Connected Learning in Teacher Education

Connected Learning in Teacher Education (CLinTE) is a network of teacher educator-scholars that research and teach aspects of Connected Learning in teacher education programs, and seek to collaborate around our research, teaching and public engagement in this work.

Be sure to follow and use the #CLinTE hashtag on Twitter!

What does Connected Learning look like in classrooms after educators have learned about or experienced Connected Learning?

What are the tensions? What are the possibilities?

Join us to share your knowledge and experiences, and learn from others in this special international Twitter Chat, co-hosted with Mirek Hancl of Osnabrück University, who is currently working with teachers as the apply the Connected Learning framework to their practices.

CLinTE Newsletter Vol. 2 - Fall 2018

CLinTE Announcements:

Pictures from CLinTE members at AERA 2018

Pictures from the 2017 CLinTE Summer Gathering