Citizens in Peace Processes


The Network

Ordinary citizens typically bear the brunt of the destruction and violence in civil wars. Their engagement in and acceptance of peace processes is often a crucial ingredient for sustainable peace, while their lives continue to be shaped by the legacies of war long after weapons have fallen silent.

The network “Citizens in Peace Processes” seeks to advance our understanding of the role citizens play in shaping the potential for and nature of the peace following civil wars. We hope that the network facilitates the exchange of ideas and scholarship to inform practitioners who seek to support citizen engagement in peace processes.

To that end, members of the network are encouraged to use the network to share work in progress, share or seek datasets, put together panel proposals, and seek or share relevant funding opportunities.

We maintain an email list to manage the group. If you would like to be added to the email list and/or our list of scholars, please use the button below to get in touch.

The network is coordinated by Felix Haass, Caroline Hartzell, and Martin Ottmann.

Recent News

APSA 2019 Conference Panels

The CIPP network has organized two panels at APSA 2019. You can find panel description, panelists, and time/place below:

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in DC!

Felix, Caroline, and Martin

Email List

The CIPP network is maintaining an email list to coordinate communcation among network members. To sign up, use the "Join" button below. To send an email to the list, simply email to "cipp.list (at) gmail dot com."

Photo: Marco Dormino/UN Multimedia - UNPOL Peacekeepers on patrol in Menaka / Mali