The Department of Chemistry's X-Ray Diffraction Facility Lab (XDFL) is equipped with one modern Bruker D8 Quest diffractometer, Bruker S8 TIGER WDXRF spectrometer, and Rigaku Ultima IV diffractometer. The single-crystal X-ray diffractometer is coupled to an extraordinarily sensitive Bruker AXS PHOTON II CPAD detector that gives rise to high-resolution data even on tiny crystals. Currently, the data collection can be performed at 298 K using ω-and φ-scans. The X-ray diffraction facility offers full data collection using APEX3 Crystal Structure Analysis Package (Bruker AXS). The X-ray Diffraction Facility provides a full single-crystal X-ray structure determination at MoKa (λ = 0.71073 Å) radiation generated by an Iμsmicrofocus tube.

+ Contact

Dr. Abdul Malik Peedikakkal

Mr. Nadir Osman
Supporting Staff

Bldg. 4 - Room 146
Dhahran, P.O. Box 5048
+966 13 860 2274

+ Hours of Operation

Sunday - Thursday
8:00 A.M - 4:00 P.M

KFUPM Faculty, Students, and Staff can utilize the facilities via booking through KFUPM RRM.

For outside KFUPM Community, you may book your reservations by registering at this link:

+ Instrumentation

Bruker AXS D8 Venture diffractometer:

The X-ray Diffraction Facility offers a full single-crystal X-ray structure determination at MoKa (λ = 0.71073 Å) radiation generated by an Iμsmicrofocus tube. The single-crystal X-ray diffractometer is coupled to an extraordinarily sensitive Bruker AXS PHOTON II CPAD detector that gives rise to high-resolution data even on tiny crystals. The X-ray diffraction facility offers full data collection using APEX3 Crystal Structure Analysis Package (Bruker AXS).

Bruker S8 TIGER WDXRF spectrometer:

Bruker S8 TIGER dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) analysis provides the characteristics wavelength with a high degree of resolution. S8 TIGER with 3K provide high analytical performance with most flexible beam path.

Rigaku Ultima IV diffractometer:

The Rigaku Ultima IV enables various applications, including in-plane and regular geometry phase identification, quantitative analysis, lattice parameter refinement, crystallite size, structure refinement, density, roughness, and multilayer thicknesses (from reflectivity geometries), and depth-controlled phase identification. Within the facility, users have access to the ICDD's PDXL2.

+ Services

The Department of Chemistry's X-Ray Diffraction Facility offers:

Single-crystal X-ray diffraction

Only well-trained users will collect diffraction data at using Bruker D8 Quest diffractometer after approval. The crystal will be mounted on a MiTeGen™ loop in Paratone oil usually. Currently, the data collection can only be performed at room temperature. These diffractometers are coupled to extraordinarily sensitive Bruker APEX3 PHOTON II CPAD detector that gives rise to high-resolution data even on very small crystals.

Data collection will only be performed using Mo source, which provides higher resolution data.

Data collection using APEX3 and structural solution and cell refinement: SAINT, data reduction: SAINT, absorption correction: SADABS, structure solution: direct methods (SHELXT-2014) and structure refinement: full-matrix least-squares method on F2 (SHELXL-2014)5 using ShelXle as the graphical user interface, molecular graphics: program XP (part of the SHELXTL 6.14 program library) can be performed. The quality of data depends on the sufficient quality of crystal submitted.

Powder X-ray diffraction

Data can be collected for users, or trained users may collect their own data after the approval from the RRM. The Rigaku Ultima IV enables various applications, including in-plane and routine geometry phase identification, quantitative analysis, lattice parameter refinement, crystallite size, structure refinement, density, roughness, and multilayer thicknesses (from reflectivity geometries), and depth-controlled phase identification.

X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

Whether it is qualitative or quantitative evaluation, SPECTRAplus leaves all options open: Scan measurements are always evaluated fully automatically, the elements are identified, and the concentrations are calculated. If you like, you can check and refine the results interactively. Data can be collected for users, or trained users may collect their own data after the approval from the RRM.

+ Fees

The following fees apply as of October 1, 2020:

Instrument KFUPM Non-Profit Commercial
First Additional First Additional First Additional

SXRD (Data Collection) 350 250

SCXRD (Structure Determination) 300 250 450 375 1200 1000

SCXRD (Unit Cell Determination) 150 130 225 195 600 520

PXRD 150 130 225 195 600 520

XRF 150 130 225 195 600 520

+ Training


+ User Manual
