Christian Espíndola

Maître de conférences à l'Université de la Réunion - Saint-Denis, Réunion (Océan Indien), France

About me

As of December 31st 2020 I'm appointed associate professor at the University of la Réunion - Île de la Réunion (Indian Ocean) - France. Before that I held a postdoc position at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. I got my PhD in 2016 at Stockholm University, under the direction of Erik Palmgren and Henrik Forssell. Previously I had obtained my master in Buenos Aires University. I'm interested in logic and foundations, especially categorical logic, set theory, model theory and metamathematics.

Selected papers and preprints


Talk at the conference "Toposes in Como":

Masaryk University online seminar:

Erik Palmgren's memorial conference:

Carnegie Mellon Model Theory Seminar: