileMaker for free. In other departments it allows Claris to actually potentially sell more units down the road. So, it's like a two-year free, I don't say free, two-year inexpensive site license. And then after that time if you went from 20 users to 40 users then you're going to pay for the 40. But it's kind of a neat deal and they'll probably have a bit more of a conversation about that. So,  I am going to slide forward if Timothy or any of you folks have questions let me know.  

 So, today's conversation  I'm kind of graying these out a little bit. It's mostly about Claris studio because this kind of gets into this kind of interesting area. So, what is Claris going to do? And they're already doing this is not sacred there. They've got FileMaker Pro 19. 4 and it'll effectively be 19. 5 pretty quick at the same time. They're shipping that this is the part  I've been really because I dreaded the conversation. We're about to have it.  I've been dreading this conversation for a month.  I've been dreading this because half of you are not going to understand it. I barely understand it. So, the idea is that the Claris is going to ship what they call FileMaker Pro 19. And it, and that there's nothing really changed about it besides those features you saw then they're going to ship Claris Pro 20. Claris Pro 20 has the same feature set of FileMaker 19. 5. Okay So, so Claris Pro 20 I should have a slide on this I don't.  I'm working on the same as FileMaker Pro 19. 5. The difference is Claris Pro 20 will connect to Claris studio, that's one thing. So, you have to buy Claris studio then you get this super beefed up version of FileMaker that's not called a FileMaker. That's calling Pro. You get a beefed up version of Pro. Well let's just just take it for the time being take it on faith that  I'm not.  Richard is a nice person.  I'm not going to lie to you okay. If we have any questions we'll ask Andy Damara or we can ask Clarice today.  I'm not sure she has the answers for you but we might ask Clarice international today but you have two copies of Pro. So, we'll have the legacy I want to say legacy copy a Pro but I think because eventually they're going to be together. But it's a Pro that doesn't connect to Claris studio then you have a Pro that connects to Claris studio. And So, that's what we really want to talk about today. So, on the next slide here  I'm going to demonstrate all this for you.  

 This is the brand new stuff. None of you have probably seen this except maybe if they talked about it. But  I'm actually going to go through the construction process and actually we're going to go deeper than anyone else has gone. So, the idea is that right now Claris studio is in the future Claris studio theoretically kind of a lightweight version of FileMaker. It's never going to be as powerful as FileMaker. Not for five or ten years. So, way far off time in the future it's kind of like almost a little bit I guess kind of bento-y kind of the idea of this lightweight database. It's cuddling Q it's on the cloud. It can be shared. So, you can go into Claris studio and build a very lightweight database. But it's kind of like bento as soon as you need serious work done. You gotta get out Pro and then Pro can talk to it which is great. So, right now their database is really limited. So, what they did is they created a public Claris wanted to solve an immediate problem with Claris studio. So, people would play with it and the immediate problem is public facing forms. We talked about this the other day. A little bit we're going to demonstrate it for you. So, what we created is what we call the California department of justice rocket bunny registration. So, if you have small furry animals with explosive ordnance which is an interesting thing you should register those as deadly weapons with the state of California. They know that you have a deadly fluffy bunny okay, right.  

 Now Claris studio is in the cloud only there's no local installer for it. Claris said they could make a local installer for it but right now it's all in the cloud. So, this is all in the cloud okay. You're gonna see this.  I'm gonna do it for you today okay. What it does is that as you build this form out it builds the back end database and it shows it to you like in an excel spreadsheet. Because really that's a great way of visualizing. It's not excel but it's spreadsheet google sheets whatever it's a spreadsheet and this is your data. So, this is a screenshot of my data. So, you're dragging you're building this out and you test it automatically. Publishes the web.  I'm going to give everyone the link here. In fact, Margaret,  I'll help you mark if you can go to the engineering thread and grab the link for me. The register, the fluffy bunny trial link and just give it to everyone. They can play with it. They can submit data please submit g-rated data and nothing with super four-letter words except you know fun and love and things like that. Yes yes yes yes. So, that Jack dripper that's in here. We talked about that. So, Margaret, if you copy and paste that So, what we're doing is publishing the form. So, you can see that the idea is that as it goes into this data. This is a database, a database doesn't matter what it is  I'm just telling you for those who technically care about. This is a back-end database. It does it automatically this is all very automatic very seamless very easy your first day FileMaker person could probably build this. And then yeah. So, here it's and all this is contained inside Claris's studio okay. And the idea is that Claris studio can talk back and forth to FileMaker right now. The conversation is one way only which means that as you click data here. You can retrieve it across here right. It should not ask for a login okay. If it's asking for a login you know  I've been wondering about whether it should be public for it does see and it's supposed to be public right. And it was public. I wonder if Claris broke their stuff.  

