Points and Badges Map

This guide shows the badges students can earn for each module and lesson

Module 1 Filtering News and Information

Introduction: Ready, Set...

You understand what news literacy is and why it is a vital skill. Complete the introduction to the checkology™ virtual classroom. 25 points

Lesson 1: In The Zone

You understand the concept of categorizing information by its primary purpose. Categorize at least one initial media example into its correct Info Zone. 25 points

Lesson 1: Own The Zone Master

You have acquired the skill of categorizing information by its primary purpose. Collect four or more In the Zone task badges. 50 points

Lesson 1: In The End Zone

You are trained in sorting and filtering information according to its primary purpose. Complete the “Know Your Zone: Sorting Information” lesson and have it accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Lesson 2: News Court Adjourned!

You are trained to evaluate the newsworthiness of an event or news report. Complete the “What is News?” lesson and have it accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Lesson 3: Managing Editor

You are an experienced evaluator of newsworthiness. Complete the “Be the Editor” lesson and have it accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Module 2 Exercising Civic Freedoms

Lesson 1: Freedom Identifier

You know at least one of the five freedoms protected by the First Amendment. Correctly identify at least one of the five freedoms protected by the First Amendment in the beginning of the lesson. 25 points

Lesson 1: First Amendment Fiver

You are among the approximately 2% of people who can name all five freedoms protected by the First Amendment. Collect five Freedom Identifier badges by correctly identifying all five freedoms protected by the First Amendment in the beginning of the lesson. 50 points

Lesson 1: Constitutionally Skilled

You are an ascending expert on First Amendment landmark cases. Complete the “First Amendment: Freedom to Express” lesson and have it accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Lesson 2: The Watchdog

You understand what watchdog journalism is and the historic role it has played in American democracy. Complete the lesson “A Free Press: Democracy's Watchdog” and have it accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Lesson 1: Protection Reflection

You understand and have explained your own opinion about a landmark First Amendment case decided by the Supreme Court. You understand and have explained your own opinion about a landmark First Amendment case decided by the Supreme Court. Learn about one of the six landmark First Amendment rulings in “The First Amendment: Freedom to Express,” explain your opinion on the ruling and have your answer accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Lesson 1: "Precendential" Power

You understand and have explained your own opinion about six of the most important First Amendment cases to have ever been decided by the Supreme Court. Learn about all six landmark First Amendment rulings in “The First Amendment: Freedom to Express,” explain your opinions on the rulings and have all six of your answers accepted by your teacher. 50 points

Lesson 3: Watch Me Now, Hey!

This badge is awarded to students who complete “Citizen Watchdogs: Participating in Democracy,” an original News Literacy Project lesson about the watchdog role that citizens can play in a modern democracy. The lesson guides students as they research several historic case studies involving citizen watchdogs and asks them to reflect on the significance and meaning of what those people did. Complete the "Citizen Watchdogs" lesson and have it accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Module 3 Navigating Today's Information Landscape

Lesson 1: Viral Instincts

You have good instincts about the credibility of viral rumors found online. Correctly detect the truth of one of the initial four viral rumors in the lesson. 25 points

Lesson 1: Viral Immunity

You have an uncanny ability to judge the credibility of viral rumors found online. Collect four Viral Instincts badges by correctly identifying the truth of each of the initial four viral rumors in the lesson. 25 points

Lesson 1: Antidote

You are a trained virologist who can diagnose and evaluate viral rumors found online. Complete the “Virology: Dissecting Rumors” lesson and have it accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Lesson 2: Personalization Identification

You understand the concept of algorithmic personalization and have reflected on its role in your life. Explain a recent online experience that you believe involved personalization and have your answer accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Lesson 2: Personally Empowered

You understand the benefits and challenges presented by algorithms that personalize information for consumers. Complete the “Personalizing Information: The Role of Algorithms” lesson and have it accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Module 4 How to Know What to Believe

Lesson 1: Standard Bearer

You know the seven standards of quality journalism and understand the role they play in producing and discerning credible information. Complete the “Getting the Story: Practicing Quality Journalism” lesson and have it accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Lesson 2: Bias Checker

You are experienced in evaluating bias in news and other kinds of information. Evaluate the level of bias in the collection of five media examples at the end of the “Recognizing Bias” lesson. 25 points

Lesson 2: Neutral Authority

You have been trained to thoughtfully evaluate bias in news and other information. Complete the “Recognizing Bias” lesson and have it accepted by your teacher. 25 points

Lesson 3: Check Enabled

You have been trained in the basics of news literacy and know how to use NLP's "Check Tool" to evaluate the credibility of a piece of information. Complete the “Checking Credibility: Evaluating Information” lesson and unlock the NLP Check Tool. 25 points

The Check Tool

Credibility Checker

You have completed a comprehensive evaluation of the credibility of an example of information. Use the NLP Check Tool to complete a credibility report about a piece of information and get it accepted by your teacher. 50 points

Cred Head

You are fully trained in the fundamental skills of news literacy and have significant experience evaluating the credibility of information. Collect five Credibility Checker badges by completing five Check Tool reports. 100 points

checkologyⓇ virtual classroom

Checkologist master badge

Get all 10 of the lesson- completion badges (*) (essentially completing the core unit). 200 points