I'm Che-Jui (Jerry) Chang, a PhD student from Department of Computer Science at Rutgers University. I am supervised by Prof. Mubbasir Kapadia at Intelligent Visual Interfaces Lab.Β 

πŸŽ‰I am glad to announce that I will be joining Amazon as an Applied Scientist Intern this summer!

πŸŽ‰ My first-authored paper "Learning from Synthetic Human Group Activities" has been accepted to CVPR24.

πŸŽ‰ The follow-up paper "On the Equivalency, Substitutability, and Flexibility of Synthetic Data" has been accepted to SynData4CV @ CVPR24.

Last update on April 17, 2024


My research interest lies in the fields of computer vision, graphics, and multimodal interaction, with a specific focus on problems associated with virtual humans, embodied intelligent agents, and human-agent interaction. My past research includes designing generative models for animating human faces, hand and body gestures, and collective group activities. Additionally, I’ve extensively researched the capability of LLMs for conversational avatars, digital storytelling, narrative graphs, and autonomous social agents. Another branch of my research focus is to unleash the potential of synthetic data, powered by CG render engines and generative diffusion models, to ultimately address data scarcity and improve model generalizability in computer vision tasks, leading to more robust and reliable AI systems.

Contact me at chejui.chang@rutgers.edu or check out my LinkedIn



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