 There's two different links. There's a private version I think in a public version oh is that all right. Well you did two links why don't we go find that real quick. Everyone, stand by. So,  I am actually now in Claris studio.  I've logged into Claris studio. The link is That's why the second link works. So,   I'm going to log in here so you can't see my stuff. And So, what Claris has done is an okay adjustment. I understand the second link just let me get there Mr Taylor. Okay, Margaret, if you want to find a market that doesn't have access that says you guys it's a lot to absorb just slow down okay, for me two seconds okay. This is the Claris studio. This is a cloud interface. FileMaker Pro can talk to this, we're going to demonstrate that. So, everyone just be cool. What Claris has done though is that they can't give everyone. They cannot give all of you access to this because they're still kind of creating the walls and the barriers between people's existence. So, all the top consultants in the community, if you've been around for 20 years or whatever are in here. So, I can see this alliance database. They can see mine and Claris sent out a note saying we're all going to trust you people to play nice in the sandbox. And don't throw, don't throw sand at each other like a bunch of five-year-olds, right. So, that's cool. So,   I'm here somewhere with all kinds of Chris Hypolite and Hanza and Tim Brown and a bunch of people that you've never heard of and a bunch of people that you go to. Oh, I don't recognize that person. So, that's the team, these are the forms and here's a rocket bunny form. Okay.   

 Over here is the download. This is where you download FileMaker Pro 20 which is essentially the same or collection Claris Pro 20. Which is the same as FileMaker Pro 19. 5 except that this version here talks to Claris's studio. It's got a login. I will show that to you. So, what  I'm going to do is  I'm going to go down to my form. So, these are all the forms that the consultants are playing with. So, we don't have our own separate sandbox. We're all sharing the same sandbox I know it's a lot and I said create a new form you can go. We'll go through that a little bit. If you want, the short version is that I created one over here. I click on it. It comes up with the screen here. You'll recognize it when you create a new one. It comes up with a page like this and a page like this. It's designed as a basic web confirmation. And So, what I can do is I can click on this too. So, this is the workflow. So, this page to another page to another page and then this right here is like. So, this should say layout mode right. This is layout mode. We're now in layout mode okay. Here we are and we can come over here and I can move things around. And it's all this auto flow stuff and up here at the top I can say where'd that go is it shared. Where's the sherry thing? Oh, there it is in the top right corner. I can say share it. So, is this link right here, copy link is this or did you use the most recent link that I posted in discord, okay. So, let me go.  I'm just going to pop it in discord for you folks. So, you have it real quick. This should allow you to go through it when you press this and you open it. It should give you an actual page where you can submit the data. Does this one not work over here at all? I just posted it. Let's see. I clicked it and it worked without requiring a link. Oh, there you go, okay. Margaret, can you give that link to the other people and make sure there, yeah. So, Warner says yep  I'm a little confused W.J Warner.   

 Let's just do everyone a favor and go in here and create a database real quick. So, put on your dim. I can say W.J Warner. I got you covered Warner. All cool. I acknowledge that my fluffy bunny is stored safely in a lock box away from children. Is your bunny equipped with high incendiary explosive rounds right? Because little cute rabbits are okay. It's snuggly and sweet. But it might be grossly belligerent right. Then you could put your email in here.  I'll just put my personal email in there and then you can put some comments in here right. And you hit submit right. And then you get this and I was just pointed to put an animated gif in there to see. If it would work. And of course, it did. So, it's kind of cool. So, when we did this right here  I'm going to close this.  I'll say done. So, this is our page we're in page mode. I can actually see the database. So, as I was laying this out it created the database in the backend for me and linked it automatically. So, there's W.J Warner. So, that was me and a bunch of added records in here. This is great. So, you're doing that. So, as you do this and I probably could refresh here more records will probably pop up in here right.  I'm not sure if there's a reload page in here. So, this is all early days. So, in this screen here I can edit the data and delete data. So,  here's a blank record here. I can right click on it and say delete row okay. So, if you're in this interface right here it's you can change the coins. You can do whatever you want to do here. Pretty limited but when we talk to it in FileMaker, FileMaker sees it right now as read-only and I mean really really really really read-only, okay. Hey  I'm just, I am at the California department of justice and we are trying to see if people are using their animals for warfare. They need to register them in California. You have to register just about everything right.  

 So, if you have a dirty thought you have to register that too. So, yeah. So, this is California. So, anyway. So,  you put this information here. It's in here. So, we have that hanging out over there.  I'm gonna minimize discord and so let me just click on this real quick and okay. So, yeah so let me back up a little bit here. So, basically what this is Claris calls this S- plus it behaves like ess. We've never really done serious training on our live stream about ess largely because I hate ess because you always seem to get in trouble with it. Because people try to use it not what it's for what ess is is an essentially an external SQL source that comes into FileMaker. And it acts like FileMaker. And So, it uses that technology. Clay Mackel was talking about the other day he says they call the ess because someone in marketing actually said that someone got in marketing and thought that would be a cute name. To name it because it's not an accurate name but basically Claris has created a data pipe. Theoretically according to their graphic up here. It's two ways right now. It's one way I imagine. There's quite a bit of stuff that'll be coming but so we have to. So, for those of you wondering about certification Larry and a bunch of you who want to be certified with this material that you're about to see on the screen. Here is certification material for ess. So, you can already connect the FileMaker to oracle to SQL databases to whatever sort of SQL systems. My SQL is Microsoft SQL and once it's set up it behaves this way. So, let's talk about this a little bit. So, this is what you're going to see we're going to go into FileMaker and it's going to allow us to select to put on screen a table that is from Claris studio. We drag and drop what we put on there. This is called a shadow table. The data isn't really info in our FMP12 file. It's not really an FMP12 file but it's referenced there; it's a shadow of the actual data that's living in SQL somewhere in the database right. Does it make sense? Yeah, ess Jack represents it always worked for me but I only use it with oracle data.  

