Solve our daily updated chess puzzles with three levels of difficulty. To enter the solution, click on the desired piece and drag it to the target square. In some puzzles you have to enter a series of moves.

%90 of my time playing chess is the lichess puzzles. I play at least 10-15 a day. I'm currently at a 1400 puzzle rating. Am I hurting myself by only playing puzzles? I just don't have much time to spend playing someone.

Chess Puzzles Pdf Free Download

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I'm a novice who just recently started to dabble around in chess, albeit with not much earnestness. After learning the basics, I mostly play daily chess puzzles in sources such as the app in the phone, and I manage to learn a few ways to continue an ongoing game and close on the opponent's king. On the other hand, I wonder if puzzles are a legit way to learn more about chess or if they have the potential to teach me bad habits.

A chess puzzle is a puzzle in which knowledge of the pieces and rules of chess is used to solve logically a chess-related problem. The history of chess puzzles reaches back to the Middle Ages and has evolved since then.

Usually the goal is to find the single best, ideally aesthetic move or a series of single best moves in a chess position, which was created by a composer or is from a real game. But puzzles can also set different objectives. Examples include deducing the last move played, the location of a missing piece, or whether a player has lost the right to castle. Sometimes the objective is antithetical to normal chess, such as helping (or even compelling) the opponent to checkmate one's own king.

While a chess puzzle is any puzzle involving aspects of chess, a chess problem is an arranged position with a specific task to be fulfilled, such as White mates in n moves. Chess problems are also known as chess compositions because the positions are specially devised, rather than arising from actual games. Chess problems are divided into orthodox and heterodox types, both covering a variety of genres.

Orthodox chess problems employ the standard rules of chess and involve positions that can arise from actual game play (although the process of getting to that position may be unrealistic). The most common orthodox chess puzzle takes the form of checkmate in n moves. The puzzle positions are seldom similar to positions from actual play, and the challenge is not to find a winning move, but rather to find the (usually unique) move which forces checkmate as rapidly as possible.

Heterodox chess problems involve conditions that are impossible with normal play, such as multiple kings or chess variants, while fairy chess problems employ pieces not used in orthodox chess, such as the amazon (a piece combining the powers of the queen and the knight).

Chess puzzles can also be regular positions from a game (with normal rules), usually meant as training positions, tactical or positional, from all phases of the game (openings, middlegame and endings). These are known as tactical puzzles. They can range from a simple "Mate in one" combination to a complex attack on the opponent's king. Solving tactical chess puzzles is a very common chess teaching technique. Although it is unlikely that the same position will occur in a game the student plays, the recognition of certain patterns can help to find a good move or plan in another position.

Some chess problems, like the eight queens puzzle or the knight's tour problem, have connections to mathematics, especially to graph theory and combinatorics. Many famous mathematicians have studied such problems, including Euler, Legendre, and Gauss. Besides finding a solution to a particular puzzle, mathematicians are usually interested in counting the total number of possible solutions, finding solutions with certain properties, and generalization of the problems to nn or rectangular boards.

Everyone loves chess puzzles. The chess puzzles on is one of the most popular pages for visitors. When the site first launched I only posted the hardest puzzles out there. I have now added an easy section for those players that really enjoy puzzles but might not be able to solve the hard puzzles yet. I have recently also added a medium section for those that want a little harder challenge than the easy puzzles. Some puzzles have hints if you need help but you can always email me if you are still stuck and want some extra help. Enjoy the puzzles.

Meanwhile, between chess videos, I was researching and writing my new nonfiction book, Fallout, a Cold War thriller with lots of spying and science and high-stakes showdowns between the United States and Soviet Union. The chess analogies are inescapable, and I knew I wanted to get some of this sort of stuff into my story.

Many websites (such as provide chess tactic puzzles and I am wondering about the value of "anti-tactic" puzzles. By anti-tactic, I mean a position where if I make a careless move, then my opponent has a tactic to checkmate in a few moves or win some material forcefully. So my task is to find the best move that stops my opponent's ideas.

