The Summer Triangle

for clarinet, violin and piano (2015)

The Summer Triangle is a portrait of my stay in the Utah desert as represented by the nightly procession of a seasonal asterism. The five movements of the piece, played together without pause, reflect on individual aspects as well as more general sentiments experienced during that time.

I. The Veneer of Spring

II. Isosceles

III. Dry Heat

IV. Five by Three begins with a syncopated yet sturdy gesture in the violin, pizzicato. The piano brusquely responds with a repeated, five-note figure after which the clarinet tiptoes in, echoing the violin. The movement continues in this argument/response manner, juxtaposing materials and instrumental combinations while gradually gaining intensity and momentum, ultimately spilling over into movement five.

Kevin Schempf – clarinet Stephen Miahky – violin Laura Melton – piano

V. Au Revoir, Aquila.

complete, 5-movement performance, attacca: