System Updates

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Update on April 21, 2021

Changes to CF4 XML Generator (eClaims Version 2.7.4), validation and default values:

a) Patient Height in cm and Weight kg is now required.

b) If N/A or NA (Not available) was put in patient BP values 1/1 will be the default extracted values in CF4 XML and also if “palpatory” was put in patient BP values 2/2 will be the default values extracted.

c) Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate values of Patient with decimal values is not acceptable.

d) If no medicines found in the list of Drugs and Medicines in CF4 of the patient there will be no drugs and medicines extracted in the CF4 XML and “DRUGS AND MEDICINES NOT NEEDED DURING THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE OF CARE” will be reflected in patient’s CF4 when viewed by PHIC claim processor.

e) The maximum size in Megabytes per claim attachment is 1.5 Megabytes. If the claim attachment is greater than 1.5MB, divide the document to several files with sizes less or equal to 1.5MB. Attach the divided file according to its pages’ sequence and assign the same document code/type to the divided document.

f) Additional disposition "RECOVERED" in Outcome.

g) If the facility has Cloud Storage account, they can select from the list of PHIC Cloud API URLs based on the accessibility/availability of PHIC Cloud Storage API

h) If the facility has no PHIC Cloud Storage Account or the facility want to use the DOH storage, then set the URL to “DOH Storage"

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