One of the reasons for my improvement was the constant solving of tactics on's tactics trainer feature, which basically made me shed my beginner skins, since tactics almost always play a decisive role in the games of beginners.

It's an empirical fact that tactical mistakes (and taking advantage of tactical opportunities that are presented) tend to play a very decisive role in chess, and that fact is amplified at the lower levels (and on up to pretty high levels even); after all, it's hard to come back after hanging your queen. Beginner players in particular will tend to make very egregious, serious-material-losing mistakes quite often, and so simply cutting down on such oversights (and learning to spot when your opponent makes them) can pay enormous dividends in one's skill/results rather quickly. Solving tactical chess puzzles (e.g. at ChessTempo) is the best way to hone one's skill in this area, and can lead to very rapid improvement.

That said, merely doing that can only get one so far. Playing actual games from start to finish provides invaluable experience for ... playing actual games from start to finish. You could spend countless hours in a gym shooting thousands of shots from every spot on a basketball court, to the point where you are an excellent shot. That would undoubtedly make you a more skillful basketball player. But it wouldn't prepare you to struggle against stubborn defenders, or to withstand the rigors of running up and down the court for a long period of time, or to sense where you should position yourself on the court in the flow of a game. Similarly, solving tactics puzzles doesn't prepare you for the give-and-take struggle for initiative and advantage in a chess game, or offer practice in turning a hard-earned advantage into an actual victory (or setting up stiff resistance when things haven't gone your way), or maintaining your focus throughout the entire course of a game. To progress in terms of competitive results pretty much demands playing more actual games as well.

It's a decent way. But there are some problems with it. Sometimes the puzzle's AI moves their piece even though another piece could be moved better. But this way you can practice how in some situations you can win a piece (like winning a Queen) or check-mate the opponent. But to really become good in playing chess, you have to play normal matches as situations you come across in normal matches are not always in puzzles and you need to know how to win / prevent losing.

Nol is a former professional chess player who transitioned into coaching and blogging. He made history by becoming the youngest Swiss Grandmaster at just 20 years of age and has accumulated numerous Swiss Championship titles to his name.

Everyday we update our chess puzzle of the day to present a fun and challenging chess position from chess history. Your job is to try to find the right sequence of moves to either end in checkmate or a won position. Good luck!

One of the key ways to improve your chess is to improve your tactical ability. Often, these chess puzzles from history feature chess positions where a tactic or combination of tactics result in victory, and with daily practice you should be able to improve your ability to spot tactics in your own games!

Here you can click on any of the puzzles and play them again. Switch over to the 'learning' tab to see your activity on the unrated puzzles. You can even view your recent puzzle rush games in the puzzle rush tab! 

The amount of puzzles and Puzzle Rush uses resets every day at midnight, based on your own time zone. However, if you have your time zone set incorrectly, the puzzles might reset at an unexpected time!

This position is all about generating zugzwang. Zugzwang is a German term that refers to a situation in chess where a player is forced to move, but any move will worsen their position. This can be a very powerful tactic, as it can force an opponent to make a bad move or even lose the game. You have to find ways of inflicting it on Black.

Gauri Shankar is a FIDE Master, originally from India, who moved to the United States when he was ten years old. He has eight International Master norms, and is seeking to cross the 2400 Elo mark to get his title. He works as a chess trainer in Chicago, where he currently resides.

Gauri's decade long experience teaching chess to thousands of children has helped him become a popular online chess content creator, making entertaining and educational videos on Twitch, Youtube, Instagram and Tiktok.

The perfect combination: the professional database program ChessBase 17 plus the brand new world champion program Fritz19. This Christmas bundle includes ChessBase 17 as a single program and the full version of the new chess program Fritz19.

Mate in one move

A large collection of mate-in-one puzzles divided into the following sections:

2. Mate in 1 puzzles collected according to the team of mating chessmen

3. A mate-in-1 puzzle collection with various numbers and kinds of mating chessmen ff782bc1db

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