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FIB-Lab, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University

     (Incoming Research Assistant Professor in BNRist, Tsinghua University)

Email: chgao96[at]gmail[dot]com

Chen Gao  is now a Postdoctoral Researcher at FIB-Lab in the Department of E.E., Tsinghua University. He obtained his Ph.D. Degree (advised by Prof. Yong Li and Prof. Depeng Jin) and Bachelor's Degree from the same department in 2021 and 2016, respectively. His research primarily focuses on data mining and information retrieval, with over 50 papers in top-tier venues (40+ CCF-A), including SIGIR, WWW, KDD, TKDE, TOIS, ICDE, ICLR, NeurIPS, MM, UbiComp, CSCW, NDSS, etc. His work on GNN-based bundle recommendation received the Best Short Paper Honorable Mention Award in SIGIR 2020. He serves as the PC member for conferences such as WWW, KDD, SIGIR, WSDM, CIKM, NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, MM, RecSys, AAAI, IJCAI, AISTATS, ECML-PKDD, etc., and the regular reviewer for journals including IEEE TKDE, ACM TOIS, IEEE TNNLS, etc. He was a visiting research scholar (advised by Prof. Tat-Seng Chua) at NExT Center of National University of Singapore in 2018. He was selected as one of Top 100 Chinese Rising Stars in Artificial Intelligence by Baidu Scholar in 2021. He was also at the finalist of  2021 China Computer Federation (CCF) Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award

Advertisements (long-term effective): We are seeking self-motivated interns (SRTs) to conduct research with us remotely or at Tsinghua (we will cover your rental expense).  Feel free to contact me via email if you are interested.



Publications [Google Scholar]

(*corresponding author)

In the year of 2023:

In the year of 2022:

In the year of 2021:

In the year of 2020:

In the year of 2019:

Before 2019:

What's New

Jun. 21, 2023

[New!] One paper about short-video recommendation is accepted by RecSys 2023.

May. 30, 2023

I am invited to be a Program Committee (PC) Member of CIKM 2023.

May. 17, 2023

Three papers on recommendation, urban vulnerability, living demands prediction are accepted by KDD 2023.

Apr. 25, 2023

I am invited to be a Program Committee (PC) Member of ACMMM 2023.

Apr. 14, 2023

One paper on knowledge graph-based recommendation is accepted by ACM TOIS.

Apr. 5, 2023

One full paper and one short paper on micro-video recommendation and cold-start recommendation are accepted by SIGIR 2023.

Mar. 10, 2023

One paper on multi-behavior recommendation is accepted by ACM TOIS.

Mar. 3, 2023

I am invited to be a Program Committee (PC) Member of RecSys 2023.

Jan. 25, 2023

Three papers on controllable recommender system, sequential recommendation and social recommendation are accepted by TheWebConf 2023.

Dec. 23, 2022

I am invited to be a Program Committee (PC) Member of SIGIR 2023.

Oct. 30, 2022

One paper on disentangling geographical effect for point-of-interest recommendation is accepted by IEEE TKDE.

Sep. 19, 2022

I am invited to be a Program Committee (PC) Member of AISTATS 2023.

Aug. 29, 2022

We have released a survey on causal inference for recommender systems.

Aug. 25, 2022

Our survey paper about graph neural network-based recommender systems is accepted by ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems.

Aug. 2, 2022

One full research paper and one short research paper are accepted by CIKM 2022.

Jun. 30, 2022

One paper on short-video recommendation is accepted by ACM Multimedia 2022.

May. 19, 2022

Two papers on user intention discovery and user decision-factor are accepted by KDD 2022.

May. 17, 2022

One paper on disentangling social conformity and social influence for recommendation is accepted by IEEE TKDE.

Apr. 1, 2022

Two short papers on sequential recommendation and session-based recommendation are accepted by SIGIR 2022.

Feb. 25, 2022

We hosted the tutorial on "Graph Neural Networks for Recommender System"  (Website | Slides) in WSDM 2022.  

Dec. 30, 2021

I am invited to be a Program Committee (PC) Member of KDD 2022 and ICML 2022.

Nov. 8, 2021

I am invited to give a talk about the GNN-RecSys survey in the  Departmental Seminars (COMP 6911 & COMP 6912) Fall 2021 of the Dept. of ECE, HKUST.

Oct. 28, 2021

Our tutorial proposal of "Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systemis accepted by WSDM 2022.

Sep. 27, 2021

We have released a survey entitled "Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems: Challenges, Methods, and Directions" at arXiv

Aug. 1, 2021

I am invited to be a Program Committee (PC) Member of TheWebConf 2022, ICLR 2022, WSDM 2022, AAAI 2022, and IJCAI 2022.

Apr. 17, 2021

I am invited to be a Program Committee (PC) Member of NeurIPS 2021.

Mar. 17, 2021

I am invited to be a Program Committee (PC) Member of ECML-PKDD 2021.

Professional Services 

Conference Program Committee Member (PC Member): 

Journal Reviewer: 
