Those who use the TLVs MUST consult the latest Documentation to ensure that they understand the basis for the TLV and the information used in its development. The amount and quality of the information that is available for each chemical substance varies over time.

Chemical substances with equivalent TLVs (i.e., same numerical values) cannot be assumed to have similar toxicologic effects or similar biologic potency. In this book, there are columns listing the TLVs for each chemical substance (that is, airborne concentrations in parts per million [ppm] or milligrams per cubic meter [mg/m3]) and critical effects produced by the chemical substance. These critical effects form the basis of the TLV.

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Additional copies of the TLVs and BEIs book and the multi-volume Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices, upon which this book is based, are available from ACGIH. Documentation of individual TLVs is also available. Consult the ACGIH website ( for additional information and availability concerning these publications.

The Most Cited Journal in Analytical Chemistry*Analytical Chemistry is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry. Fundamental articles may address the general principles of chemical measurement science without directly studying existing analytical methodology as long as what is discussed relates to an important chemical parameter. Articles may be theoretical or they may report experimental results. They may contribute to any phase of analytical operations including sampling, measurements, and data analysis; the articles should target fields including, but not limited to, bioanalytical chemistry, bioengineering, chemical analysis, environmental sciences, forensics and medical sciences. Topics commonly include chemical reactions and selectivity, chemometrics and data processing, electrochemistry, elemental and molecular characterization, imaging, instrumentation, mass spectrometry, microscale and nanoscale systems, -omics, sensing, separations, spectroscopy, and surface analysis. Papers dealing with established analytical methods need to offer a significantly improved, original application of the method.

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Title. Use specific and informative titles with a high keyword content. Avoid acronyms and subtitles. Either the title or the abstract must contain the name(s) of the central measurement methodology (or methodologies) used in the paper.

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