Academic Senate
Document Interface

This Google site serves as a means to interface with Google Drive which allows access to Academic Senate documents in an open, shared, and transparent manner. 

Committee Sign-up Sheet

Executive Committee To-Do List

Senator To-Do List


The "Ten Plus" One

Academic Senate Charge

The CHC Academic Senate, in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, functions as the body representing the views and needs of the faculty of Crafton Hills College on all academic and professional matters as identified in Title 5, §53200 (c).  In order to fulfill its prescribed duties, the Academic Senate, represented by its President or his/her designee, shall appear before and make regular reports to the District Board of Trustees at public meetings and, when appropriate, meet with the Board or its individual members.  In addition, the Academic Senate shall serve as the agency that represents the faculty whenever consultation or interaction with the District or the college administration is necessary, excepting matters that fall under the exclusive authority of the faculty bargaining agent

Meetings, Membership, and Committees


The Academic Senate meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 3:00pm, normally in the multipurpose Room of the LRC.  These meetings are open to the public, and all campus employees are invited to attend. Pursuant to the requirements of the Brown Act, the Senate shall abide by the following mandates:

Academic Senate Membership

Each of the campus divisions will elect up to forty percent of their faculty as representatives: 

Full-time faculty will be elected for two-year terms. Seats that become open for any reason will become open Senator-at-large seats to be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee.

The roles and responsibilities of each Senator are:

Term: Two years

Academic Senate Standing Committees

Historical Committees