 The problem with it is that what my customers tend to do is they go because what do you put in SQL. If you work in government and companies and stuff very big datasets like you know a million billion records right. You know a zillion records and they say well I want to use FileMaker for reporting of that data which is not really like for those who heard of crystal reports. Once upon a time that was a thing and you would use that to create. This really great reporting for your SQL systems and they would see this.  I'll use FileMaker for that but FileMaker doesn't parse millions and billions of records at high speed. Very well. It's not that it's not really designed for that it allows you to go in there and see the data grab the data out maybe edit the data. If you have access privileges for that but I always would run into performance hits with it. And So, I was like okay I just want to stay away from that as a general rule right because then what happens is the customer asks you to do something you can't do. And I hate saying no to customers. I hate saying no. And So, what I do is I try to not put myself in a spot where I know  I'm gonna ask and I have to say no. I hate that. So, this is a shadow table and so inside the field. So, we bring up rocketbunny1 as the name of the table. You're going to see it in just a minute. These are shadow fields.These are fields that are actually created on the web form that were created in that we have access too. We can define additional fields in FileMaker; they're called supplementary fields. All this stuff is on the FileMaker certification test okay. They won't. They'll say less or something like that. They won't call it cloud studio, cloud, or cloud studio whatever it's called clear studio. It's the same technology right and it works the same way. And So, what allows you to do is you can add any unstored field that doesn't have data storage. So, it's like generated on demand and also you can add summary fields which are once again generated on demand. So, these are two fields right here that really don't save into the file anywhere the data is not saved. So, by defining fields here we are not changing the structure on the SQL side, that's the operative thing. If we're in FileMaker we're working in an FMP12 file.  

 That FMP12 file is talking to Claris studio right. And if we add a field in there or we even go in here and delete a field we're not changing the structure on the Claris studio site on the database side right.  I'm going to literally demonstrate all this for you.  I'm just going through the terminology of what happens though if you delete a field up here. It hides it from you. It hides it from you. Did you delete it off the server, on the Claris studio side? No. Is it still there? Yes. Does it still have data in it? Yes. You didn't delete it you just hid it from yourself really down here. If you click on one of these it should not say delete it should say hide right. And then the sync right here goes out and refreshes all the fields that are on the database side and puts them back. So, this is hide it and this is unhide. It show me everything that's there on that table. Make sense? David said now he's confused yeah. So,  we do have a question before you, oh there's lots of questions.  I'm sure. But I don't know if I can. I need to get through the demo and then  I'm going to stop.  I'm not going to take questions until I get to the demo then I will want to because it'll be more obvious. So, shadow tables are virtual; they're rep their representation of the Claris studio tables. They live in if you're not using a clear studio. You could be using Microsoft SQL mysql oracle things like that. They quack and act and look a lot alike in FileMaker Pro. Claris's Pro okay. Does it make sense? Deleting I just mentioned this if you delete the field it doesn't really delete it. You're just hiding it okay. The sync button kind of restores all those hidden items here okay. Supplemental fields are the smart fields and calculations. This is right off the certification test. I guarantee it's right off the certification test. We cover this in that certification training of which case you can earn your path.  

 If you pass the test right. So, I would have been quite happy to retire and never seen again but it is back. So,  I have to embrace it and love it right. So, essentially supplemental fields are not really there; they are not real values that are saved in the FileMaker file. Their existence is tracked and managed from an FMP12 file. So, let me just get out of the demo of slideshow mode. Let's just do this for real, okay. So,   I'm going to hide myself kind of way over here in the corner.  I'm going to hide that  I'm going to bring that over there just for fun actually. Let's just do this from scratch. So, let me just say,  I'm gonna actually make myself small, very small and very cuddly in the corner. Because I need more space I need more space okay  I'm gonna show the doc over here this is the previous stuff So, this is the demo for today. So, we have over here FileMaker Pro. This is 19. 4. This is Claris Pro. If I click over here and I talk about Claris Pro it says it's 20. 2, 200. This is once again why I didn't want to have to have two versions in parallel to try to explain this because it's an unnecessary friction point but no one listens to richard So, here we are sucking it trying to understand that there are two versions if we have a FileMaker file that talks to Claris studio we need to be accessing it in Claris Pro 20. That makes any sense. So, let's start a new file.  I'm going to say file and what  I'll do is  I'll create a new file and then what we'll do is we will show you we'll talk about harvesting data. So,   I'm going to create a file called assets. Here's the file right here.  I'm going to go file manage database, okay. So, here we have assets. This is the standard starter solution that we've got relationships. Very very basic stuff over here right. So,   I'm going to zoom in a little bit. What  I'm going to do is  I'm going to say give me a new table occurrence group. Now I have gone into my file clear studio over here and I already said log in declare studio ID. So, I had to log in with the username and password. So, my FileMaker and my Claris Pro here are talking to Claris studio.  

