Chicken Invaders 3 Xmas is a 3D game for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. It is the latest installment in the popular Chicken Invaders series. It is based on the unique and quirky concept of chicken invasion - specifically intergalactic ones. This invasion threatened the entire planet and only you were able to stop it. As the leader of the resistance, it is your duty to lead the fight for the liberation of the Earth.

You will have to defend the Earth against the invasion of the intergalactic chickens. To do so, you will have to destroy the enemy's spacecraft - through this arcade game. You will also have to repel the attack of the enemy's infantry. The mission of the game is to save the Earth from destruction.

Chicken Invaders Xmas Free Download


The main theme of the game is a battle between a lone combat spacecraft and a technologically advanced race of space-faring chickens, who are intent on subjugating (and later destroying) Earth. The games make heavy use of humor, especially in the form of parodies of Galaxian, Star Wars, Space Invaders and Star Trek.

Chicken Invaders is the first game in the series. It is both a single player and two-player game. The player takes control of a lone spacecraft, and must protect Earth from swarms of invading chickens. The game features weapon power-ups that resemble gift boxes, and the player can use these to upgrade their weapons. Chickens drop eggs which must be avoided, otherwise the player will die if they collide with these projectiles. Chicken drumsticks fall from the chickens when they're killed, and if the player collects enough of these they earn a missile. These missiles can then be used to wipe out everything (except the player) on the screen. The game also features unlimited levels. In each level, there are 10 waves, and at the end of every level is a boss, which must be defeated in order to advance (or warp) to a new system. The gameplay is endless, so there is no ending to the game; it continues on and on, until the player has finally lost all of their lives and the game is over. The difficulty increases each time players advance to a new level; the enemies move or fall faster, and objects like asteroids move faster, too. There are no holiday editions of this game; this is the only game that has no Christmas, Easter, or Thanksgiving Editions made for it. This is also the only game in the series that hasn't been ported to other platforms. It is only for Microsoft Windows.[1]

Chicken Invaders: The Next Wave (or Chicken Invaders 2) is the second game in the series. It can be played by one or two players. The player takes command of the same lone spacecraft of the previous and must eliminate the chicken infestation of the solar system. The game features eleven levels, moving inwards from Pluto, each of which consists of 10 waves of attacking hostiles. In all the waves, chickens attack by dropping eggs which have to be dodged. The player can collect different items that help them in the game. Primary weapons may be changed by collecting parcels. Power-ups may also be collected to upgrade the primary weapon. Weapons may be upgraded up to eleven levels. The eleventh level however, is only acquired by collecting ten power-ups. Player may collect and accumulate drumsticks to get missiles, powerful weapons that can wipe out an entire wave. In all levels, except in the asteroid belt level, the ninth wave has a bonus (usually a new weapon, or extra firepower) awarded for not using missiles throughout the level, while the last wave features a boss. The game also comes in a Christmas Edition.[2]

The main theme of the games is a battle between a lone combat spacecraft and a technologically advanced race of space-faring chickens, who are intent on subjugating (and later destroying) Earth. The games make heavy use of humor, especially in the form of parodies of Galaxian, Star Wars, Space Invaders and Star Trek.

Chicken Invaders is the first game of the Chicken Invaders franchise, released on 24 July 1999. It is a fixed shooter, reminiscent of the original Space Invaders (of which the game is a parody of), in which the player controls a lone spacecraft by moving it horizontally across the bottom of the screen and firing at swarms of invading extraterrestrial chickens. The game features both single player and two-player game modes. Known also as the DX Edition, it is a reimagined, 3D version of an earlier, unfinished DOS version made in 1997.[citation needed]

Chicken Invaders features weapon power-ups that resemble gift boxes, used by the player to upgrade their weapons. Enemy chickens drop eggs as projectile weapons, which the player needs to avoid. When chickens are defeated, they drop drumsticks, which the player can collect to earn a missile, a special weapon used to clear the screen of enemies. The game features an infinite amount of levels. Each level features 10 waves, and at the end of each level players fight a boss, which must be defeated in order to advance (or warp) to a new system. The gameplay is endless, bringing in wave after wave, until the player has finally lost all of their lives, in which case the game is over. The difficulty increases each time players advance to a new chapter; the enemies move or fall faster, and objects like asteroids will also move faster.[citation needed]

Chicken Invaders: The Next Wave (known also as Chicken Invaders 2) is the second game in the main Chicken Invaders series, released on 22 December 2002. The player again takes command of the same lone spacecraft of the previous installment and must eliminate the chicken infestation of the Solar System. The game is considered a major improvement over its predecessor, featuring a variety of unique waves of chickens with different types of enemies and bosses, as well as allowing the player to move their ship in both the horizontal and vertical directions. It is also the first game in the franchise to introduce multiple weapons. The game departs from the "endless" format, instead featuring a final boss confrontation and an ending. As in the previous entry in the series, The Next Wave can be played by one or two players.

