Day 3

Title: Excursions inside black holes and finite temperature CFT's (slides)

Speaker: Diego Rodriguez-Gomez (Oviedo)

Time: 14:00-14:35 (GMT+0), 2021.08.04


Finite temperature allows to probe detailed aspects of a Conformal Field Theory (CFT), providing interesting new windows into its dynamics. In the case of CFT’s with a gravity dual through the AdS/CFT correspondence, there is an interesting further twist as thermal correlation functions can contain information about the interior of the dual black hole encoded in a subtle way. In this talk we will study thermal correlation functions for heavy operators, focusing on 2- and 3-point functions. Allowing for higher curvature couplings, the 2-point function contains a contribution which can be understood in terms of geodesics reaching the singularity. As a consequence, the 2-point function can contain information about the travel time to the singularity.