University of Arizona

Department of Mathematics
617 N. Santa Rita Ave
Tucson, AZ 85721

Office: Math 601
E-mail: ckhenderson [at]
Phone: (520) 621-6883

Google Scholar


Current Position:

Associate professor, University of Arizona.

Previous Positions:

LE Dickson Instructor, University of Chicago (2016-2019)

LabEx MILYON post-doc, UMPA / ENS de Lyon (2015-2016)


Stanford University (2010-2015), Advisor: Lenya Ryzhik


Broadly my research is in applied analysis and partial differential equations for models arising in the physical, biological, and social sciences as well as engineering.

Publications and Preprints


All current teaching is handled through D2L, the University of Arizona's LMS. That said, as a student and researcher, I have often stumbled across notes of courses at other universities that were very helpful. Recently, however, it seems that notes are often only posted in (locked) LMS sites.

With this in mind, I have decided to start hosting my own notes here -- and encourage you to do so also! -- with the hopes they will be useful to someone somewhere. The come with the caveat that there may be typos, errors, etc, as they have not been carefully proofread.


A long time ago (at the beginning of grad school), I wrote up a short proof that measurable functions that are additive on the rationals are additive on the reals. Since it has been referred to a few times on MathOverflow posts, I have been asked to continue hosting it. Here is it.