The Next Wave features eleven chapters, each one corresponding to a gravitationally rounded object of the Solar System. Players start the campaign moving inwards from Pluto, with the final chapter of the game taking place on the Sun, where players confront the Mother-Hen Ship. Each Chapter consists of 10 waves of attacking hostiles, resulting in a total of 110 different levels. In all the waves, chickens attack the player's ship by dropping eggs, which the player needs to avoid. Players can collect different items to help them in-game, such as new primary weapons which players earn by collecting parcels, and power-ups, which can be used to upgrade the current primary weapon. Weapons can be upgraded up to eleven levels. As in Chicken Invaders, players can collect chicken drumsticks and roasts to receive missiles, powerful weapons that can wipe out an entire wave of enemies. Incentives are given however for not using the missiles, as players may receive special bonuses (e.g. new weapons or extra firepower) if they opt to take on the wave head on.

The Chicken Invaders series has been around for a long time having been created in 1997 before becoming publicly available in 1999. Since then the series has made its way onto just about every platform and Android is included in that, already having multiple Chicken Invader titles available. Now the evil chickens have gotten into the Christmas spirit in a new Xmas Edition.

For centuries we have oppressed them, grilling, roasting, stewing, and stuffing them in buns. The time has come for us to pay. Intergalactic chickens are invading Earth, seeking revenge for the oppression of their earthly brethren!

It's time for you to fight for our ancestral right to omelettes. Will you succeed? Will the future of chicken burgers be secure? Or will you end up as part of the menu in a galactic chicken restaurant?

The third installment of the Chicken Invaders series has been such a success, the developers at InterAction studios have released several expansion version of the game. In this edition, you'll be playing through a Christmas themed Chicken Invaders 3 game, with new enemies to defeat, new levels to complete, and more weapons to use. Play through numerous intense space combat levels against massive waves of chickens to help save the Earth. You can download the demo of Chicken Invaders 3 Xmas, which will allow you to play through a small portion of the game. If you like it, you can unlock the full version for $17.50 and have access to all of the levels and features of the game.

Chickens. For centuries we have oppressed them, grilling, roasting, stewing, and stuffing them in buns. We should have known the time would come for us to pay. And it did.

Intergalactic chickens invaded Earth, seeking revenge for the oppression of their earthly brethren. They came out of nowhere, and everywhere. It was only you who managed to repel the invasion, and saved humanity from an eternity of servitude.

Then, things got serious. The intergalactic chickens assaulted the solar system and tried make sure that every planet was inhabited exclusively by chickens. Yet again, it was you who took the world's fate in your ketchup-stained hands and saved the day.

But it isn't over yet. Once more, it's time to don your non-stick egg-repulsing helmet and fight for our ancestral right to omelettes. Only you can make a difference. Will you succeed? Will the future of chicken burgers be secure? Or will you end up as part of the menu in a galactic chicken restaurant?

As the sun sets on Christmas Eve, everyone on Earth impatiently awaits the dawn of Christmas Day. However, invading intergalactic chickens have hatched a plan to make sure this dawn never comes. No opening of presents on Christmas morning, no riding a one-horse sleigh, no Christmas dinner. No, no, no, this won't do. Looks like you'll have to step up once more and save Christmas Day (quite literally)!

Chicken Invaders puts you at the forefront of a battle against invading intergalactic chickens, bent on revenge against the human race for our oppression of Earth chickens. In this episode, the chickens have hatched a devious plan to block out sunlight and freeze Earth to death. It's up to you to travel around the galaxy in order to piece together an ancient artifact and (quite literally) save Christmas day.

Hero's log, Stardate 8008.5

As the last intergalactic chicken invaders flee our Solar System

and lingering feathers still smolder in interplanetary space,

I ease up on the trigger and wipe the sweat from my brow.

My work here is done.

Saving the world sure works up an appetite.

I'm plotting a course for the nearest Space Burger.

I think I'll have the spicy chicken wings tonight.

Or perhaps their galaxy-renowned chicken pie?

Ah, the choices of a hero are never easy.

Suddenly, I am yanked back to reality by the whine

of my trusty spaceship's automated warning system.

Why are all my dashboard lights flashing red?

Why has the Earth darkened so?

And why does it all have to happen just as I'm about to eat? 

Looks like tonight's dinner will have to wait... 


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