FIELD Buying

The last semester of Fashion Business Management is the most crucial and important. We have a buying course called FBM 621 where we create a series of excel spreadsheets based off of our teams concept that was developed the pervious semester.

Final Merchandise Plan

As a team we developed this merchandise plan for our collection BUILT. This plan was completed as a group effort where each member was given a specific category assortment plan. Our total sales plan is $548,455 with an average retail price of $103.44. Our pricing was developed through competitor research and Tonia DeBellis current pricing. Within our merchandise plan we are expecting our leggings category to bring in the most sales at 54.6% of the total and we are estimating to have a gross margin percent of 56.3% for the total season.

Model Stock Assortment Plan -Short Sleeve Tops

Individually I completed this model stock assortment plan for our short sleeve category. A lot of the information came from our line boards developed in FBM 622. Once I filled out the style name, number, colour, and fabric I was able to determine the minimum stock required for replenishment as all of our short sleeves are year round styles. I also included the retail and wholesale pricing which then I was able to decipher the IMU%, and lastly through purchase units I was able to determine the cost purchase $ and retail purchase $ for the short sleeve category as well.