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Учитель:  Лепеха Олена Володимирівна

Увага!!! Новий матеріал розміщується зверху сторінки

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Topic: Final Lesson on the topic “THE UK”


I.           Listen about one of the countries of the UK and complete the sentences:

Ex. 1, p. 218 – writing

II.        Read about Manchester and answer the questions:

Ex. 3, p. 220 – orally

III.     Find the towns/cities on the map on page 225

   Ex. 5, p. 222 – orally

Homework:  Ex. 7 (a), p.224 – writing.


Topic: “My Impressions of the Trip Around London”


I.   Listen and fill in the table:

Ex. 1 (b), p.207 – writing

II. Write down the new words and learn them:

Ex. 2 (a), p. 207

III.  Listen and answer the questions:

Ex. 2 (c), p. 208 – writing

IV. Listen to the text and make a list of 5 questions about the city:

Ex. 3 (c), p. 210 – writing.


Homework:  Ex. 5, p.210  – orally

                  Ex. 4, p. 212 - writing


Topic: “My Impressions of the UK”

I.   Write down the places of interest which you’d like to visit and why:

Ex. 4(а), p. 205 (a table)

Write 5-6 sentences.

II. Choose one of the fact files and give the information about the capital.

Use Example: Ex. 6(c), p. 206 – orally.

III. Some fact about Edinburgh:

Do Ex. 7, p. 207 – orally

Homework: Ex. 3, p.211 – writing

18.04 - Home Reading.

1.Read the text and translate it (orally)


Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. For some people there is nothing so exciting as travelling, and I'm not an exception. And I'm happy that I have travelled a lot and I hope that every my journey wasn't the last one. First of all, the members of our family usually have long walks in the country. During such walks we see a lot of interesting places, sometimes we meet interesting people. It's useful for all members of our family. At this time we don't think about tickets and there is no need to hurry up.

Travelling by sea is very popular. Large ships and small river boats can visit foreign countries and different interesting places.Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive ,too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats .There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means. Sometimes I travel by ship. It's wonderful to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face, hear the cry of the sea-gulls. Of course, the voyage isn't exciting for those who are sea-sick.

Every year my friend and I go somewhere to the South for holidays. The Black Sea is one of the most wonderful places which attracts holiday-makers all over the world. There are many sanatoriums and tourist camps there. Sometimes, we can place ourselves in a tent on the sea shore enjoying fresh air and the sun all day long.As a rule, I make new friends there during the trip. In the day-time with new friends we play volleyball, tennis, swim in the warm water of the sea. I like to sit on the beach watching the sea and enjoying the sunset. I'm fond of mountaineering. So I do a lot of climbing together with my friends. Time passes quickly and soon we have to make our way back. We return home sunburnt and full of impressions.

But I repeat again - the cheapest and enjoyable way to travel - is walking the forest, country.

I love travelling!


2. Answer the questions in writing.

1. How can people travel?

2. Do thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure?

3. Why is travelling by sea very popular?

4. Has travelling by train its advantages?

5. What are the main advantages of trains and planes?

6. Is it wonderful to travel by ship?

7. What is  the cheapest and enjoyable way to travel?


3. Insert necessary words:

1. People can travel (means of transport)….

2. Of course, travelling by air is the ….. and the most …….way, but it is the most ……. ,too.

3. Travelling by train is …..than by plane, but it has its …...

4. That is why many people prefer them to all other …...

5. Modern trains have very …… seats.

6. Black Sea is one of the most wonderful places which ….. holiday-makers all over the world.

7. We return home sunburnt and full of …….

8. The cheapest and enjoyable way to travel - is …… the forest, country


Homework: to retell the text.


Topic: “Wich Place Would You Like to Visit?”

I.   Read and translate the text about London:

Ex. 1 (a), p.201 – orally

Answer the question:

·  What makes London a unique city?

II. Read the stories and match them with the people on page 204:

Ex. 2(a), p. 203 –orally

III. How well you know London’s places of interest:

Ex. 3, p. 204 (answer the questions) – writing.

Homework:  Ex. 1 (b), p.p.201-202  – writing


Topic: “British Cities”

I.   Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English (Future Actions):

1.   Він збирається закінчити школу в цьому році.

2.   Він закінчує школу в цьому році.

3.   Він закінчує школу в наступному місяці.

4.   Вони поїдуть до Лондону наступного року.

5.   Вони їдуть до Лондону скоро.

6.   Вони збираються відвідати Лондон завтра.

II. Do the quiz:

Ex. 3(а), p. 196 – writing

Example: 1-b

III. Read and translate the wales factfile:

Ex. 3(b), p. 197 – orally

IV. Listen and do the task: Ex. 5(a), p.198 – writing


Homework: Ex. 6, p.199 – orally


Topic: “The UK”

I.           Match the parts of the sentences:

Ex. 5 (a), p. 191 – writing

II.        Look at the factfiles and compare the countries:

Ex. 1, p. 194 – orally

III.     Complete the sentences (fill in the name of the country):

1.   … has the largest population.

2.   … has the smallest population.

3.   … has a national day in autumn.

4.   … has a national day in spring.

5.   … has a blue and white flag.

6.   … has a red, green and white flag.

7.   … has a white and red flag.


Homework:  Prepare the presentation of the UK (use the Word Map as a plan - Ex. 2 (a), p.195)


Topic: “Some Interesting Facts About the UK”

I.   Say what comes to your mind when you think of Scottish, Welsh, English and Irish people:

Ex. 1 (a,b), p.188 - orally

II. Listening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0-wI1NPgzQ

Do  Ex. 2, p. 188 –orally

Ex. 3 (c), p. 189 –orally

III. Complete the table

Ex. 3 (d), p. 190

Homework:  Ex. 4 (a), p.190  – orally

                  Ex. 4 (b), p. 191 - writing


Topic: “Diversity of Traditions”

I.   Read and translate the England factfile:

Ex. 7, p. 186 - orally

II.   Do the quiz about England:

Ex. 6, p. 186 – writing

Example: 1. There are four countries in the UK. (Answer the questions)

III.  Make up questions:

Ex. 8, p. 187 – writing

Homework: Ex. 8, p.187 – answer the questions (writing).


Topic: Nature and Environment. Final Test.

Do the test:



Topic: Home Reading

I.   Read and translate the text “A Gentle Genius” – p.p. 175-176 - orally

II. Answer the following questions:

Ex. 2, p. 177 –orally

III. Find the words for:

Do Ex. 4, p. 177 – wr.

IV. Write down the questions to which the following statements are the answers:

Ex. 5, p.177 – wr.

Homework: Ex. 6, p.177 – wr. (Make up questions for the intervien)


Topic: I Am Going To Save The Planet

I.   Write out the eco-friendly words into your vocabulary:

Ex. 6, p. 172

II. Match the words with their definitions:

Ex. 7, p. 172 – wr.

III.  Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal verbs:

Ex. 8, p. 173 – wr.

Let’s revise some modal verbs:

-       have to – повинен, доводиться;

-       must – повинен (обов’язок);

-       mustn’t – не повинен;

-       should – слід;

-       shouldn’t – не слід;

-       can – можу, вмію (could – Past Simple)

Homework: Ex. 9, p.173 – orally.


Тема: Discoveries and Inventors

I.                  Read and translate the text:

Do ex. 5 (a), p.p.139-140 – orally

II.              Choose the right option:

Do ex. 5 (b), p. 141 – wr.

III.           Answer the questions:

Ex. 7, p.143 – orally

IV.          New words – rewrite them into your vocabulary and learn them:

-         disease – хвороба

-         to apply – застосовувати

-         curious – цікавий

-         overseas – закордоном

-         mainly – головним чином, переважно.

Homework: Ex. 1, p. 145 – wr.


Тема: "What Do You Like to Write?"

I. Answer the following questions:

Do ex. 7 (a),  p. 134 - orally.

II. Complete the texts:

Do ex. 7(b), p. 135 - orally.

III. New words - rewrite them into your vocabulary and learn them:

IV. Match the beginning with the endings: Do ex.2, p.137 - orally

Homework: Ex.4 (a), p.138 - orally

                       Ex. 4 (b), p.138 - writing