Call for Chapters

Cognitive and Intelligent Systems for IoT and Cyber Physical Systems


  • Dr. Ahmed A. Abd El-Latif, Menoufia University, Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science Dept., Shebin El-Koom, 32511 Menofia, Egypt

  • Wei Wang, Sun Yat-sen University, School of Intelligent Systems Engn, Xingang W Rd 135, 510275 Guangzhou, China

  • Lo’ai Tawalbeh, Texas A&M University, Computing and Cyber Security, 2819 Encino Riv, San Antonio, TX 78259- 2692, USA

  • Dr. Brij B. Gupta, National Inst. of Technology Kurukshetra, NIT Campus, 136119 Kurukshetra, India

  • Wojciech Mazurczyk, Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Computer Science, Nowowiejska Str. 15/19, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland

Aim and Scope

Internet of Things and industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are paradigms that have an important influence on emerging technologies of the smart life. Industrial CPSs aim to conduct pre-competitive research on architectures and design, modeling, and analysis techniques for cyber-physical systems, with emphasis on industrial applications. These applications include transportation systems, automation, security, smart buildings, smart cities, medical systems, energy generation and distribution, water distribution, agriculture, military systems, process control, asset management, and robotics. Recently, the emergence of embedded and ubiquitous cyber-physical applications based on IoT, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and 5G have driven the evolution of industrial CPSs. Due to the progressive transformation from host-centric networking to information-centric networking, industrial CPSs pose fundamental challenges in multiple aspects, such as heterogeneous data generation, efficient data sensing and collection, real-time data processing, and greater request arrival rates. Cognitive computing provides new opportunities for the revolution of industrial CPSs.Significant recent advances in efficient algorithms, computing capability, and big data make cognitive computing increasingly powerful in many industrial applications. With the help of advanced cognitive computing methods, we are able to discover new patterns and knowledge from industrial datasets, and to extract novel valuable information, which can promote product innovation, improves operation level, and production operation efficiency of manufacturing enterprises, and expand novel business models. Therefore, there has been an emerging trend to take cognitive computing into account when designing next generation industrial CPSs.However, although some attempts have been done to explore cognitive computing for next generation industrial CPSs, there exist various scientific and engineering challenges including software and hardware development, computational complexity, data multi-source heterogeneity, and security. This book aims to capture the state-of-the-art advances in intelligent and cognitive techniques for IoT and Cyber Physical Systems. It focuses on the crossroads among scientists, industry practitioners, and researchers from diverse domains, aiming to solve some challenging problems in the context of intelligent and cognitive techniques. The book will cover comprehensively cognitive learning algorithms, frameworks, and technologies for next generation industrial CPSs.


Technical scope of the proposal includes, but not limited to:

  • Cognitive learning-based technologies and applications for industrial CPSs

  • Learning based 5G communication for industrial CPSs

  • AI based intrusion detection/prevention techniques

  • Industrial IoT system engineering

  • Data-driven cognitive computing for industrial informatics

  • Cognitive learning-based security, integrity and privacy solutions for industrial CPSs

  • New cognitive learning algorithms for industrial applications

  • Big data analytics, new algorithms, and approaches for Industrial CPSs

  • Cognitive computing approaches for industrial scenarios

  • Computational intelligence in industrial image/signal processing

  • New theories and applications of learning methods in industrial informatics

  • Energy management and green technology

  • Cognitive self-organization networks

  • Cognitive techniques for hybrid IoT and satellite communications

  • Spectrum sensing and spectrum sharing for cognitive IoT

  • Metrics, fundamental limits, and trade-offs involving cognitive IoT

  • Joint learning and cognitive radio for IoT

  • Intelligent image processing technique

  • Performance evaluation metrics of cognitive IoT

  • Current and future trends in cognitive IoT

Important Dates

Full Chapter Submission: October 25, 2021

First Round Decision: November 05, 2021

Revised Chapter Submission: November 15, 2021

Final Decision Notification: November 30, 2021


This book is scheduled to be published in

Intelligent Systems Reference Library Series, Springer

Chapter Submission

Please submit your Chapter(s) in PDF file at the submission site: