The COOLEST Car Chase Scene / Music Action Scene (list your favorites):clap:List your favorite scenes that you thought was the most dynamic, action/car chase scene with the best song/music playing in the background.

The one in "Stone's War" -is it the one that the 2 FBI agents are chasing Sonny and Stone (there was some cool music in the background) after Sonny picked him up from the airport?Which episodes were nr. 1 & 5 in? (I want to see them! since I cannot recall!)Yep, I like nr 2 also, that was pretty dynamic high speed with lots of close filming (funny thought it was diablo, providing we are talking about the white one)

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Daytona:Bought And Paid For, the one with the countach. only thing that brought it down was the generic season 1 music being played during it, hell just remove the music all togther and it would have been perfect.One Way Ticket's end chase althought I wish crockett would have kicked the daytona in the ass and kicked it up to 80 mph, it looked like he was doing 40 in some of the scenes, although I apreciate the fact that it was continious and suspenseful plus it lead up to this: italy was pretty decient too but the looped part of the chase scene and thats a major no no in my bookTestarossa:Down For The Count: Part 2 althought the over exposure and speed up of the footage brings it down seriously in my book, I mean whats the point of the detomaso pantera stunt car if they never use the bloody thing in the chase scenes?!and the same applies to Stones War plus this :// testarossa vs this?! are you kidding me step on it and you'd have lost them in seconds Crockett! atleast with the vette and the cuda in a straight line they would have been able to keep up with the testarossa up to 60and I hate it when they loop the chase scenes AND speed up the camera to make it look like there going faster I mean come on why not the testa vs this? calderones mercedes? A little, take a little:great chase for the caddies first apperance, it vs Michael Madsen's SUV

My favourite is the one from Down For The Count Part II. The Testarossa at night through downtown Miami with Billy Idol's 'Don't Need A Gun'. Awesome stuff! So thrilling and dynamic. The music underscored the sequence perfecty.Other favourites are the one from Bought and Paid For (awesome scenery there) and the chase through the Bahamian town in Calderone's Demise. I love that sequence. There were hills there, something that was missing from other chase scenes.

The car chase in BOUGHT AND PAID FOR is my all time favorite. Great shots of incredible exotic cars driving fairly fast in real life. I also really, really like the JAN HAMMER music for the chase!Then the scene at the end of the chase, "It's a hundred grand worth of machine. ....don't scratch it." And Crockett kicks the side of the car hard.CLASSIC!

This doesn't exactly = an actual car chase...but a "hot pursuit" to try and catch Calderone before he left Miami--and that of course was in the "Pilot" with the Daytona Spyder with In the Air Tonight playing in the background!I also love another chase from the "Pilot" ("Brother's Keeper") and that was when Tubbs steals Crockett's boat and Sonny has to chase him in the Camaro along the bay! The car chase in "Dutch Oven"--where Crockett and Trudy chase the punk who had "surprised" the drug deal in the club and stole the drug money. That was awesome--with Trudy made up all punk, the wind whipping through her hair, her looking over at Crockett like he was nuts for driving that fast, and all of it was in slow motion! :thumbsup:I also love the car chase in "Bought and Paid For"--where Crockett chases the lamborgini in the Daytona Spyder! It's hilarious when Sonny kicks the sleeze's Lamborgini just to piss him off! Also love it later when Crockett tells the punk to beat it before he busts him for air polution! :)Another awesome car chase was in "Calderone's Return" Pt. 1 ("Hit List") where they chase the assassin and Mendez in the Camaro.

My absolute favourite is the chase in Bought and paid for (the Jan Hammer music is awesome, wished it was released...)The second is the one in Down for the count II: love the expression on Crockett's face when he's about to confront the second car.Another car chase that I like is the one in Buddies, song "No Guarantees" in the background is so strong.

Car Chases..LiL Miss Dangerous: Crockett racing to the safe house to save Tubbs from Jackie.Dutch Oven: Sonny and Trudy going after a perp.Cool Runing: The opening car chase sequenceBrother's Keeper: Crockett and Tubbs going to stop Calderone from fleeing Miami.Action Scenes...Walk Alone: Castillo going in the prison to rescue Tubbs.Golden Triangle pt 2: Final showdown and capture of General Lao Li.No Exit: Tubbs, OCB and the Feds taking down Tony Amato.Little Prince: Opening scenes with Trudy and Gina in the shooting gallery.

Kavinsky Daytona:Bought And Paid For, the one with the countach. only thing that brought it down was the generic season 1 music being played during it, hell just remove the music all togther and it would have been perfect.One Way Ticket's end chase althought I wish crockett would have kicked the daytona in the ass and kicked it up to 80 mph, it looked like he was doing 40 in some of the scenes, although I apreciate the fact that it was continious and suspenseful plus it lead up to this: italy was pretty decient too but the looped part of the chase scene and thats a major no no in my book

My favourite is the one from Down For The Count Part II. The Testarossa at night through downtown Miami with Billy Idol's 'Don't Need A Gun'. Awesome stuff! So thrilling and dynamic. The music underscored the sequence perfecty.

I think everyone wants to have that infamous instrumental music played on the first 6 episodes of "The Dukes of Hazzard" that was filmed in Covington, GA before moving to California. Especially the FIRST episode during the chase scenes. Well, still no luck. BUT, I came across a Waylon Jennings tune called - "Big Ball In Cowtown". It's on his 1976 'live' album. This song sounds VERY & EXTREMELY similar to the instrumental music. Once you hear this song, you'll agree. I bet this song was the influence for the instrumental music. -Dar.

The steel guitar was played by a fellow named JD Maness who also played with the country group called The Desert Rose Band. He has a very unique and signature playing style. Not sure what other musicians played in these sessions though. Tough to find much info on it.

Sometimes, there are no central and prominent melodies in action and chase music. However, when they do occur, they tend to be very fragmented and revolving around dissonant intervals and scales to portray what is happening in the scene. And just as with harmony, some consonant, heroic fragments might occur in moments with some bold and heroic actions from the protagonist. Melody lines can also just be really quick runs, adding some more movement in the cue, or they can sometimes be slow long notes in dissonant intervals. Generally in action music, melodic lines tend to be very quick and fragmented, or focusing on dissonant intervals instead of playing melodies that are the center of the cues like in a lot of other film music styles.

In traditional action cues, a large instrumentation is often used. Strings may be used used for repeating staccato figures, with accents usually enhanced by brass and percussion groups. They can also play long notes or melodies, usually emphasising dissonant harmonies. Woodwinds are often used for runs and ornaments, adding more movement to the cues. Powerful instruments such as brass is often used profusely in this kind of music, as they are able to portray the power needed in these cues. The brass players might accentuate hits with short articulations and play rhythmic patterns around the harmonies, or they might play melodic elements. A typical orchestration would be to have the trombones and tuba accentuate rhythms with short articulations in the low register and having the rest of the brass section play longer notes. That said, action cues vary widely in the ways they are orchestrated, and there are literally a thousand ways to do it. The best way to get an impression of how such material is orchestrated is to listen to an actual action cue from one of your favorite soundtracks.

For chase scenes, you should use a variety of angles to convey a sense of fast movement. Getting as much coverage as possible gives the editor more control. The concept is that, in an action scene, things happen faster and people will think faster, so it is acceptable to cut faster and convey more information in less time.

For a car chase, you can get shots of all kinds of things to make it visually more interesting and convey a sense of speed, even if you drive mostly 25mph. Make a list of things to shoot that relate to speed and the story.

For the wide shots of a car chase, using the zoomed-in shots will make the ground and everything around a car more blurred and appear to be moving faster. Because of that optical trick, you can be moving 25mph and it will look more like 50mph.

At its core, fast editing tends to make the viewers more tense, excited and at the edge of their seats. By contrast, if you want an audience to be more relaxed, longer cuts will ease them into the scene. More edits in less time works more effectively in action scenes. Because of the rate of cuts, the more traditional idea of showing a master or establishing shot first can go out the window, because the geography will be established a few seconds later. No one watching will be lost, as long as you get those wider, establishing shots that show viewers where the scene is.

Most people understand that music controls the mood and music of a scene, in the same way that the editing increases its pace in an action scene. Music that matches the action and drives the scene will always add to the level of tension and excitement.

Giving due diligence to scripting will give you the most control over your production, which, when filming something as dangerous and traditionally out of control as a car chase, will help you get the best footage. 006ab0faaa

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