Cj's Bio... continued

Life and coincidence intervened when I married young and moved to MN with my IBM hub, adopting two sets of children over the next three decades, along with a menagerie of animals (mostly rescues.) Finding country acreage enabled the BIG House & Horse Dream. Raising and training wild and domestic horses, dogs and cats, along with four challenging children confined my second BIG Dream –Writing— to short stories, newspaper and magazine articles for too many years.

Long MN winters that once found me dabbling in “Q and R’s” (quilt-making, reading and reviewing) gave way to short summers jammed with kids and riding lessons in our Mt. Pegasus arenas. Between seasons, I wedged in some adventure binges: climbing a Jamaican waterfall, floating in the Dead Sea, Kissing the Blarney Stone and researching novel settings in the American West, Ireland and the UK.

It took an empty nest… and barn to give me time to write my Accidental novel trilogy (Time travel romantic suspense) all with the premise that “look-a-likes” can bridge time and coincidence to find their own identity in the arms of an unexpected soul mate. Follow my adventures in my blogs and newsletters and if my books and stories entertain you, a short review is a great way to say "Thanks for the happy memories." In this day and age, a pause to take a "armchair vacation" (with a cuppa something refreshing) will revive and encourage both of us. Luv Cj