Англійська мова
(1 група)

Учитель:  Яковлєва Валерія Валеріївна (valeriiayakovlieva99@gmail.com)

Увага!!! Новий матеріал розміщується зверху сторінки

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Тема: Find the information.

Виконані завдання надіслати на електронну пошту 

Good luck! 


Тема: Passive Voices Revision 

Part 1: Present Simple Passive Voice

Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences in the present simple passive voice.

People speak English all over the world.

The company produces smartphones in China.

They recycle paper and glass every week.

The teacher explains the lesson to the students.

Farmers grow crops in this area.

Part 2: Past Simple Passive Voice

Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences in the past simple passive voice.

Someone stole my bicycle yesterday.

They built this house in 1990.

The chef cooked a delicious meal for us last night.

The government implemented new regulations last year.

The students solved the math problems in class yesterday.

Виконані завдання надіслати на електронну пошту


Тема What would you like to visit? 


Тема: Project

Make a project (presentation, notes, poster...) on one of the offering topics:

Виконаний проєкт надіслати на електронну пошту 

Good luck! ♥ 


Тема: Around England 

Виконанін завдання надіслати на електронну пошту.

Good luck! ♥ 


Тема: Future Tenses Revision 

Самостійна робота 

Виконані завдання надіслати на електронну пошту/телеграм

Good luck! ♥


Тема: A variety of traditions. 

The traditions of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are a rich tapestry that reflects the unique history and culture of each nation.

- Queen Elizabeth II

Виконані завдання надіслати на електронну пошту!

Good luck! ♥ 


Тема: Around England

Виконані роботи надіслати на електронну пошту. 

Good luck ♥


Тема: The UK Today

3.  Watch a video about Great Britain on YouTube - Great Britain 

4. Answer the questions:

1. What is the capital city of England?

a. Paris
b. Berlin
c. London
d. Rome

2. Who is the head of state for both England and the UK?

a. Queen Elizabeth II
b. The Prime Minister
c. William Shakespeare
d. Florence Nightingale

3. What is the national flower of England?

a. Tulip
b. Daisy
c. Rose
d. Lily

4. True or False: England is part of the UK, an island nation in South-Eastern Europe.

5. True or False: Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state for only England, not the entire UK.

6. True or False: Football is the most popular sport in England.

7. What are some famous landmarks in London mentioned in the video?

8. Name three popular sports in England as stated in the video.

5. Choose the correct word - ex. 2a) p. 182


Тема. Прогресиві читачі

Vocabulary list:

pollination - запилення 

crops - культури

Sustainable Development - сталий розвиток

starve - голодувати 

folate deficiencies - дефіцит фолієвої кистлоти

habitat - середовище проживання 

mite - кліщ

pesticides - пестициди

thriving - процвітаючий 

beekeeping industry - промисловість бджільництва 

basil - базилік

pips - коренеплоди

sources of nutrition - джерела живлення

well-nourished - добре вгодований 

drowning - утоплення

Bees in the food chain

There are around 20,000 known species of bee, and they play an important part in the food chain. Bees spend most of their lives collecting pollen to feed to their young.  As they fly from flower to flower, the pollen catches on their bodies. An accident of nature, pollination is bees’ great gift to human beings. It creates the fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables we eat, and helps grow crops to feed our animals.

Bees have been named by the United Nations (UN) as essential partners in the effort to achieve the organization’s Sustainable Development Goals. In nature, bees help preserve biodiversity, which protects the environment and keeps ecosystems balanced. And for farmers and agricultural workers all over the world, especially in developing countries, bees provide employment.  We need them in our fight against poverty and hunger. 

Nature’s best pollinators Bees and other pollinators (such as butterflies, mosquitoes, birds and bats) pollinate nearly three-quarters of the plants that grow 90 per cent of the world’s food. Bees alone are responsible for one-third of this pollination. 

We wouldn’t starve without them: most human calories come from wind-pollinated grains. But we’d miss honey, as well as all the plants that bees pollinate and the animals that eat those plants. We might still be able to feed seven billion humans, but we’d see widespread vitamin A, iron and folate deficiencies. Thank the bees when you bite into a juicy apple or drink your coffee. Is that a cotton T-shirt you’re wearing? The cotton plant it came from was probably pollinated by bees. 

