In your LIbrary Browser, you right-click on the library file and select "Delete" which sends that library file to your trash bin. You then find an uncorrupted version of the library file and install it using the "Import" Library File found under the "Library" main menu. You cannot selectively remove just one file from most libraries.

Thank you for working with Chief Architect to provide software users access to branded digital catalogs. Our goal is to provide users with accurate representation of actual product lines that can be specified and illustrated in their architectural designs. By working with our team to develop your brand's digital catalog compatible with Chief Architect's software programs, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.

Chief Architect Libraries Setup Free

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I built a new PC and I installed X12 on the new PC. I saved my whole data file from the old PC and I am wondering if there is a way to import all the libraries from the previous install to the new one without having to download them all from the website again? I actually have all the CALIBZ files in a downloads folder on the harddrive. Would it work to just drag them to the program while it is open. Or can I just copy all the files to a certain folder in the program folder in Windows File Explorer?

I am setting up a new computer and have downloaded Chief X12. What is the best way to transfer all my data, libraries and templates? Also how to I load all the bonus content, can it be transferred or do I have to download each library again from Chief website? FYI when I installed Chief it didn't create an X12 data folder so I copied it from my old computer. I also have the downloaded libraries in my download folder so I could copy them and open them one at a time I suppose. I just don't want to have a zillion duplicate files and textures like I have had in the past when migrating upgrades. Thanks

Duplicate libraries can simply be deleted by right clicking. Manufacturer libraries should be editable using the provided command found in Chief under "Library". As far as I know Core libraries, Bonus Libraries and only be updated or deleted. (Not sure about deletion but you can try and see, if you delete something you wish to keep you can download the core libraries in a new unit of time). I recently spent some time reorganizing my "User LIbraries", deleting duplicates and organizing them into general categories for my own use. You are free to ask Tech Support for advice as well.

PS -- I'll add commentary that we are a bit frustrated with the new library format -- it changes (probably due to user farble) and it's not very intuitive how to return to the format we were used to when searching libraries, getting confused when there is a filter set (that makes catalogs disappear). Yes, we can work with it, but seriously lacks some intuition it used to contain.

I get the same error with the BonusCadBlocks, as well as 14 others. I know some of my libraries are from old versions and they don't have them anymore, but as you point out, the CADBlocks library is still listed in their library online and even has an X15 option so that doesn't make sense. I'll put in a bug report on that.

Ok, talked to chief. Wasn't SSA problem or anything. You have the folder window (I realize I may not be using the correct window names, but you get the idea), orthographic 2d window, and 3d preview window. Well somehow my folder window got set to 0 height. so i slowly moved mouse down from the search bar until i got the double arrow (sizer icon?) and clicked and dragged. TADA, my folder window lives. Easy fix, but INCREDIBLY stupid that the preference reset doesn't reset the folder window to a minimum height. Apparently this was not the first time the guy had heard this either, but none the less he fixed it. Thanks guy.

The automatic migration of things like templates, toolbars, and libraries only works when you are installing the new version on the same machine as the old version. If you are installing on a different machine, you will have to do it manually. If you did not migrate everything you needed and then want to run it again, reinstalling won't help. You can go into your preferences though and use the "reset migration" button.

I am having issues with copying my user library to another PC (Laptop) I have tried a couple ways. First using a flash drive, I go to docs then copy the entire Chief Architect Premier X7 Data folder. Copy it to my laptop. I have coped over the existing folder on the laptop and also have tried deleting the complete date folder then copied the new data folder. I have also copied it to a network drive and copied. Ive also tried to copy just the Database Library. All folders copy over but I am missing most of the textures. See attached screen print. I need to keep my PC and laptop libraries the same.

so, ..... WTH CHIEF ARCHITECT.. this isnt the first time this has happened!!!! closed out a file come back 2 minutes later and my user library has disappeared into thin air.. all other libraries are there.. what gives.. this really blows and is going to affect soooo many jobs !!

Has anyone had any problems importing X15 libraries into X15. Sometimes an internet connection is not available so I want to download the primary libraries I use to my system. I did a clean install so i didn't try to migrate X14 libiraries in X15.

After that my X15 libraries were populated, and I got the little update icons on most of the library folders. I then hit the "Update Library Catalogs" button and everything updated and seems good now.

When you download the libraries onto your computer they are saved in the "Downloads" folder (or where ever you had them downloaded) If you copy all of them onto a flash disk of over a network you can highlight about 10 libraries at a time and click run. It will install them one after the other with no interaction from you. When finished just update the libraries. Add new libraries to your saved downloads so you'll have them when you need to re-install.

This may not have the blessing of Chief Architect support, but it can save a day of waiting on downloads... here in Australia, I'd swear every byte of data that leaves the US via Internet, is scrutinised by a snifter... it takes well over 6 hours to download / update X6 libraries!

Also: don't bother allowing a new installation of Chief X6 copying libraries from an installation of X5... it's a waste of time, since almost all the libraries will need to be updated to X6... and that can take a long time on a slow net.

You can copy any folder in the core or manufacturer libraries that you want by right-clicking on it in the library browser. You can then paste it into your user library as a full copy of the original items or as shortcuts to the original items.

I also keep copies of the various bonus calibz and manufacturer libraries, because those sometimes get updated or changed, and I still want to use some item from an older catalog, so having the original still allows me to add it to my user library even if Chief no longer has it as part of their main offerings. As others mentioned, I try to keep the symbols part of my user library basically matching the structure of Chiefs Core Library since over time I have gotten used to it. I also copy my user library every year or so, and label it with a date, so if I ever need to go back to something, I can.

However, I would like to EXPORT THE MANUF. library and EXPORT THE BONUS CATALOG LIBRARY to a client. Can I do this? It would be much easier if I was able to do this otherwise my client needs to go through the time intensive procedure to get the bonus and manuf libraries.

It takes an hour or two or more to search all of the libraries and download the libraries..... it seems as if I can export my MANUF and BONUS libraries, and then share with my client, it would save the two of us a lot of time. In fact I have several clients that are not as well versed as I in the machinations of importing libraries. I am trying to keep it quick and easy.

My goal would be to move our user library to that location in teams and point everyone's CA program to that location and share that User Library with everyone. Meaning when we all open our CA that folder directory points to that file to load the User Library. In the past when I tried that we would get overwritten libraries and people would lose folders worth of library objects. I thought this was already resolved and possible but I just want to make sure I'm safe to move forward on this work flow, or are we still waiting for that feature to become a thing? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

While doing this, I am also creating architectural blocks of various models I put together as a group like furniture groups, cabinet / appliance groups, etc. that I commonly use in models. It makes that go so much faster when I am laying things out since the items come in together with the textures already tweaks for PBR.

Our chief architect created a C++ library that is intended as a "runtime" for our domain of work (they are really several libs - think sdl, sdl_net, sdl_ttf, however with an C++ interface, and they always should be used altogether, even if you might need only one of them). be457b7860

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