5 reasons why small businesses need to implement modern ERP solutions by Christopher Salis

In the post-pandemic period, small businesses and organizations must stay on top of their game. The market in which they operate can be highly competitive, and keeping up with technological advancements and implementing new technologies can be the difference between success and failure. Christopher Salis, a startup advisor in California, highlighted the need for modern ERP solutions for small businesses or startups.

Christopher Salis is a recently retired Business Manager. He has had a long career with multiple big IT firms and was involved in the planning and implementing complex computer software like SAP across IT firms, where he spent 20 years of his life. When we talked about industries that are currently implementing cloud ERP solutions, he mentioned that he believes small businesses need these systems more than any sector.

Many small businesses don’t implement modern ERP solutions, but there are several reasons why this is an increasingly important step in managing their operations.

Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Implement ERP Solutions by Christopher Salis

Here are five reasons why small businesses need to implement modern ERP solutions to stay successful.

Reduced Operational Costs

Traditional on-premises ERP systems necessitate high upfront setup costs and infrastructure to get up and running. Today, small businesses can choose from various low-cost cloud-based ERP solutions that eliminate the need for additional hardware, IT staff, maintenance, and upgrades.

Streamlined Flow of Information

ERP technology automates routine tasks and workflows to reduce manual errors and improve business process efficiency. As a result, your small business's data accuracy, collaboration, and operational visibility improve immediately.

Better Data Access and Quality

Rapidly expanding small businesses do not have time to wait for reports or second-guess their performance figures. ERP software provides complete access to every critical process and data in your business, allowing faster communication, reporting, performance analysis, and decision-making.

Improved Employee Productivity

Whether you have two or ten employees, it is critical to keep them happy and not burn them out with time-consuming tasks like data consolidation or working with technology that does not meet their needs. Give them an ERP system that is simple to use and includes all the tools they need to do their jobs efficiently.

Accurate Analytics and Reporting

Because of the advantages of a single source of truth, your small business can fully utilize your data and say goodbye to unregulated spreadsheets. Many ERP systems encompass business intelligence prowess and functionality, making it simple to generate useful financial and forecasting reports and analytics. This benefit also affects your ability to meet compliance requirements consistently.

Christopher Salis’s Belief

Christopher Salis says that small businesses provide employment to millions of people, drive innovation and growth and give us a reason to believe that the world isn’t as bad as it seems. They need to speed up their processes, automate repetitive tasks and focus on providing better customer experiences through technology-enabled solutions.

The Takeaway

Small businesses have been slow to adopt modern ERP solutions. Many small businesses still rely on Excel spreadsheets and manual processes to run their operations. Christopher Salis is one such visionary who helps small businesses understand the implementation of innovative solutions. While working in Business Objects, his groundbreaking innovations helped him stay on the top, and currently, he is currently continuing this great work while acting as a startup advisor.