Christopher Sutherland
I am a Principal Researcher in the Monetary Policy Studies Division in the Financial Markets Department at The Bank of Canada.
My research focus is to blend macroeconometrics and microeconometrics to make contributions to the monetary policy identification, forward guidance, expectation formation, and forecasting literatures. My latest publication is Forward Guidance and Expectation Formation: A Narrative Approach (Journal of Applied Econometrics). My Bank of Canada working papers and discussion papers can be found here: and BIS working papers here:
I am working on a new paper called Monetary Policy Shocks as Instruments: The Relevance-Exogeneity Spectrum. This paper first outlines a monetary policy rule framework, which emphasizes the importance of incorporating forward guidance and central bank judgment into policy rules. It then proposes an econometric strategy for estimating monetary policy shocks given the framework. Finally, it uses this framework and strategy to construct forecast-based monetary policy rate path shocks. The main advantage of using forecasts over market surprises is instrument strength. The main advantage over narrative shocks is the ability to construct not only policy rate shocks but also policy rate path shocks, and indeed, to do so at a higher frequency.
Je suis un chercheur principal dans le division des études sur la politique monétaire et les agents fiscaux au Banque du Canada.
Mes principaux domaines de recherche sont les attentes, la communication de la banque centrale, les prévisions, et l’économétrie appliquée. Mon dernier article est « Forward Guidance and Expectation Formation : A Narrative Approach » (Journal of Applied Econometrics). Mes working papers et documents de discussion de la Banque du Canada sont ici: et documents de BIS ici:
Je suis également au Département d'économie et à l'Exeter College de l'Université d'Oxford.
Graphic from: "Forward Guidance and Expectation Formation: A Narrative Approach" (Journal of Applied Econometrics (forthcoming)). For details, please see the latest draft in Research tab.
Graphic from: "Forward Guidance and Expectation Formation: A Narrative Approach" (Journal of Applied Econometrics (forthcoming)). For details, please see the latest draft in Research tab.
Graphic from: "How Do Central Bank Projections and Forward Guidance Influence Private-Sector Forecasts?" (IJCB 2020). For details see the latest draft in the Research tab.