Passing exams is partly a matter of intellectual ability, but howeveraccomplished you are in that respect you can improve your chancessignificantly by the use of appropriate study and revision techniques. In thissection we briefly outline some tips for effective study during the earlier stagesof your approach to the objective tests. We also mention some techniques thatyou will find useful at the revision stage.PlanningTo begin with, formal planning is essential to get the best return from the timeyou spend studying. Estimate how much time in total you are going to need foreach subject you are studying. Remember that you need to allow time forrevision as well as for initial study of the material.With your study material before you, decide which chapters you are going tostudy in each week, and which weeks you will devote to revision and finalquestion practice.Prepare a written schedule summarising the above and stick to it!It is essential to know your syllabus. As your studies progress you will becomemore familiar with how long it takes to cover topics in sufficient depth. Yourtimetable may need to be adapted to allocate enough time for the wholesyllabus.Students are advised to refer to the examination blueprints (see page P forfurther information) and the CIMA website, cimaglobal, to ensure theyare up-to-date.The amount of space allocated to a topic in the Study Text is not a very goodguide as to how long it will take you. The syllabus weighting is the better guideas to how long you should spend on a syllabus topic.

Objective test questions require you to choose or provide a response to aquestion whose correct answer is predetermined.The most common types of objective test question you will see are: Multiple choice, where you have to choose the correct answer(s) from a list of possible answers. This could either be numbers or text. Multiple choice with more choices and answers, for example, choosing two correct answers from a list of eight possible answers. This could either be numbers or text. Single numeric entry, where you give your numeric answer, for example, profit is $10,000. Multiple entry, where you give several numeric answers. True/false questions, where you state whether a statement is true or false. Matching pairs of text, for example, matching a technical term with the correct definition. Other types could be matching text with graphs and labelling graphs/diagrams.In every chapter of this Study Text we have introduced these types ofquestions, but obviously we have had to label answers A, B, C etc. rather thanusing click boxes. For convenience, we have retained quite a few questionswhere an initial scenario leads to a number of sub-questions. There will be noquestions of this type in the objective tests.Guidance re CIMA on-screen calculatorAs part of the CIMA objective test software, candidates are now provided with acalculator. This calculator is on-screen and is available for the duration of theassessment. The calculator is available in each of the objective tests and isaccessed by clicking the calculator button in the top left hand corner of thescreen at any time during the assessment. Candidates are permitted to utilisepersonal calculators as long as they are an approved CIMA model. AuthorisedCIMA models are listed here: cimaglobal/Studying/study-and-resources/.All candidates must complete a 15-minute exam tutorial before the assessmentbegins and will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the calculatorand practise using it. The exam tutorial is also available online via the CIMAwebsite.Candidates may practise using the calculator by accessing the online examtutorial.Fundamentals of objective testsThe objective tests are 90-minute assessments comprising 60 compulsoryquestions, with one or more parts. There will be no choice and all questionsshould be attempted. All elements of a question must be answered correctly forthe question to be marked correctly. All questions are equally weighted.

Cima P3 Risk Management Study Text Pdf Free Download

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 1)AA is not a paper which can be passed by just reviewing the study text, in my opinion the study text pretty much does not transfer over to your paper except few questions in Section A on Corporate Governance and Ethics and Acceptance. EXAM KIT IS KEY HERE.

5)PROCEDURES IS THE ONLY EXCEPTION I can point out I recommend you start memorizing all the procedures listed in the study text itself and then move on to the exam kit, so it becomes easier to frame answers according to the questions AGAIN exam kit questions have to be rote learned.

7)Come back to AUDIT risk it will make much more sense to you and start with the exam kit after being done with the study text again MEMORIZATION but at this point some points will start occurring to you naturally because again AA is super repetitive.

9)AA is such a subject that if you even happen to go through the exam kit twice or thrice without ever reading the study text or not understanding the concepts at all you will still score enough to pass. ( I AM NOT PROMOTING NOT LEARNING THE CONCEPTS KEEP IN MIND YOU ARE TRYING TO BECOME A CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT not just trying to pass an exam for the sake of it)

Although there is resounding evidence that LDL-C lowering reduces cardiovascular risk, there are also data to demonstrate that the typical dyslipidemia profile observed in diabetic patients, which is shared by obese patients, often results in residual risk even after LDL-C targets are achieved. Consequently, it is essential to consider secondary lipoprotein targets to reduce the atherogenic burden in diabetic patients once they have reached their individual LDL-C goal. Specifically, elevated Apo B and non-HDL-C are both recommended treatment targets for very high risk patients [4,9]. In this study, regardless of baseline obesity status (obese/non-obese), the combination of ezetimibe/simvastatin treatment resulted in higher percentages of diabetic patients achieving not only the aggressive LDL-C target of e24fc04721

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