Chill Air Conditioner

Introducing the Chill Air Conditioner

TIt took Jenny’s dad about a year to perfect the design. He also found an Angel investor to get this fantastic device into the market. Back then, he just wanted to keep his daughter cool, comfortable, and out of the hospital. He didn’t know it was going to become the hottest selling personal AC unit ever.

The next thing he knew was his invention was featured on major media outlets, and kids were sending viral posts about it to other dorm-bound students looking for relief from their overheated rooms. Soon her dad was getting orders from parents across Chill Air Conditioner North America who wanted to buy one for their student.

Today, we know it as the Chill Air Conditioner, the most popular and coldest, personal air conditioner for any dorm or student apartment.

Why Parents Choose the Chill Air Conditioner

Parents know that for their children to succeed, they need a proper environment to live and study. Most stuffy, old dorm rooms and apartments won’t allow window air conditioners. Many times, opening the window is not an option because it lets in bugs, or they may not open at all.

Not anymore! The Chill Air Conditioner has nine reasons why parents buy it to tame an overheated dorm room.

1.Cooling Modes

Some students like their room cold and others are just comfortable. Not everyone wants the same temperature, so this device has three comfort settings for custom cooling.

2. Directional Control Fins

Adjustable front fins mean Chill Air Conditioner you can set the unit in a tight space and still benefit from a cooling breeze up or down. Control fins let you direct the airflow right where you need it.

3. Wireless and USB Rechargeable

The Chill Air Conditioner unit features a high capacity 2000 mAh battery. Charge from any USB port on a computer or power strip. It comes with a super convenient charging cable.

4. Easy to Operate

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You just fill the reservoir with water and turn it on to one of the three desired comfort levels. That’s all you do to stay comfortable in any blazing hot dorm room.

5. Modern and Compact Design

It takes up less desk space than a mouse pad and is about as tall as a glass of water. There is even a 7-colored night light on top that sets the mood for a calming night’s rest.

6. Whisper Quiet

Engineers made the unit as quiet as possible. Without the whirring drum of a shaky fan, the only thing students notice is how cool their rooms are.

7. Energy Bill Savings

The motor in the Mini Portable AC is compact. It uses the same energy as a small fan. It charges using a USB instead of the wall socket, saving a ton of cash every month.

8. Filters Air While It Cools

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The Chill Air Conditioner also cleans the air as it cools. That’s great news for anyone who suffers from airborne allergies. It comes with an easy to clean air filter that purifies the air.

9. Maintains Humidity

Dry air causes chapped lips, dry skin, and can trigger headaches in sensitive people. The Mini Portable AC adds humidity as it cools. The added moisture helps skin and sinuses stay moist and healthy.