Structures should ideally be prepared with chemistry drawing software and saved as images in TIFF, EPS or PDF format. You may also embed the graphics in your manuscript if you prefer, but these should be saved in image format first.

Background:  Paramagnetic species such as O2 and free radicals can enhance T1 and T2 relaxation times. If the change in relaxation time is sufficiently large, the contrast will be generated in magnetic resonance images. Since radiation is known to be capable of altering the concentration of O2 and free radicals during water radiolysis, it may be possible for radiation to induce MR signal change.

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Purpose:  We present the first reported instance of x-ray-induced MR signal changes in water phantoms and investigate potential paramagnetic relaxation enhancement mechanisms associated with radiation chemistry changes in oxygen and free radical concentrations.

Methods:  Images of water and 10 mM coumarin phantoms were acquired on a 0.35 T MR-linac before, during, and after a dose delivery of 80 Gy using an inversion-recovery dual-echo sequence with water nullified. Radiation chemistry simulations of these conditions were performed to calculate changes in oxygen and free radical concentrations. Published relaxivity values were then applied to calculate the resulting T1 change, and analytical MR signal equations were used to calculate the associated signal change.

Results:  Compared to pre-irradiation reference images, water phantom images taken during and after irradiation showed little to no change, while coumarin phantom images showed a small signal loss in the irradiated region with a contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of 1.0-2.5. Radiation chemistry simulations found oxygen depletion of -11 M in water and -31 M in coumarin, resulting in a T1 lengthening of 24 ms and 68 ms respectively, and a simulated CNR of 1.0 and 2.8 respectively. This change was consistent with observations in both direction and magnitude. Steady-state superoxide, hydroxyl, hydroperoxyl, and hydrogen radical concentrations were found to contribute less than 1 ms of T1 change.

The 2-channel SBS method requires only 2 images per cycle, instead of 4 (Figure 1). This accelerates sequencing and data processing times, while delivering the same quality and accuracy that sets Illumina systems apart. These advances make 2-channel SBS an affordable solution, enabling NGS to become an everyday tool in laboratories worldwide.

Rather than using a separate dye for each base, 2-channel SBS simplifies nucleotide detection by using two fluorescent dyes and two images to determine all four base calls. Images are taken of each DNA cluster using blue and green wavelength filter bands.

Clusters seen in blue or green images are interpreted as C and T bases, respectively. Clusters observed in both blue and green images are flagged as A bases, while unlabeled clusters are identified as G bases.

2-channel chemistry uses two different fluorescent dyes. In contrast, the original 4-channel chemistry uses a mixture of nucleotides labeled with four different fluorescent dyes, while 1-channel chemistry uses only one dye. The images are processed by image analysis software to determine nucleotide identity.

1-channel SBS couples sequencing by synthesis chemistry with complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. While it uses the same base-calling architecture as 2-channel SBS, the 1-channel method supports lower instrument costs and the convenience of a small instrument footprint, all while maintaining high accuracy. Our smallest sequencer, the iSeq 100 System, uses 1-channel SBS.

ChemCam also uses the laser to clear away dust from Martian rocks and a remote camera to acquire extremely detailed images. The camera can resolve features 5 to 10 times smaller than those visible with cameras on NASA's two Mars Exploration Rovers that began exploring the red planet in January 2004. In the event the Mars Science Laboratory rover can't reach a rock or outcrop of interest, ChemCam has the capability to analyze it from a distance.

We recently polled authors on what their preferred program for creating chemistry figures for research publication via our @ACS4Authors account. Unfortunately, Twitter polls only allow for 4 answer choices, so we hoped to capture votes for other popular programs for creating chemistry figures by asking you to tweet at us. And tweet you did. 5,892 impressions, 233 engagements, 181 votes, 18 direct tweets and 24 hours later, here are the results:

Joachim Frank, born 1940 in Siegen, Germany. Ph.D. 1970, Technical University of Munich, Germany. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics and of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, New York, USA.

Confectioners produce around 9 billion pieces of candy corn every year, according to the US National Confectioners Association, with a significant chunk of this consumed by trick-or-treaters. In the latest edition of Periodic Graphics in C&EN, we look at what candy corn is made of and the chemistry behind its vibrant colours. View the full graphic on the C&EN site.

Cooking is chemistry, so it should come as no surprise that chemical knowledge can help in the kitchen. The latest edition of Periodic Graphics in C&EN includes four practical tips and the science behind them. View the full graphic on the C&EN site.

The Most Cited Journal in Analytical Chemistry*Analytical Chemistry is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry. Fundamental articles may address the general principles of chemical measurement science without directly studying existing analytical methodology as long as what is discussed relates to an important chemical parameter. Articles may be theoretical or they may report experimental results. They may contribute to any phase of analytical operations including sampling, measurements, and data analysis; the articles should target fields including, but not limited to, bioanalytical chemistry, bioengineering, chemical analysis, environmental sciences, forensics and medical sciences. Topics commonly include chemical reactions and selectivity, chemometrics and data processing, electrochemistry, elemental and molecular characterization, imaging, instrumentation, mass spectrometry, microscale and nanoscale systems, -omics, sensing, separations, spectroscopy, and surface analysis. Papers dealing with established analytical methods need to offer a significantly improved, original application of the method.

EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry publishes new research in the field of development of new imaging and radionuclide-based therapeutic agents for application in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. The journal provides a platform for chemists, pharmacists, biologists and basic scientists to present their views and scientific work. In addition, the journal provides insight into novel concepts of imaging or radionuclide-based therapeutic agent applications of relevance for the whole molecular imaging community.

The journal reports original research articles, review papers, guidelines on the application of imaging or radionuclide therapy agents, editorials, and letters to the editor. Research articles on novel production methods of radionuclides, novel radiochemistry, new radiopharmaceuticals including their first biological evaluation, molecular imaging agents including optical imaging, MRI, and hybrid probes, are the main focus of the journal. To foster daily practice in the community the journal stimulates submission regarding best practice and harmonization of methodologies. To translate imaging and radionuclide therapy agents to the clinic, legislative issues related to their production and safety can be presented as well in the form of guidelines or position papers.

To further serve the community the journal publishes abstracts of radiopharmaceutical-oriented congresses.

EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry is a new journal within the EJNMMI family to publish research in the field of new imaging and radionuclide-based therapeutic agents that can be applied in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. There is a great need for better and more specific imaging agents for better diagnosis and understanding of disease. This will finally enable improvement of patient treatment. The combination of different molecular imaging modalities to obtain the optimal diagnostic information will be bolstered by the development of hybrid imaging probes. The number of applications of radionuclide therapy is increasing and more effective radiotherapeutic agents are urgently needed. Thus it can be concluded that radiopharmacy and radiochemistry are very essential for the development of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging and for its position in personalized medicine.

Department of Chemistry members are committed to advancing fundamental and applied science, to training future scientists to their fullest potential, and to providing the tools for students to compete in the global market. We offer cutting-edge opportunities in analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry, as well as in a broad range of interdisciplinary areas such as materials, polymer, solid-state and computational chemistry. Find out more about the minor in materials science and engineering (PDF) for students earning a B.A. in chemistry.

This combo image shows Professor Emeritus Louis Brus, left, Alexei Ekimov of Nanocrystals Technology Inc., center, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientist Moungi Bawendi. The three scientists in the United States won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for their work on quantum dots. (AP Photo) e24fc04721

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