Optimization for Machine Learning

Time: 09/03/2021 - 18/03/2021 Teachers: Chuan Xu, Othmane Marfoq

This is a Lab course for the main course Optimization for Machine learning

Tutorial for the usage of NEF cluster:

(Please finish the first step before 03/03/2021, finish the rest of the steps before 09/03/2021)

  1. Create a private account for the Inria nef cluster here [ open the hyperlinks, please click twice on them.]

[Please do it as soon as possible before 03/03/2021, as it may take time to create the account]:

      • for company : please choose "other"

      • for mail address : please use your UCA email [xxxx@etu.univ-cotedazur.fr](no gmail, etc.)

      • expiration date : 2021-04-09

      • ssh public key : generate ssh key (Linux, MacOS, Windows)

and attach the public one (ended by .pub)

reminder - openssh format is needed for the key (windows/putty users will need to convert the key to openssh format - tutorial)

      • usecase description : please indicate "Optimization for Machine Learning" (Master UCA Data Science and AI)

      • account creation may require several days, a confirmation email will be sent once the account is created

2. Log in to the cluster once the account is created:

For Linux and MacOS: scp localfile username@nef-frontal.inria.fr:~/

For Windows: pscp localfile username@nef-frontal.inria.fr:~/ [Tutorial]

3. Reserve computing resources in the cluster and log into the reserved node:

4. Get Pytorch prepared: mutiple ways , recommend Method 3.

      • To check if Pytorch is well installed, from the terminal type:

[Please make sure the following commands work before the start of the TD, if not, please contact chuan.xu@inria.fr]

          • python

          • import torch

          • print(torch.__version__)

          • print(torch.version.cuda)

          • print(torch.backends.cudnn.version())

5. Python editor in cluster, recommend to use VIM and know the basic operation in advance.

6. If you have any question concerning the previous points, please contact me: chuan.xu@inria.fr.

7. Please install Pytorch on your own computer following: https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally

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