Bees in danger

Global bee populations are in decline. Loss of natural habitat, a parasite called the varroa mite, climate change, pesticides – they’ve all been blamed. 

“People are becoming more aware of the value of bees and the vital role they play in keeping us fed and our environment thriving,” says Karen Kos of Apiculture New Zealand, an organization that represents the New Zealand beekeeping industry. She suggests that, to help bees, we should grow the plants they love, such as lavender, rosemary and basil, as well as citrus trees, and trees that grow fruit with pips. “These offer bees excellent, ongoing sources of nutrition

Well-nourished bees are better able to withstand threats.” You can also help bees by putting out a water dish with stones in it, so they can drink without drowning. If you don’t have a garden or a balcony, try to buy organic food to be bee friendly. 

Bees even have their own special day: 

World Bee Day is celebrated every year on 20 May, the birthday of beekeeping pioneer Anton Janša. This day ensures that we remember the significance of bees in our ecosystem.Through their small but significant actions, bees play an enormous and, indeed, essential role in feeding today’s rising world population in a sustainable way.


True or false? 


Тема Project 

1) "What can people do to save the planet. 7 ways to protect the environment"

2) "The most polluted place in the world. Reasons and consequences"

3) "How to protect the animals from extinction"

You can make a presentation, poster or notes. 

Виконаний проєкт надіслати на електронну пошту.  Good luck!


Тема Environmental protection in Ukraine. 

Answer the questions:

1) What is endangered species? 

2) Name the reasons for the extinction of animals. 

3) What can people do to save them?

Виконану роботу надіслати на електронну пошту - valeriiayakovlieva99@gmail.com


Тема Inventors and Inventions 

I. Answer the questions. 🤔

1) What do you think, is it easy to invent something new? 

2) Have you ever tried to create something interesting or useful? 

3) Do you believe that the greatest inventions can be invited accidentally? 

II. Watch the video. 📽️

III. Answer the questions. 🧐

1) What's new for you? 

2) What surprised you the most? 

3) How the potato crisps were invented? 

4) Who invented antibiotics? 

5) When the X-ray was invented? 

IV. Grammar work.  Present/Past Simple Passive Voices 

Fill in the correct form of the verb to be:

1. The book ___ bought yesterday.

2. This SMS ___ sent two days ago.

3. Food ___ bought every day.

4. The lecture ___ attended yesterday.

5. This invention ___ made last year.

Fill in the correct form of the verb:

1. The key ____ (find) under the table yesterday.

2. Lessons ____ (attend) by the students every day.

3. This building ____ (design) last year.

4. The mobile ____ (use) every day.

5. The cat ____ (feed) by my mum two hours ago.


1) Correct the mistakes:

1. The address were written on a sheet of paper.

2. The dress are made of silk.

3. The dog were injected yesterday.

4. The lectures is attended by all the students.

5. The helicopter are piloted by my dad.

6. The keys was lost yesterday.

2) Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice:

1. We bought this car yesterday.

2. W. Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”.

3. We use mobiles every day.__

4. My brother pilots the airplane.

5. My mom feeds the cat every day.


Тема: "What do you like to write?"

I. Match the pictures of the inventions with their names

a) An automobile

b) An Appolo space capsule

c) A steam locomotive

d) A television set

e) A washing machine

f) A personal stereo







II. Answer the questions:

1) In what way have inventions changed our lives?

2) Which ones have had the greatest impact on most human lives? 

3) Which one is the most important for you?

III. Listen to four descriptions of various objects. Guess what is being described there. (Click here)


purpose - мета 

riddle - загадка

to depend on - залежати від

recent - останній, нещодавний. 

IV. Guess the objects. ex. 4 a), p. 138 (orally) 

V. Make your own riddle (writing)

Homework: ex.5 a) - in orally, ex.5 b) - in writing

Всі виконані завдання надіслати на пошту: valeriiayakovlieva99@gmail.com