
Welcome to the Cheuk Lab!

We are an experimental group in atomic/molecular/optical (AMO) physics in the Physics Department at Princeton, and part of the Princeton Quantum Initiative. Our research focuses using ultracold AMO systems for applications in quantum science.

Currently, our main research focus is on developing laser-cooled molecules trapped in optical tweezer arrays as a new platform for quantum simulation and information processing. The unique features of molecules such as a rich internal structure and long-range interactions in long-lived internal states lead to new possibilities in quantum science . These include simulation of long-ranged interacting quantum many-body systems constructed molecule-by-molecule, quantum information processing with molecular qubits, and quantum-enhanced metrology with molecules.

We are always on the lookout for talented students and postdocs. If you are interested in joining our group, please contact Lawrence at lcheuk@princeton.edu. If you are interested in a postdoc position, fellowship opportunities (Dicke Fellowship, PQI fellowship) are available, with application deadlines in the fall.