Sheng-fu chiu   (邱聖夫)

Research Scholar

National Hsing Hua University, Taiwan

research interests

Topological Data Analysis and Symplectic Geometry

Deformation Quantization and Quantum Mechanics

Research articles

1.  S. -F. Chiu, Nonsqueezing Property of Contact Balls, Duke Math. J., Vol. 166 (4): 605-655. [Link]

2. S. -F. Chiu, Quantum Speed Limit and Categorical Energy relative to Microlocal Projector, Journal of Topology and Analysis (to appear) [Link

3. S. -F. Chiu, Microlocal Projector for Complete Flow, preprint. [Link]

expository articles

1.  S. -F. Chiu, Categorification and Topology (in Chinese), Mathmedia 43 (3), 29-31. [Link]

2. S. -F. Chiu, Breaching of the Wall of Twin Primes (in Chinese), Mathmedia 37 (3), 95-96. [Link]

Slides and notes

Quantum Speed Limit and Relative Categorical Energy [Link]

TMS Annual Meeting Short Talk [Link]

Hamiltonian Dynamics and Symplectic Rigidity from the viewpoint of DG Categories [Link]

Categorification and Contact Nonsqueezing [Link]

Notes on Differential Graded Categories [Link]

Notes on Koszul Duality for Hecke Categories [Link]

Notes on Hecke Algebras for Coxeter Groups [Link]