Surgical Cut Suit

The Cut Suit is the most realistic way to simulate the look, feel and smell effects of severe traumatic events on a live human while allowing first responders and physicians to safely perform real procedures on a live human - from the point of injury, to treatment en route, and transition of care to surgical intervention.

Features Unique to the Patent-Pending Cut Suit:

• The system can be worn during even intensely physical

scenarios at the POI (Point of Injury)

• The system weighs approximately 35 lbs (approximately

equivalent to current defense issued, fully-loaded IBA)

• Clothing, uniform, body armor, and equipment is usuable

over the Cut Suit

• The system allows for interaction with a live patient during the

emergency assessment and treatment process

• The skin and organs are user repairable, allowing for multiple uses

per unit (well beyond 100% repairs to fully lacerated skin)

• Interchangeable organs with variable wound patterns or

pathology (internal and external hemorrhaging)

• User created and customizable wounds

Procedures Currently Available on the Cut Suit:

• Extremity hemorrhage control with tourniquet application, arterial

ligation/clamping, internal compression (wound-void packing)

• Iliac arterial hemorrhage control

• Surgical Cricothyroidotomy

• Bilateral anterior and axillary chest needle thoracentesis

• Bilateral surgical chest-tube thoracotomy

• Suturing and stapling of skin in all locations

• Foley catherization

• External bladder tap

• Thoracotomy and intra-thoracic exploratory surgery and

hemorrhage control of gross organ structures

• Laparotomy and intra-abdominal exploration and hemorrhage

control of gross organ structures

• Suturing of gross organ structures

• Anastomosis and resection

• Peripheral IV access

*via CAE Healthcare-