Christian Espíndola
Maître de conférences à l'Université de la Réunion - Saint-Denis, Réunion (Océan Indien), France
About me
As of December 31st 2020 I'm appointed associate professor at the University of la Réunion - Île de la Réunion (Indian Ocean) - France. Before that I held a postdoc position at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. I got my PhD in 2016 at Stockholm University, under the direction of Erik Palmgren and Henrik Forssell. Previously I had obtained my master in Buenos Aires University. I'm interested in logic and foundations, especially categorical logic, set theory, model theory and metamathematics.
Selected papers and preprints
Every theory is eventually of presheaf type (with Kristóf Kanalas)
A complete classification of categoricity spectra of accessible categories with directed colimits
A short proof of Shelah's eventual categoricity conjecture for AEC's with interpolation, under GCH
Infinitary first-order categorical logic - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic - Volume 170, Issue 2, pp. 137-162 (2019)
Infinitary generalizations of Deligne's completeness theorem -The Journal of Symbolic Logic - Volume 85, Issue 3, pp. 1147-1162 (2020)
Completeness of infinitary heterogeneous logic - To appear in Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
A complete axiomatization of intuitionistic first-order logic over L_k^+, k - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic - Volume 176, Issue 1 (2025)
Constructive completeness and non-discrete languages (with Henrik Forssell)
A short proof of Glivenko theorems for intermediate predicate logics - Archive for Mathematical Logic - Volume 52, Issue 7, pp. 823-826 (2013)
Talk at the conference "Toposes in Como":
Masaryk University online seminar:
Erik Palmgren's memorial conference:
Carnegie Mellon Model Theory Seminar:
A category-theoretic approach to categoricity (I) (Passcode: =8cMaQc8 )
A category-theoretic approach to categoricity (II) (Passcode: U09=Y*tV )
A category-theoretic approach to categoricity (III) (Passcode: d3VG0!Z. )
Documents and links
Slides of selected talks
Omitting types theorem, conceptual completeness and definability for infinitary logic
Duality, definability and conceptual completeness for k-pretoposes
christian.espindola AT