Handwritten Chess Scoresheet Dataset

The Handwritten Chess Scoresheet or HCS dataset is an annotated collection of chess scoresheet images from from live chess events. It was created to aid handwriting recognition research of chess moves to automate scoresheet digitization process. This dataset contains 158 games comprised of 215 pages of scoresheets digitized using a standard cellphone camera in natural lighting conditions. These images are tightly cropped and a standard corner detection based transformation is applied to eliminate perspective distortion. The headers and footers were also cropped out from each image in order to maintain player anonymity. Each scoresheet possesses a total of 120 move boxes, though in most cases a given scoresheet contains some blank boxes. Attached is also a .txt file which includes the transcription. Please cite this dataset using the following -

Eicher, Owen; Farmer, Denzel; Li, Yiyan.; Majid, Nishatul. Handwritten Chess Scoresheet Recognition Using a Convolutional BiLSTM Network. Camera Based Document Analysis and Recognition, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition Workshops. Springer, 2021, pp. 245–259.