About me

I am a fifth year Ph.D. student in the Department of Mathematics at Purdue University. My research interests lie in the areas of automorphic forms, Lie groups, representation theory and number theory. I am co-advised by Baiying Liu and Freydoon Shahidi. I will be on the job market this year,  applying for positions starting around Fall 2025.

I am particularly interested in various ideas in the Langlands program, and I am working on porblems related to local Arthur packets, p-adic ABV-packets and wavefront set of p-adic representations. 

Here is my github page for a SAGE code for intersection of local Arthur packets of classical groups that implements the algorithms and computations in a joint work with Alexander Hazeltine and Baiying Liu. 

Here is my CV, a list of publications and talks given.

Email address: lo93@purdue.edu