

0 Mapo Tofu 麻婆豆腐

6 Potato silk 酸辣土豆丝

11 Yu-Shiang eggplant 鱼香茄子

19 Saute 炒青菜

Food list


The CHINESEFOODNET dataset is a large collection of labelled Chinese food images. The dataset was captured by douguo user and labelled by the Midea employees . It allows for training robust machine learning models to recognize dishes. It is available free of charge for academic research. Commercial licenses are available upon request.


  title={ChineseFoodNet: A large-scale Image Dataset for Chinese Food Recognition},
  author={Chen, Xin and Zhou, Hua and Zhu, Yu and Diao, Liang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.02743},


The dataset is provided with the total size of 19.4 GB. We have splited the whole dataset into training, testing and validation sets. There are 145,065 images for training, 20,253 images for validation and 20,310 images for testing. This folder contains 3 sub directories including:

train --- images for training

val --- images for validation

testing --- images for testing

In the train and val folder, there are 208 directories numbered from 000 to 207. Each directory contains JPG images with its original size. Each directory contains only one type of food. In the test folder, only images are provided without ground truth labels. Besides, there are 5 files in this folder:

class_names.csv --- class names in both Chinese and English

train_list.txt, --- image names and labels of the training set

val_list.txt, --- image names and labels of the validation set




The ChineseFoodNet dataset consists of images from douguo [1], which are not property of MIDEA EMERGING TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. Any use beyond non-commercial fair use must be negotiated with the respective picture owners.



If you want to download the ChineseFoodNet dataset, download from If you have any question, please contact us via

Researcher has requested permission to use the ChineseFoodNet at MIDEA EMERGING TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.
In exchange for such permission, Researcher hereby agrees to the following terms and conditions:
1. Researcher shall use the Database only for non-commercial research and educational purposes.
2. MIDEA EMERGING TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD make no representations or warranties regarding the Database, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose.
3. Researcher accepts full responsibility for his or her use of the Database and shall defend and indemnify MIDEA EMERGING TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD, including their employees, Trustees, officers and agents, against any and all claims arising from Researcher's use of the Database, including but not limited to Researcher's use of any copies of copyrighted images that he or she may create from the Database.
4. Researcher may provide research associates and colleagues with access to the Database provided that they first agree to be bound by these
terms and conditions.
5. MIDEA EMERGING TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD reserves the right to terminate Researcher's access to the Database at any time.
6. If Researcher is employed by a for-profit, commercial entity, Researcher's employer shall also be bound by these terms and conditions, and Researcher hereby represents that he or she is fully authorized to enter into this agreement on behalf of such employer.

If you have any question about the dataset, please contact us at