City Art Member's Internal Gallery Information

Internal Documents

Here are links to the documents you'll need most often:

Member Handbook

The Book - link not ready yet

Daily Log - afternoon shift

Daily Log - evening shift

POS User Guide

Curator Duties

Theme Show Organizer Duties

Diagrams/Dimensions of Gallery Spaces

Gallery Floor Plan

City Art Logos

Openers and back-up openers

These and all the rest of the forms, guides, wall diagrams and design files can be found in our City Art Documents Repository

Curators & Theme Show Organizers




Email Lists

City Art Visitor e-mail List

This is the email list of folks who have visited our gallery and signed up in our book to receive our newsletter. Unless something exceptional is happening, we send out 1 email per month inviting our visitors to our First Friday Opening. Feel free to join this email list (below). You may want to forward our newsletter to your own email list if you are in the show.

Subscribe to CityArt Visitor Email List


You may unsubscribe at any time.

Private Facebook Group for Members

This list is a vehicle for member to member communication. If you have a "call for artists" you want to share or a great deal on artists supplies, or a show at some other gallery, feel free to use this group. It is a private group for member artists only. You can request an invitation by logging into Facebook and going to this Member's Private Facebook Group. Or email Danja. Make sure to looks for and accept the invitation so you can be added to the group.

City Art Board e-mail List

There is City Art Board, a group of artists who volunteer extra time/energy to help run the gallery and make decisions about our future and the way we operate. If you are interested in becoming part of this group, please let a board member know and if there are openings in the board they will let you know what happens next. If you would just like to be more involved with the gallery and help out there are loads of volunteer opportunities where you can get involved without having to commit to a monthly board meeting. Listen for these opportunities at the monthly Pot Luck/Planning Meetings.

Submit Your Art for Our Website

Member artist have the option to have up to eight images in each member's page. Artists can also have profile pictures of themselves and an artist statement. There is also the option to have multiple links beyond a website and email address – such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Etsy, etc. To make use of this new feature, send images, statements, and links you wish posted to Be sure to include the title of each piece and its medium. The width of artwork images submitted should be no less than 800 pixels in .jpg format (72 dpi and RGB format are recommended).

Submit your Artwork for Our POSTCARD

Guidelines for postcard and press release submissions

Postcard submissions are voted for by the Board members. The chosen submission

is used for the front of that month's card. Not all submissions will be used as postcards.

Press release images will be used as needed.

Only artists showing in the gallery during the month are eligible.

File Specifications:

  1. JPEG (.jpg) or TIFF (.tiff) - Best/Max quality.
  2. RGB, CMYK and Grayscale are acceptable
  3. Resolution of at least 240 dpi (not 72). This is critical.
  4. Four inches minimum on the shortest side of image (Larger sizes are appreciated, as they allow for creative cropping. The image doesn't have to be the exact size or shape of the postcard.)

5. Attach only one (1) image per email.

6. You MUST include: Artist, Title, Date, and Media.


DEADLINE: Must be received no later than the last day of the second previous month.

(i.e., if you are submitting an image for the April postcard, you must send it no later than Feb. 28).

Who Has Keys to the Gallery?

Openers, Backup Openers, Curators, Volunteers,... a bunch of people.

Here is a link to a list of artists and their contact information:

Submit Your Workshop Idea to the Gallery

Would you like to hold a workshop or similar event at the Gallery? We think that is great! First read the Guidelines for Holding a Workshop at the Gallery. Then write a proposal and send it to Ann Krilanovich for feedback, approval, and scheduling.

To get you started, here is a Sample Workshop Proposal written by one of our excellent artist members.

EMERGENCY Shift Sitter List

You are in charge of making sure your shift is filled. If you cannot work a shift you have signed up for, make sure to find another artist who will switch with you. However, sometimes emergencies do happen. It can be difficult to find another artist to cover for you in the midst of an emergency.

The EMERGENCY Shift Sitter List is a list of member artists who are willing to provide emergency shift coverage in exchange for financial compensation. We suggest $75 for a single shift. The arrangement and payment for emergency shift coverage should be handled entirely by the member needing shift coverage. As a courtesy, please notify the curator if emergency shift coverage arrangements have been made.

EMERGENCY Shift Sitter List:

Suzane Beaubrun - (415) 637-9797 -

Danja Critchell - (415) 563-0591 -

Peter Diggs-( 415)272-2137

Timothy Flanagan -415-533-3128-

Tom Heinz - (650)-834-7897 -

Kaytea Petro- (415) 846-5212 (please text)

Uel Renteria - 415-580-9810

Want to be an Emergency Shift Sitter too? Email your name & phone # to: ADD ME TO THE EMERGENCY LIST

Can I hold an EVENT at City Art?

City Art member artists are encouraged to hold events at the gallery outside of normal gallery hours -- poetry readings, birthday parties, artist receptions, receptions for organizations that you are involved with, etc. The holding of events does bring up certain legal and liability issues; these EVENT GUIDELINES are designed to prevent problems that could threaten the legal or financial viability of the gallery.