I noticed when doing a manual Windows Updates using Control Panel it finds the updates fast enough but after selecting updates I want to install and asking to install them takes forever to Download updates and no progress indicated, but if I click the start icon after some time it shows the updates are ready to install if I Shut Down the PC, indicated by the yellow Bang. No indication of what updates are ready to install either.

If I let the Windows update run on downloading, it will eventually download and install the selected updates but still no progress indicated, but takes hours. I see this behavior on some (4) my W7 PC's (7).

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Note: Home network, Fios with no other issues. Its wide spread on several computers and does it on any of them when I travel with those devices also, it is a windows update gui issue. Happens on Normal month to month updates.

This issue does not happen anymore since MS started rolling out servicing stack updates. for Windows Update issues after a Clean install of W7 see my post over here>>>>>Windows 7 SP1 Windows Update stuck checking for updates

I like all the methods listed here on this MS KB as potential solutions to this problem. In particular Method 10 thru Method 13 stick out to me the most that sound like solutions I've used in the past to resolve correlated problems even if not exactly the same.

I'll only quote the methods below I would not skip for sure if I were troubleshooting this issue but I wouldn't limit myself to just these or just this KB for that matter but these may be good starting points for potential solutions.

Lastly, I'd start troubleshooting and working this problem from one of the machines and ensure it's connected to a rather speedy Internet connection so in other words if you're traveling and connected to public network or a mobile wifi, just wait to ensure those factors don't play a role in the issue just in case.

Download and run the System Update Readiness tool. This tool runs a one-time scan for inconsistencies that may prevent future servicing operations. For more information about how to download and run the CheckSur.exe tool, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

In another answer of mine, I have explainedthat Windows Update constructs in memory a tree of all the updates which couldapply to a computer, then prunes it with a view to the updates already installedon the computer, to finally arrive at the set of updates that need to be installed and the order of installation.

The time taken for this brute-force process is a function of the total numberof updates available for this platform, since the last service pack.Every service pack sort of defines a new platform for which updates startto accumulate anew. Also, Windows Update need to transfer large amounts of datafrom the Microsoft servers who may be overburdened.

Windows 7 SP1 came out on February 22, 2011, more than 5 years ago, and since thenthe number of updates has grown enormously. In addition, Microsoft'sWindows Update servers now give priority on bandwidth to Windows 10 clients.So all in all, Windows 7 SP1 is left to suffer.

To solve this problem, Microsoft has lately released theconvenience rollup for Windows 7 SP1, which, exactly the same as aservice pack, serves as a starting platform for updates.Installing it results in a much smallerupdates tree which is much faster to download and process,since only updates posterior to it are considered rather than all updates since 2011.Unfortunately, it is not available via Windows Update and has to bedownloaded and installed manually.

This convenience rollup is the only way by which one can reduce theWindows Update running time on Windows 7 SP1. Another one would be tolaunch it on hours in which the Windows Update servers of Microsofthave more available bandwidth (early morning or late night).

Admittedly, the problems you observe are a bit extreme, and might be relatedto some inefficiency that relates to the particular setup of these computers.I think that some combination of factors has enormously increased the time thatWindows Update takes to download and prune its update tree.This might even be a Microsoft bug.You might gain more information on the problem by watching Windows Updatewhile it is working, as regarding memory usage, network activity and disk access.

Installing the convenience rollup for Windows 7 SP1 is the only way I can thinkof to cut this Gordian Knot of Windows Update on the affected computers.However, it will probably stop working some time in the future, so has to be appliedquickly.

Turn off automatic Windows updates from the Control Panel and turn off the Windows Update service. Then, go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and delete everything in the folder. Restart the Windows Update service. Finally, open the CLI, type wuauclt.exe /updatenow, and press "Enter." Try to download the patches again and see what happens.

The "Download pending" could also be due to expired / damaged certificates.Considering that Windows 7 and Windows 10 are pretty much suffering from similar decisions when looking at Windows Update, I'd like to contribute a further possible solution.

Just in case you want to rely on tools included in Windows, feel free to check the Event Log -> Application for "CertificateServicesClient-AutoEnrollment" with ID 64 and a criticality of "Warning".Alternatively, you can get a detailed error code using the Windows Update Minitool, which is basically a 3rd party tool interfacing with Windows Update.For me, both Windows Update and the Windows Store seemingly started downloading but got stuck at "Download pending" and would not continue or show an error code.The Windows Update Minitool finally gave me two error codes, the important of them being:

The solution seems to be rather simple, if you are able to find a working manual.Kaspersky is offering a rather decent one over here.This is especially helpful, as the rootsupd.exe tool is rather difficult to find.And despite Kaspersky telling you to get the certificate store backup from a working device, feel free to just get the latest list of certificates from Microsoft.For some reason, I was not able to use those certificates without rootsupd.exe - the certificate management applet would show the certificate list, but would deem it broken.When I used the rootsupd.exe to extract and import the contents of authrootstl.cab, my Windows Update finally started working again. 152ee80cbc

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