1st International Moscow Workshop

Applied Research in
Labor Economics and Human Capital
November 12-13, 2021

We encourage participants of the Workshop 2021 to share their materials by uploading files to the shared folder: link

Program Committee

MGIMO-University and CERGI-EI

MGIMO-University and CERGI-EI

Lomonosov MSU and

National Research University HSE

National Research University HSE

You can see and download docx. version of the Call for papers 2021 by this link.

Below you can find the schedule and several recordings of the Workshop 2021.
Due to technical issues not all sessions were recorded. We apologize for that.

Day 1

November 12, 2021

Welcome and opening remarks

Andrey Baykov, Vice-Rector for Science and Research, MGIMO University

Andrey Sushentsov (Head of IIS, MGIMO University)

Mikhail Mamonov (MGIMO University, CERGE-EI)

first day intro.mp4

Keynote talk 1:

Ruben Enikolopov (New Economic School)

“Divided We Stay Home: Social Distancing and Ethnic Diversity”

keynote Ruben Enikolopov.mp4

Session A: Labor market (2 hours):

Chair: Mikhail Mamonov (MGIMO University, CERGE-EI)

Sunwoo Hwang (Korea University Business School)
The Effects of Contingent Employment on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Discussant: Alexey Zamnius

Alexey Zamnius (RANEPA, MSU)
The Microdata-Based Estimation Of Labor Supply Elasticity In Russia
(with Andrey Polbin)

Discussant: Philipp Kartaev

Main presentation:

Ksenia Rozhkova (HSE)

The gender wage gap among university graduates in Russia: Horizontal segregation in education and jobs

(with Sergey Roshchin and Natalia Yemelina)

Discussant: Alina Malkova

Parallel presentation:

Rigissa Megalokonomou (University of Queensland)

Longer-Term Effects of Teachers: Evidence from a Random Assignment of Teachers to Students

(with Victor Lavy)

Alina Malkova (University of Missouri)

The Impact of Formal and Informal Credit Institutions on Entrepreneurship

Discussant: Ksenia Rozhkova

Keynote talk 2:

Harry Anthony Patrinos (World Bank)

“Returns to Education: Russia and beyond”

Session B: Education (1,5 hours):

Chair: Harry Anthony Patrinos (World Bank)

Leah Lakdawala (Wake Forest University)

Dynamic Impacts of School-based Internet Access on Student Learning

(with Kevin Kho and Eduardo Nakasone)

Discussant: Daniil Kashkarov

Daniil Kashkarov (CERGE-EI)

Automation and Human Capital: Accounting for Individual-Level Responses

Discussant: Leah Lakdawala

Closing remarks for Day 1

Mikhail Mamonov (MGIMO University, CERGE-EI)

Day 2

November 13, 2021

Opening remarks for Day 2

Mikhail Mamonov (MGIMO University, CERGE-EI)

Keynote talk 3:

Nabanita Datta Gupta (Aarhus University)

“Motherhood, Leave-taking and Childcare -- Effects on Children and Careers”

keynote Nabanita Datta Gupta.mp4

Session C: Motherhood and Career (1 hour):

Chair: Nabanita Datta Gupta (Aarhus University)

Tatiana Karabchuk (UAE University)

Motherhood Wage Penalty in Russia: Empirical Study on RLMS-HSE data

(with Tatiana Trach and Varvara Pankratova)

Discussant: Anna Pestova

Motherhood and career - presentation 1.mp4

Anna Pestova (MGIMO University, CERGE-EI)

Childcare Provision and Female Labor Supply in Russia: Evidence from Household Survey Data

(with Daniil Kashkarov and Mikhail Mamonov)

Discussant: Tatiana Karabchuk

Motherhood and career - presentation 2.mp4

Keynote talk 4:

Rustam Ibragimov (Imperial College London)

“Robust Inference on Income Inequality: t-Statistic Based Approaches”

keynote Rustam Ibragimov.mp4

Section D: Society and Mobility (2 hours):

Chair: Elena Vakulenko (HSE)

Olga Popova (IOS, CERGE-EI)

Double-Edged Sword: Persistent Effects of Communism on Life Satisfaction

(with Vladimir Otrachshenko and Milena Nikolova)

Discussant: Ella Sargsyan

Society and mobility - presentation 1.mp4

Ella Sargsyan (CERGE-EI)

The Role of Potato in Child Health during the Transformation Crisis of the 1990s in Russia

(with Mikhail Mamonov and Anna Pestova)

Discussant: Joseph Chance

Vasiliy Anikin (HSE)

Support for Reducing Inequality in the New Russia: Does Social Mobility Matter

(with Svetlana Mareeva and Ekaterina Slobodenyuk)

Discussant: Olga Popova

Joseph Chance (Tufts University)

Skill Versus Spatial Emigration Effects on Origin Wages: Evidence from Overseas Filipino Workers

Discussant: Vasiliy Anikin

Keynote talk 5:

Kevin Lang (Boston University)

“Tasks and Investments in Skills”

Invited session on “Income distribution and inequality” (2 hours):

Chair: Rustam Ibragimov (Imperial College London)

Clara Martinez-Toledano (Imperial College London)

“Distributional Financial Accounts in Europe”

Yulong Wang (Syracuse University)

“Tax Progressivity and Wealth Inequality: Evidence from Forbes 400”

Closing remarks for Day 2

Anna Pestova (MGIMO University, CERGE-EI)