 Once again, it's a local FileMaker system talking to essentially a database that Claris is managing up in the cloud somewhere. And So,  let me zoom back out because  I've lost my window. This is very important. So, this is where it starts to get different. You have this new option right here. These are the options that will be tested on the certification test and add a FileMaker data source. That's another FMP-12 file somewhere odbc data source that's oracle SQL whatever right. And then, this right here Claris studio right. So, this is the big one. This is the new one right here, right. I clicked on that. Now what it's going to show me is we're in this giant sandbox with all these developers. Some of these developers don't like each other. Some of them don't like me. That's fine. And So, you have this giant list of files in here and that's because all the developers in here are raising holy hell. So, I have my California. So, I can look at their data but I don't know what's in it. It could be a bunch of f words. Who knows what's in here. So,   I'm gonna play it safe. Go to the California rocket buggy registration, right. Because you kind of saw that  I'm gonna say okay. So, this is a shadow table. It's a shadow table right here okay. There is the shadow table. How come that doesn't look very complete to me. Did I delete some fields out of it? That's interesting. Oh, okay. This is a different one here California rocket rocket bunny registration. This is my main table here.  I'm not sure why there are two here. I have no idea why there are two here that are interesting. What  I'm going to do is  I'm going to leave that one alone. That wasn't there last week. It is there now or it wasn't there on Friday. So, what  I'm going to do is  I'm going to add another one down here because this is the one I really care about.  I'm gonna. That's the problem when you have a whole bunch of people playing. Someone might have duplicated my form from another company.  

 They're not supposed to like to steal your stuff right. Here we go. So,   I'm gonna go down to the rocket bunny one. So, all of us are playing the sandbox, not throwing data, not throwing things to each other. So, this is my main one right here. So, these are actually two different tables. This is my main one right here now. So,   I'm gonna go okay down to okay say browse. And So, what it does is create a layout for you. Here's the layout for you. Here is the data all of you have put this data in as of right now. This is current right? So, they got Pedro, Mike all you folks here have been adding records for me. Thank you very much. Thank you for not saying anything grossly, uncool. So, we have 32 records okay. And So, here's the rub with this from the FileMaker side. You cannot modify the data at this time. I cannot do anything except search on the data and copy and paste the data out. I can't delete records. I can't add a new record. I can't do almost anything. Nothing here is available. So, here's what you got. So, you could do fines and you can get the data out. I can import data out of here into FileMaker. And that's what you're going to have to do. So, So, Claris cloud is the overarching technology under the hood. This is for David Angel under the hood that not that you ever care about. You'll never have to worry about this. But the technology they're using under the hood is called mongo db okay. When that table is represented here in FileMaker, the right file manages the database that becomes a shadow table. It's a shadow of the SQL table that's living somewhere else okay. Now at the current time there's no way to create a primary key on this site over here. Like if you go back over here we say. Hey, this is the database in the Claris studio. This is rocketbundy1 right. If I want to create a new field.  

 So, let me view it when I am at the actual site. It's a little bit big so I can correctly create a new column. These are the coins that you can create short text long text. What's the difference between these? Just it's a difference once again they're trying to db this down for brand new people. So, they're not totally intimidated by a short text field, a bigger text field, a number field and a drop down. So, they're Claris is mixing data types with control styles with formatting all on one thing in an effort to make it palatable to brand new people as a long-time FileMaker person.  I'm trying to think in my head. But there's really not a lot of options you can do like I created this number field over here. The other day my opt then if I look at the options you see where the option I can oh I can sort it I can customize field type like oh the entire customization of validation auto enter. Right now it's limited to what it's required on the other end. So, in terms of me auto entering a serial number or anything like that it's not there yet. And you're like wow. This is super limited, yes I know but this is only going to get better. And there'll be more options in here and that's what Claris wants to do. So, we ran into this. How many users can look at the web page at one time? Probably thousands of people can look at this to do the rocket buggy registration, probably thousands because it's really scalable. It's really scalable. This is not limited to a FileMaker back in it's a SQL system on the front end. And then you can get the data out and do stuff with it. So, the problem is over here with this data we have this data we can't really do anything with it. Because it's in here and it's kind of you know it's it's you know like you can copy it out. That's all you can do. So, this gets back to what happens in the world of sequels. A lot of times in the world of sequels. Most of you know that you're sitting there with a sequel. You try to talk to the head of the corporation and they'll create a view for you in SQL and that view is read-only.  

 The question is how do you get your job done with that kind of data. Well if it's read-only but you really need to do stuff with it you need to copy it all down. So,   I'm going to use the word harvest in quotes. You have to harvest the data and basically mirror it out of the SQL side into a FileMaker table. And then from there all of you are FileMaker developers or will be a FileMaker developer. You're trying to learn how to be a FileMaker developer. Claris Pro developer whatever you want to call yourself. Once it's in FileMaker literally in your FMP12 file then you kind of control your own destiny. So, right now all this data right here is a shadow layout with a shadow table with shadow fields. So, if I come over here to my FileMaker file which is right here nowhere in this file is any of this data it doesn't exist for me to see this data. I have to have a live connection logged in. So, what do you mean by that?  I'm going to close this up. I notice a lot of you are like holy crap Richard my head's exploded. I do. I truly apologize. I try to explain to Claris. So, there's a lot to absorb without trying to show people. There's two versions of FileMaker but here we are. So, here's FileMaker Pro. So, what  I'm gonna do is  I'm gonna right click on assets. Actually what  I'm gonna do is  I'm gonna quit Claris Pro . I'm gonna go over here to FileMaker Pro and  I'm going to write.  I'm going to make sure  I'm going to stay open with FileMaker Pro. So, Claris's Pro can talk to Claris studio. FileMaker Pro can't talk to Claris studio.  I'm going to open the file.  

