ECM5901 Optimization Theory and Application
[Postdoctoral positions] We are seeking highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to join our team in the fields of quantum error-correcting codes, fault-tolerant quantum computation, and FPGA implementations. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in Physics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or Mathematics. A strong background in coding theory simulations with programming languages is essential, and prior experience with FPGA implementations is highly preferred. Please send me an email for any questions.
Dagstuhl Seminar 24212
賴教授獲邀至德國Dagstuhl seminar演講
Nai-Hui Chia, Kai-Min Chung, and Ching-Yi Lai, ``On the Need of Large Quantum Depth,” Journal of the ACM, vol. 70, no. 1, article No.: 6, pp 1–38, Feb 2023.
Ching-Yi Lai and Hao-Chung Cheng, ``Learning quantum circuits of some T gates," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 3951-3964, June 2022.
Research Areas
Classical and Quantum Error-correcting Codes
Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation
Quantum Algorithm, Machine Learning
Quantum Communication, Quantum Key Distribution
Quantum Cryptography, Post-quantum Cryptography
Quantum Information Theory
For prospective students
If you are interested in our research group. Please send me an email specifying which topic you are interested in.
It is prefered that you are
Interested in theoretical research
With background in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, or Electrical Engineering
Disciplined in math and logical thinkings
Equipped with basic skills in programming (C/C++/Python/MATLAB/MAPLE/Mathematica)
Roughly familiar with my research directions
Theory of Error-Correcting Codes
Quantum Information and Computation
Convex Optimization Theory
Random Process
Linear Algebra
Abstract Algebra
Advanced Analysis
Efforts. It takes roughly 2-3 years for a student to be well prepared in theoretical research
Self-motivated. You are mostly on your own.
Attendence of regular group meeting every week
Duties for theaching assistance
Scheduled personal meetings if necessary
Discussions with group members
Surveys on over 20+ research papers.
Other Resources
|Joint PhD Degree〉University of Technology Sydney(雪梨科技大學)博士雙聯學位:Potential students can visit the Centre for Quantum Software and Information at UTS for two years at the beginning of the 3rd year of PhD. 雪梨科大的量子軟體與資訊中心為目前世界上最大的理論量子研究中心之一。NCTU申請此雙聯學位之學生可於博士第三年開始,於UTS訪問兩年。
|Postdoc Fellowship〉Taiwan-USC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: 台灣教育部和南加州大學 (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)協定,台灣人或於台灣取得博士學歷之學生,可申請補助前往USC從事博士後研究。