How we Develop the Programs

Last June 24, 2019 the Supreme Student Government thru the Marshals launched and roll out the Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD) pursuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 055 s. 2019.

The SSG Marshal attended an orien- tation on the said memorandum. The orientation was presided by Jonne A. Bediones, the SSG Advis- er. The following day, the Marshal headed by Diana Gado, Erwin Die- go, Jessie Recto and Daniel Dela Vega conducted the screening of prospective focal person for the implementation of the CIS BKD Program.

After the screening, the heads in the Marshal, SSG officers, and advis- er had a caucus on the core of the program to be considered.

As a result, the CIS-BKD developed the five phases for its realization. 

Phase 1 - Orientation on the BKD

Phase 2 - Recruitment of prospect implementer

Phase 3 - Planning

Phase 4 - Roll Out and program implementation

Phase 5 - Monitoring and Evaluation.

The SSG officers made a separate meeting to think, create and share suggestions and opinions on the activities, events, programs and training workshops to be part of the BKD. 

The five phases of CIS-BKD is a con- crete approach in addressing the issue at hand.

Millennial students nowadays has a lot of errands before they went home. They even looked for certain activities on his/her own which sometimes led to something among of which is the peer pressure on the use of drugs and other vices. It is the reason, the officers and Marshals considered this circumstances in the classification of activities to be catered to the "would be" student participants. The SSG's leadership set- tled with the three programs-After 4PM Gimmick, Finding Oneself and Good Citizenship Programs. These programs if fully implemented has a significant impact in sparing the stu- dents from the influence of using drugs.

The After 4PM Gimmick was partially launched due to financial constraints. The following month we will launch the Finding Oneself and so forth. The CIS-BKD will last until February 2020 on its minimum since the context of our BKD is couched on the term programs which emphasized long term application.

Planning session.

The roll out stage is in conformity with Phase 4 under the Five Phases of BKD. 

Phase 1

Orientation on the BKD

In Phase I, the SSG Adviser introduced the basis for the implementation of BKD. Barkada Kontra Droga is a program in the Philippines that aims to prevent drug abuse among the youth. The program was launched by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) in 2002 and has since been implemented in various schools and communities across the country.

The program focuses on educating the youth about the dangers of drug abuse and empowering them to make informed and responsible decisions. It uses a peer-to-peer approach, wherein young people are encouraged to share their experiences and insights with their peers, rather than being lectured by authority figures.

Barkada Kontra Droga also emphasizes the importance of developing positive relationships and building strong support systems to help prevent drug abuse. It promotes activities that foster teamwork, camaraderie, and healthy lifestyles.

Overall, Barkada Kontra Droga is an important program that seeks to address the serious issue of drug abuse among the youth in the Philippines. By educating young people about the dangers of drugs and encouraging positive behavior, it helps to create a safer and healthier society for everyone.

Phase 2

Recruitment of Prospect Implementer

While in Phase 2, the men and women in the SSG Marshals conducted the Panel Interview and Teaming Up of the aspiring Marshals-BKD Implementer.

The SSG officers made a separate meeting to think, create and share suggestions and opinions on the activities, events, programs and training workshops to be part of the BKD. 

On the Phase 2, the team were instructed to prepare a communication to prospective partners and sponsors and recruit the possible participants as well as think on the ways and means on how to address financial constraints in pursuing the activities. 

Phase 3


Going further, Phase 3 will be conducted the planning sessions on the pro- gram of action as well as facilitate the teams on how they will carry their activities given the financial constraints.

In planning sessions, we observed three stages-preparatory, processual docu- mentation, and roll out.

During the preparatory stage, the teams gave several activities but on the strict scrutiny of the adviser they categorized them into three- After 4PM Gimmick, Finding Oneself, Good Citizenship.

Phase 4

Roll Out and Program Implementation

Phase 4 focuses on the roll out and program implementation of BKD Programs After 4 PM Gimmick, Finding Oneself, and Good Citizenship Endeavors. These programs will provide a wide arrays of activities to spare the students from the influence of drugs. Here are some activities that can help spare students from the influence of drugs:

These activities can help spare students from the influence of drugs and create a safe and healthy environment for everyone.

Phase 5

Monitoring and Evaluation

On Phase 5, The officers of the Supreme Student Government and Marshal Team Leaders can jointly monitor, assess, and evaluate the strength and weaknesses of various activities under the three programs (such as Barkada Kontra Droga) by following these steps:

By following these steps, the officers of the Supreme Student Government and Marshal Team Leaders can effectively monitor, assess, and evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the various activities under the programs and ensure that they are achieving their objectives.