 So, the local FMP12 file is here, right.I remember I said that you have Claris Pro to get into it. And once your enclosure's probably gone through this thing of putting your credentials in up here. If I go here's rocket bunny here's your layout what happens. If I go here the file 31 cannot be found.  I'm not sure what 31 is. It's a really kind of obscure message and it says the file is missing. So, this is what happens when you're in FileMaker Pro and you try to access those resources. So, that is a problem or it's maybe just a data point in your head to think about. So,   I'm going to go ahead and close this out.  I'm going to quit FileMaker Pro.  I'm going to open this back. What I want to do is I want to open another file.  I've already created Claris Pro and we're going to talk about harvesting data. It took me a little bit to figure out how I wanted to harvest the data because really you want to mirror. It's almost like a sync I had to write a mirror

sync. Sync a synchronization between the SQL side the the cloud side and our side. The problem is normally you'd have a primary key on one side and a primary key on the other side and that way you could like you know make sure it was all there. But there's no primary keys and I said well, well, what we should do is do a find over. Hang on one second. Let me find what is not here. Host trial rocket bunny registration. Oh, I gotta log in for one second. And then  I'll take questions here on this. So, this is what I did. This is the same kind of file. Hey, it's running on a FileMaker server. The FileMaker server is not going to talk to Claris studio but my Pro is because  I'm logged into Claris studio. So,  if I go file manage database relationships I see a rocket bunny table there. And then I create a mirror locally. I call it the local table. It's where my harvested data is going to go. So,  I need to synchronize between these two. Once it's in here locally then we can edit and do whatever kind of stuff we want to do with it. Makes sense. Yeah, primary keys will come of course but so my thought process checks this out my thought process. And we're going to run late today. I don't know what to tell you folks, just the way it is, the thought process was well okay. What  I'll do is  I'll find,  I'll go over. So, you have to think about how you're going to write your sync right. Can't call Jesse Barn because right now he won't return your phone call. That's kind of a problem. So, how do you find it because it's not just importing the data but you have to import it kind of all the time. And only import down the records that you don't haveYou could delete all of yours out and then reimport but what if you have a million records then five new records come in you only want those five. You don't want one million and five records. So, you're like well what we should do is  I'm gonna create. I got a window here.  I'm going to go to this Claris cloud table right here. This is all of you. Here we go right. There we go.  

 This is the data.  I'm going to create a new window and  I'm going to come over here. And  I'm going to say this is my local data. So, I was playing with this earlier. I'm just going to delete all the records. So, we have kind of an idea what's going on. So, what I said is like well let's import them all and then  I'll come over here and mark a flag field that  I've already imported. So,  I could just not import that. That won't work because I can't save changes to the Claris studio side. So,  I wrote this script. I will share this file for those of you. Oh, that is a certification test question. David Angel, would you guys like to know a question on the certification test? David says just press the sync button. Just press the sync button okay. I love that. Thank you David for wandering into a trap awesome table. We're gonna look at rockets. Bunny one you're over here. There's a sync button. There's a test certification question. Pressing this button will synchronize the data between your ess file up somewhere else. And is your local FileMaker file true or false? False. It doesn't do that.  I'm over here and I say delete remember what I said before right. It actually tells you the answer right there. This is basically a hide function. Hide it go away. Hide it go away. Hide it go away. You're like wait a minute, maybe I need to see what's here maybe you add a new field. You add a new field on the SQL side. You don't see it over here yet. You press the sync button. It says hey we're going to bring this all down. It restores everything from all the fields that are on the SQL side plus.  

 These are two fields here that I created that are supplemental fields. They are supplemental fields. They are not really okay. Does it make sense? So,  there you go. Yeah, that sync is a really bad term because almost everyone doesn't sync no no no no okay.  I'll do it again. People are asking me the question. This is a list of fields that say I don't want to see them remembered fundamentally. FileMaker cannot control the schema on a SQL backend. FileMaker cannot control the schema and a SQL backend. It's not allowed to do that okay. And So,  if so over here. This really is badly named badly named it's been this way says 2010. I don't think they're going to change it. You say delete it. Says you're about to delete one selected shadow field to restore the deleted shadow field. You can synchronize it with the data source. Does it check the fields you have on your site against the fields? They have on their side and then make sure that you can see them all. So,   I've got rid of the check box. Let's get rid of both the check boxes. Let's get rid of all of them except for the first and last name delete. Are you sure they are just hidden? They are still available, they're just hidden. If you want to see them you have to say sync and it will restore all the ones that you hid. That's all. That is okay. So,  it's not a sink in terms of data syncing. There's no data syncing going on. So,  I'm going to go ahead and say cancel. So, I have a table here and this here. So,  what we had to do to make this in the current incarnation the hoops I had to jump through to get this to sync is I do an import and the running theory is that you won't delete any data over here. And you won't delete it over here. So,  as db as this is, watch this. So,  I'm going to run a script to harvest Claris cloud data with an import technique. All I'm going to do is run an import command. Okay, out comes the import command. So, now we have our own table. So, over here we can change it. We can do whatever we want. We've harvested down a snapshot of all the data right. So,  the question is that if I run this script again I hey I don't want another 35 records. I just want the records that have changed. I want the records that have changed. So, can one of you add a record for me, go to the page and submit a record for me. I mean I guess I could do it. If I come over here I can say add a row I could put broader min the cat okay. Bretterman the cat oh that's an email address that won't work. That's the one validation. It actually does br rudder man the cat. So,  keep in mind that data is over here. Now it's in this system. I have 35 35 records over here in my shadow table. My shadow layout. My shadow records. It's all shadowy.  

