
Buy Your 2024-2025 Yearbook Now! 

The final day for yearbook orders is January 31st, 2025. 

Students will be notified when books have arrived.

As of 2/1/25, yearbook sales will be shut down. If you missed a chance to purchase a book, your student can bring payment ($75- late fee) during the day of distribution. We will sell any supplemental books on a first come, first served basis. 



($65 for early orders until 12/31). 

Your 3 Purchase Options:

1) Credit card  (keep a copy of your receipt). Note the site may not accept orders until August. 

Order #: 3071

2) Check made out to "Pines '25" (mail-in with this order form)

3) Cash (mail-in with this order form)

DONATIONS (tax-deductible):

If you are interested in donating a book to a student in need, please email us at chsyearbook@tcapsstudent.net

This "gift" can make a world of difference to a student who otherwise couldn't afford one.