Dignity, a farce

for mezzo soprano, baritone, piano (2022)

complete performance:

Katherine Pracht Phares - mezzo soprano   Keith Phares - baritone   Kevin Bylsma - piano 

Program note: 

Amy and Vincent, a couple in their early thirties, have just robbed the wealthy guests of a gala dinner being held for a children’s charity. Vincent is an unemployed college dropout from a rich local family. He sees the robbery as an act of protest against his class and an exciting new direction in his otherwise unfulfilled life. Amy comes from a very modest background yet her academic brilliance and perseverance have put her on track for greater things. Mired in debt, she currently works as an adjunct instructor of literature all the while aspiring to realize the boundless potential imbued upon her by her former teachers. To her, the robbery offers an opportunity to get out of debt and resume her career’s ascent. The scene begins as the pair return to their apartment with the loot. Being total novices at robbery, and felonies in general, they are unsurprisingly excited and nervous about what they have just done.