 This is my real local data right here 35 35 to match notice over here. Another thing that it didn't update, it didn't refresh. iI I go to contacts.  I'm gonna jp layout. Hello, go to contacts then come back to bunny1. It still didn't update. How do you get it to update? You have to run a script step called refresh window. It's a refresh window with the option to blow out your cache and go get fresh external data. If you run this script step right here specifically we have 35 over here. I'm going to run it and there's a little delay and then now we have 37. So, I went and got Bob. There you go. So,  I got two new records here. So,  Claris studio will not push to you a notification that a change has been made maybe someday. They do that maybe not. I don't have a clue. I really don't have a clue. What their Claris says come to me and say Richard this is what we're gonna do. I want you to tell everyone what I'm showing you. Here is the stuff  I've discovered right. So,  and a lot of this is just less of you having less expertise than you've seen before. So,  my goal is what I do is I keep track of the way this harvest works here. If I run the harvest right now 35, 35, 37, I need two more records. So,  if I run that script I get 37 right there. I am. And So,  what I do is scroll down here and I know that I have 37 and this is such a fragile sink I wrote. But there's no other way to do it right now if I come down here. I got 37. Then, I come over here and I go okay,  I'm going to go down to 37, omit the first 37 then import whatever's left. So,  if anyone and you have to assess the record you have all the records and there's no sort state. So,  you set up show me all records of no sort, omit them on both sides and you hope that no one deleted any records anywhere.   

 And then it kind of works. But it's very fragile. It's not a good design. But it's the only thing that works right now that  I'm aware of. Yeah, it feels like less resuscitation. Yeah I feel like literally I'm in 2010 the year is 2010 right. And So,  we're back to 2010. And most of the people down at Claris right now very few were there in 2010. I guarantee none of them. Lucy, still there? She's one of the VPs. She was there in 2010. Now the rest of them didn't exist. They were all new people; they haven't been here that long. So,  here we are, this is the script I wrote. I commented this out about Jacob Taylor. If you could get a copy of this file off of the trial server and give it to Margaret somehow or we need to get it loaded. If we can do that underscore ID field doesn't show that's mongo's primary key. Yeah, it didn't show anything. That's what you got is what you got. I'm guessing this as we get farther into the future. Here you have more flexibility over here. This part over here is really quite neat. I mean I'm gonna go to work. Actually we'll go here I'll say create a new form we'll call this the add a workflow okay. So,  hey welcome to your first steps on the moon workflow okay. And here's your page right. So, you come over here. And So,  you can see I just put a piece of artwork in here with a bunny rabbit with a rocket launcher and the California logo. And you can. If you want to add a field in here you just add a field right. So, it's like objects you could say all of them are required or none of them are required for the most part at least right here. Here you can substitute an image in. If I want to add an object. Oh, here we go. Add an object short field right. There we go and there it is. So,  by doing that it defined a field and stuck it in the system. And I could call it Fred. The field's called Fred I guess. I don't know, I wonder what it's actually called under the hood. So,  if I go over here the database it took the label off it took the field name off the label. So,  it attaches the label to it right. So,  it's creating the table structure for you automatically. It's kind of cool. But it's very early days right and this is the way it is today. So,  is this going to change anyone's life like someone in sales. They otherwise said hey people are actively using this not very much. They're not using it because there's no way of going over here to this form. So,  say we get done with this form right. You want to publish the form right. It's all good to go. You're totally done. You come over here to share and this is the form right here. It's all ready to go. It's already live on the internet. Look at that. How cool is that? That's it, it's live. That's cool. But there's nothing down here about. Oh, are you a robot? Would you select the four handicapped children that are missing out? The left arm is right and then you have to look at the picture and find four handicapped or or hAndicapable children that are missing. A left arm right or the fire hydrant where a dog is at or something whatever. It's always something. So,  yeah yeah yeah prove you're not a robot right.  

 So,  that's not even here. So,  if someone actually publishes this form and it goes out like we put the bunny rabbit thing out there. The robots are gonna get it and start just spamming it with stuff. This is cool. So,  it's kind of back to the future yet I can see where it will be cool, cool out in the future right. It's back to the future but it'll it's right now it's kind of like right. So,  if I come over here no one's submitting any data. I guess it's really good what kind of operation this is. I'll put oh let's put a unique hidden mail in there yeah forget that let's just put brick in there stuff in there some stuff in there. Submit it's done and come back over here. It's not here. So,  I have to tell it what to refresh and then it comes back and gets me the data. Probably should be a refresh button or something yeah I don't know whatever. So,  there's the data. So,  I mean it's a pretty slick container field there. I think someday you'll have container fields. I will show you the list right here. That is your list container is not on there which is like a blob I think they call those blobs. So,  numbers drop down. Once again, they're mixing control styles and formatting and field types together into a list. What are they going to put like you? I put the primary key in here if they put the word primary key near people are going to like the brand new bento. People are going to lose their minds right away. Oh, what's a primary key? So,  a question from twitch. Why pay for Claris studio very limited when I can easily get a jot form which is very complete. Yeah, you should absolutely buy a jotform right now. But Claris studio once again is Claris studio is going to have in it Claris's connect. Which in itself has its own issues but what Claris se is doing listen none of this is ready for prime time right. Now it's not even officially shipping right now. I think it will probably try to ship a 1. 0 in the fall. But do I have any immediate needs or uses for this at RCC with my 30 engineers? No. But this is neat I think. If you're a serious developer in the FileMaker community you should play with it. If you want to use jotform now or FM better forms or whatever but the day is going to mclares's intention is to make this good.  

 Once again, the road to hell is paid with good intentions. But Claris' intention is to make this so good that it competes with FileMaker because it's that good like the full Pro application. I think that's like when one of your customers says we're going to replace FileMaker with oracle okay. It's almost like the exact same conversation Claris has been saying this for three years. We're gonna have a future. We're gonna have an nx now we are down to a set of people Claris's who actually know what they're doing. And they're realizing that just to build the whole build Pro into a web interface is a really a tall order. It's very difficult to do. So,  they're going to do things in clear studio that I think round out that make FileMaker Pro better and make it more awesome. It has public facing forms with no licensing for this. If you have this right now there's no licensing. Now yeah, you can go to FM better forms or jot form or whatever. But at some point Claris studio will become a superior tool. They're all hanging their existences on that statement down there. It will become a better tool. I don't know when it'll be a better tool than jotform or something like that. But eventually it will probably be superior for a year. I don't know how long depending upon price. I would immediately use studio forms available. I love it. It's pretty neat. Yeah. I mean it's neat. I just. I just. They're gonna have to have robot suppression on it. Like I'm not a robot. The other thing is that you say you come over here to workflow and on this page here then on this page say you put a page in the middle. And So,  you fill in some data here on this page here. You redisplay some of the data you've already had and you make a logical condition statement on here. Like say, over here you said well my fluffy bunny has body armor and then you come over here and you say well if fluffy buddy equals quote body armor then show this other question that you might have. It has to make a logical decision. Then do this kind of stuff. So,  yeah it's got some they got plenty of things they can go out and do right. And I think they're going to do that but because I was in here going you know there's nowhere in here to like bring that data forward or make a decision based upon that current data. But I mean it works. I think that's I think the biggest part of what they've been trying to do is create the underlying architecture and the infrastructure at Claris. Because the reason they didn't give this to everyone is that same reason they dipped all of us in the same sandbox.  

 Literally I am in the same sandbox with everyone else. All these other people Robert Halsey, he's a you know Bob Shockey, David knight, David knight's crazy right. Alex Gregory Beeswax. I don't know if I've met him. Vince Todd another Todd Hanza from 24u. We all know him Kevin Hammond, the CEO at db services Nick Orr write all these people Tim Simbura at used to be. I don't know what another len fire which is like something with my flashlight or something. So,  yeah I don't know I always thought that was kind of funny. And then, go to mainspring. I like that. So,  we're all in the sandbox together because Claris is working on getting as you buy it getting your own. Your own little world together because they're gonna be hosting us for you talking to Peter Nelson. Once again, repeating what he's already said they can make this on premise. If they want. I don't know if you really want to. I think some of you will need it because gdpr in Europe and who controls the data where it's at Claris is going to have some adoption limiting kind of factors. Especially in Europe, the United States, maybe not quite. So bad. But there are some people who absolutely have to have on-premise stuff right. Jacob Taylor yeah. I had two clients in the last year essentially refuse to set up services from RCC due to me facing the wrong screen. So, I'm not going to look right on the stream okay but basically I'm looking at the, yeah you can look at my printer here essentially. Anyway the client refused server setup services because we're going to put them on Amazon. Because that's our primary vendor and they talked to their legal people and the legal people basically told them no no to Amazon. Because they're an American company and the complexity. I don't know if it's their particular industry or what but the complexity that gdpr and eprivacy bring to working with american technical services providers.  

 Basically it was no. And so, I gave them a different consultation which was hey what kind of hardware do you want that kind of thing. So, okay. So, you guys are having questions about the quality of code underneath this like Jack Ripper's asking about that. Yeah, save that for tomorrow. Ask Andy Lecates, we'll throw it at him Claris needs to add a lot of functionality besides form FileMaker fields payment transactions. You sign uploads capture yeah exactly there's quite a bit. They need Peter White. I'm sorry I thought David White. Peter White yeah, there's a lot they need to add to this. I think we're all in agreement on that but it's their I mean basically they've been beating their head on the wall for three years. And now finally it seems to be some forward motion. Is it useful for me, right? Now, no. But  it is forward motion and it logically seems to work right. Once again, I don't know the performance of trying to have FileMaker talk. Like, if you have a million records in this thing what is it going to be like to try to you have to have a way of syncing just down your data. So, you have your million records locally on your FMP-12 file. I don't think there's any reasonable way to try to front-end and manage. That's what people always say. I want to use esl, we use FileMaker as a front end for oracle. If you ask Claris when they did presentations back in 2010 they absolutely said FileMaker should not be considered a front-end for the SQL oracle system. It's got its own uses and it's not this high-speed end because it has a hard time keeping up with pushing and pulling that much data. Peters expressed some concern about latency and speed between their server. Wherever this server is at it's probably on the West Coast United States somewhere. Amazon West tCoast data center either Oregon or down here in the united in San Jose somewhere how that would be right. So, cool alright. So, if I want to sell a standalone database can my customers use the free future FileMaker? Do they need to buy a license Pro Reuben? So, the answer to your question is Claris said nothing about freemi except that little tag that you saw came up yesterday. Someone was trying to figure this out to use what I would gather is that they're going to give FileMaker Pro. Jacob's looking the other way. File they're going to get FileMaker Claris Pro away free but for it to work you have to like you know. They want your name and information. So, they can market to you. I think that's fair. If you're going to get an app like that for free that being said. I think you have to log in and use the Claris ID and declare your studio ID whatever ID.  

 So, when you get pro for free you also get a single use of cloud 2 and click connect. And where there's all this other stuff. And so, how well that fits with you selling your own single standalone file. I don't know tomorrow. Angela Cates will be here to clean up the mess I created. Im so excited about that. So, for those of you who want to know more about that, check it out tomorrow. So, tomorrow I'll be Andy Lacaze talking about whatever stuff in here. And also the problem solve a circle and  I'm not sure what he wants to do on that. But  I've already kind of presented on all this material. I can't do any more. So, it's up to him to you folks really need to bring questions tomorrow kind of on topic questions. But questions if they're hard questions that's fine. He's paid. He's a big boy. And he gets properly compensated by Claris. He can take the hard questions. There was a question for the first time. What name version of FileMaker is going to be live in three years, okay. So, in three years file Pro. Pro will still be a product that's not going anywhere. I guarantee it gets back to that initial slide. We talked about where they're not going to break. They're going to honor what you're doing. They're not going to break where you're at. Let me see if I can just get this slide request called their north stars. Kind of an important one. I'm just going to pop this back up here real quick. So, it was the north star one right here. So, if I hit play this was Claris' main guiding principle. Philosophies don't break existing deployments, okay. They're going to call it Pro. They're probably trying to get rid of the word FileMaker. My guess is that it'll be Claris Pro. Probably my guess is they'll take both versions of a Pro. That they're gonna, they're about to give birth. We have one right now in the market. There's gonna be two in the market right now. Then I guess that they'll come back together at some point.  

 And so, it'll be Pro. So, build it for Pro you'll be in good shape okay. What's the name or version? What version will FileMaker be in three years okay. I can assure you that Claris doesn't even know that they know. It'll be called Pro version number 21, 22, 23, I have no clue right. And they sure the hell didn't tell me right. But knowing what they Peter Nelson has said this down there. That they are these are their guiding principles okay. So, taking these getting principles in check he has a pretty good idea. What he's doing over the next say 90 days three months because they're using this agile development. So, he has a really good idea because they have the deliverables docent for the next three months. The next three months after that what's between three and six months he has kind of an idea mostly of what they're doing and beyond six months. He really doesn't have any idea what he's doing. And so, that's the velocity of business. Things are happening that fast down there. Does it make sense? That's good. Really good question. Should I have confidence in Claris in three years?  I've been doing this for 32 years. I have confidence but not withstanding confusion. Naming the product fundamentally. There will be a product called Pro and it will continue to operate your software and not break things because that's the goal. So, I have confidence and I have total confidence in that okay. But, Claris doesn't know what the version number will be. And it'll be called Pro.   

 And then, Claris studio will probably be a whole hell of a lot better by then in three years. Alright. Cool. That's it for today. I appreciate all the action. Everyone has brought your questions tomorrow. If you want to ask Claris about whether you should trust them or not or whether they're worthy of your love, bring that tomorrow all right. Guys you're awesome. Thanks for not making my life miserable today. Appreciate you being patient with me as I waited my way through mayhem for a brand new product. Alright cool. See ya.  

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FM Starting Point is a completely FREE FileMaker CRM, designed for use with FileMaker® 19. FMSP is focused on small businesses, work groups, and non-profit organizations.

FileMaker users have been enjoying the benefits of FMSP for over 10 years, with over 684,125 downloads of the solution. FMSP offers an integrated approach to an integral need in the business world — a complete CRM that is ready to be built upon to create the perfect solution for your specific needs. Experienced FileMaker Pro users will value a FREE tool that makes building a new project substantially easier.

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FM Starting Point (FMSP) has moved from build number to year; so this current release is called 2020 instead of 8.0. FMSP has been customized for use on the FileMaker 19 Platform. FMSP supports iPad, Windows, Mac OS X, and WebDirect. FM Starting Point may be hosted on FileMaker Server or FileMaker Cloud. 

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